Thread: rebased background worker reimplementation prototype

rebased background worker reimplementation prototype

Andres Freund

I've talked a few times about a bgwriter replacement prototype I'd
written a few years back. That happened somewhere deep in another thread
[1], and thus not easy to fix.

Tomas Vondra asked me for a link, but there was some considerable bitrot
since. Attached is a rebased and slightly improved version. It's also
available at [2][3].

The basic observation is that there's some fairly fundamental issues
with the current bgwriter implementation:

1) The pacing logic is complicated, but doesn't work well
2) If most/all buffers have a usagecount, it cannot do anything, because
   it doesn't participate in the clock-sweep
3) Backends have to re-discover the now clean buffers.

The prototype is much simpler - in my opinion of course. It has a
ringbuffer of buffers it thinks are clean (which might be reused
concurrently though). It fills that ringbuffer by performing
clock-sweep, and if necessary cleaning, usagecount=pincount=0
buffers. Backends can then pop buffers from that ringbuffer.

Pacing works by bgwriter trying to keep the ringbuffer full, and
backends emptying the ringbuffer. If the ringbuffer is less than 1/4
full, backends wake up bgwriter using the existing latch mechanism.

The ringbuffer is a pretty simplistic lockless (but just obstruction
free, not lock free) implementation, with a lot of unneccessary

I've had to improve the current instrumentation for pgwriter
(i.e. pg_stat_bgwriter) considerably - the details in there imo are not
even remotely good enough to actually understand the system (nor are the
names understandable). That needs to be split into a separate commit,
and the half dozen different implementations of the counters need to be

Obviously this is very prototype-stage code. But I think it's a good
starting point for going forward.

To enable it, one currently has to set the bgwriter_legacy = false GUC.

Some early benchmarks show that in IO heavy cases there's somewhere
between a very mild regression (close to noise), to a pretty
considerable improvement. To see a benefit one - fairly obviously -
needs a workload that is bigger than shared buffers, because otherwise
checkpointer is going to do all writes (and should, it can sort them

It's quite possible to saturate what a single bgwriter can write out (as
it is before the replacement). I'm inclined to think the next solution
for that is asynchronous IO, and write-combining, rather than multiple

Here's an example pg_stat_bgwriter from the middle of a pgbench run
(after resetting it a short while before):

┌─[ RECORD 1 ]───────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐
│ checkpoints_timed          │ 1                             │
│ checkpoints_req            │ 0                             │
│ checkpoint_write_time      │ 179491                        │
│ checkpoint_sync_time       │ 266                           │
│ buffers_written_checkpoint │ 172414                        │
│ buffers_written_bgwriter   │ 475802                        │
│ buffers_written_backend    │ 7140                          │
│ buffers_written_ring       │ 0                             │
│ buffers_fsync_checkpointer │ 137                           │
│ buffers_fsync_bgwriter     │ 0                             │
│ buffers_fsync_backend      │ 0                             │
│ buffers_bgwriter_clean     │ 832616                        │
│ buffers_alloc_preclean     │ 1306572                       │
│ buffers_alloc_free         │ 0                             │
│ buffers_alloc_sweep        │ 4639                          │
│ buffers_alloc_ring         │ 767                           │
│ buffers_ticks_bgwriter     │ 4398290                       │
│ buffers_ticks_backend      │ 17098                         │
│ maxwritten_clean           │ 17                            │
│ stats_reset                │ 2019-06-10 20:17:56.087704-07 │

Note that buffers_written_backend (as buffers_backend before) accounts
for file extensions too - which bgwriter can't offload. We should
replace that by a non-write (i.e. fallocate) anyway.


Andres Freund



Re: rebased background worker reimplementation prototype

Tomas Vondra

I've done a bit of benchmarking / testing on this, so let me report some
basic results. I haven't done any significant code review, I've simply
ran a bunch of pgbench runs on different systems with different scales.

System #1
* CPU: Intel i5
* RAM: 8GB
* storage: 6 x SATA SSD RAID0 (Intel S3700)
* autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
* autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
* autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
* autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
* bgwriter_delay = 100
* bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
* checkpoint_timeout = 30min
* max_wal_size = 64GB
* shared_buffers = 1GB

System #2
* CPU: 2x Xeon E5-2620v5
* RAM: 64GB
* storage: 3 x 7.2k SATA RAID0, 1x NVMe
* autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
* autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
* autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
* autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
* bgwriter_delay = 100
* bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
* checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
* checkpoint_timeout = 15min
* max_wal_size = 32GB
* shared_buffers = 8GB

For each config I've done tests with three scales - small (fits into
shared buffers), medium (fits into RAM) and large (at least 2x the RAM).
Aside from the basic metrics (throughput etc.) I've also sampled data
about 5% of transactions, to be able to look at latency stats.

The tests were done on master and patched code (both in the 'legacy' and
new mode).

I haven't done any temporal analysis yet (i.e. I'm only looking at global
summaries, not tps over time etc).

Attached is a spreadsheet with a summary of the results and a couple of
charts. Generally speaking, the patch has minimal impact on throughput, 
especially when using SSD/NVMe storage. See the attached "tps" charts.

When running on the 7.2k SATA RAID, the throughput improves with the
medium scale - from ~340tps to ~439tps, which is a pretty significant
jump. But on the large scale this disappears (in fact, it seems to be a
bit lower than master/legacy cases). Of course, all this is just from a
single run (although 4h, so noise should even out).

I've also computed latency CDF (from the 5% sample) - I've attached this
for the two interesting cases mentioned in the previous paragraph. This
shows that with the medium scale the latencies move down (with the patch,
both in the legacy and "new" modes), while on large scale the "new" mode
moves a bit to the right to higher values).

And finally, I've looked at buffer stats, i.e. number of buffers written
in various ways (checkpoing, bgwriter, backends) etc. Interestingly
enough, these numbers did not change very much - especially on the flash
storage. Maybe that's expected, though.

The one case where it did change is the "medium" scale on SATA storage,
where the throughput improved with the patch. But the change is kinda
strange, because the number of buffers evicted by the bgwriter decreased
(and instead it got evicted by the checkpointer). Which might explain the
higher throughput, because checkpointer is probably more efficient.


Tomas Vondra        
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services


Re: rebased background worker reimplementation prototype

Andres Freund

On 2019-07-12 15:47:02 +0200, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> I've done a bit of benchmarking / testing on this, so let me report some
> basic results. I haven't done any significant code review, I've simply
> ran a bunch of pgbench runs on different systems with different scales.


> System #1
> ---------
> * CPU: Intel i5
> * RAM: 8GB
> * storage: 6 x SATA SSD RAID0 (Intel S3700)
> * autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
> * autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
> * bgwriter_delay = 100
> * bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
> * checkpoint_timeout = 30min
> * max_wal_size = 64GB
> * shared_buffers = 1GB

What's the controller situation here? Can the full SATA3 bandwidth on
all of those drives be employed concurrently?

> System #2
> ---------
> * CPU: 2x Xeon E5-2620v5
> * RAM: 64GB
> * storage: 3 x 7.2k SATA RAID0, 1x NVMe
> * autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
> * autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
> * bgwriter_delay = 100
> * bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
> * checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
> * checkpoint_timeout = 15min
> * max_wal_size = 32GB
> * shared_buffers = 8GB

What type of NVMe disk is this? I'm mostly wondering whether it's fast
enough that there's no conceivable way that IO scheduling is going to
make a meaningful difference, given other bottlenecks in postgres.

In some preliminary benchmark runs I've seen fairly significant gains on
SATA and SAS SSDs, as well as spinning rust, but I've not yet
benchmarked on a decent NVMe SSD.

> For each config I've done tests with three scales - small (fits into
> shared buffers), medium (fits into RAM) and large (at least 2x the RAM).
> Aside from the basic metrics (throughput etc.) I've also sampled data
> about 5% of transactions, to be able to look at latency stats.
> The tests were done on master and patched code (both in the 'legacy' and
> new mode).

> I haven't done any temporal analysis yet (i.e. I'm only looking at global
> summaries, not tps over time etc).

FWIW, I'm working on a tool that generates correlated graphs of OS, PG,
pgbench stats. Especially being able to correlate the kernel's
'Writeback' stats (grep Writeback: /proc/meminfo) and latency is very
valuable. Sampling wait events over time also is worthwhile.

> When running on the 7.2k SATA RAID, the throughput improves with the
> medium scale - from ~340tps to ~439tps, which is a pretty significant
> jump. But on the large scale this disappears (in fact, it seems to be a
> bit lower than master/legacy cases). Of course, all this is just from a
> single run (although 4h, so noise should even out).

Any chance there's an order-of-test factor here? In my tests I found two
related issues very important: 1) the first few tests are slower,
because WAL segments don't yet exist. 2) Some poor bugger of a later
test will get hit with anti-wraparound vacuums, even if otherwise not

The fact that the master and "legacy" numbers differ significantly
e.g. in the "xeon sata scale 1000" latency CDF does make me wonder
whether there's an effect like that. While there might be some small
performance difference due to different stats message sizes, and a few
additional branches, I don't see how it could be that noticable.

> I've also computed latency CDF (from the 5% sample) - I've attached this
> for the two interesting cases mentioned in the previous paragraph. This
> shows that with the medium scale the latencies move down (with the patch,
> both in the legacy and "new" modes), while on large scale the "new" mode
> moves a bit to the right to higher values).

Hm. I can't yet explain that.

> And finally, I've looked at buffer stats, i.e. number of buffers written
> in various ways (checkpoing, bgwriter, backends) etc. Interestingly
> enough, these numbers did not change very much - especially on the flash
> storage. Maybe that's expected, though.

Some of that is expected, e.g. because file extensions count as backend
writes, and are going to be roughly correlate with throughput, and not
much else. But they're more similar than I'd actually expect.

I do see a pretty big difference in the number of bgwriter written
backends in the "new" case for scale 10000, on the nvme?

For the SATA SSD case, I wonder if the throughput bottleneck is WAL
writes. I see much more noticable differences if I enable
wal_compression or disable full_page_writes, because otherwise the bulk
of the volume is WAL data.  But even in that case, I see a latency
stddev reduction with the new bgwriter around checkpoints.

> The one case where it did change is the "medium" scale on SATA storage,
> where the throughput improved with the patch. But the change is kinda
> strange, because the number of buffers evicted by the bgwriter decreased
> (and instead it got evicted by the checkpointer). Which might explain the
> higher throughput, because checkpointer is probably more efficient.

Well, one problem with the current bgwriter implementation is that the
victim selection isn't good. Because it doesn't perform clock sweep, and
doesn't clean buffers with a usagecount, it'll often run until it finds
a dirty buffer that's pretty far ahead of the clock hand, and clean
those. But with a random test like pgbench it's somewhat likely that
those buffers will get re-dirtied before backends actually get to
reusing them (that's a problem with the new implementation too, the
window just is smaller).  But I'm far from sure that that's the cause here.


Andres Freund

Re: rebased background worker reimplementation prototype

Tomas Vondra
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 10:53:46AM -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
>On 2019-07-12 15:47:02 +0200, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>> I've done a bit of benchmarking / testing on this, so let me report some
>> basic results. I haven't done any significant code review, I've simply
>> ran a bunch of pgbench runs on different systems with different scales.
>> System #1
>> ---------
>> * CPU: Intel i5
>> * RAM: 8GB
>> * storage: 6 x SATA SSD RAID0 (Intel S3700)
>> * autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
>> * bgwriter_delay = 100
>> * bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
>> * checkpoint_timeout = 30min
>> * max_wal_size = 64GB
>> * shared_buffers = 1GB
>What's the controller situation here? Can the full SATA3 bandwidth on
>all of those drives be employed concurrently?

There's just an on-board SATA controller, so it might be a bottleneck.

A single drive can do ~440 MB/s reads sequentially, and the whole RAID0
array (Linux sw raid) does ~1.6GB/s, so not exactly 6x that. But I don't
think we're generating that many writes during the test.

>> System #2
>> ---------
>> * CPU: 2x Xeon E5-2620v5
>> * RAM: 64GB
>> * storage: 3 x 7.2k SATA RAID0, 1x NVMe
>> * autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 2
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 1000
>> * autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01
>> * bgwriter_delay = 100
>> * bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 10000
>> * checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
>> * checkpoint_timeout = 15min
>> * max_wal_size = 32GB
>> * shared_buffers = 8GB
>What type of NVMe disk is this? I'm mostly wondering whether it's fast
>enough that there's no conceivable way that IO scheduling is going to
>make a meaningful difference, given other bottlenecks in postgres.
>In some preliminary benchmark runs I've seen fairly significant gains on
>SATA and SAS SSDs, as well as spinning rust, but I've not yet
>benchmarked on a decent NVMe SSD.

Intel Optane 900P 280MB (model SSDPED1D280GA) [1].


I think one of the main improvements in this generation of drives is
good performance with low queue depth.  See for example [2].


Not sure if that plays role here, but I've seen this to afffect prefetch
and similar things.

>> For each config I've done tests with three scales - small (fits into
>> shared buffers), medium (fits into RAM) and large (at least 2x the RAM).
>> Aside from the basic metrics (throughput etc.) I've also sampled data
>> about 5% of transactions, to be able to look at latency stats.
>> The tests were done on master and patched code (both in the 'legacy' and
>> new mode).
>> I haven't done any temporal analysis yet (i.e. I'm only looking at global
>> summaries, not tps over time etc).
>FWIW, I'm working on a tool that generates correlated graphs of OS, PG,
>pgbench stats. Especially being able to correlate the kernel's
>'Writeback' stats (grep Writeback: /proc/meminfo) and latency is very
>valuable. Sampling wait events over time also is worthwhile.

Good to know, although I don't think it's difficult to fetch the data
from sar and plot it. I might even already have ugly bash scripts doing
that, somewhere.

>> When running on the 7.2k SATA RAID, the throughput improves with the
>> medium scale - from ~340tps to ~439tps, which is a pretty significant
>> jump. But on the large scale this disappears (in fact, it seems to be a
>> bit lower than master/legacy cases). Of course, all this is just from a
>> single run (although 4h, so noise should even out).
>Any chance there's an order-of-test factor here? In my tests I found two
>related issues very important: 1) the first few tests are slower,
>because WAL segments don't yet exist. 2) Some poor bugger of a later
>test will get hit with anti-wraparound vacuums, even if otherwise not

Not sure - I'll check, but I find it unlikely. I need to repeat the
tests to have multiple runs.

>The fact that the master and "legacy" numbers differ significantly
>e.g. in the "xeon sata scale 1000" latency CDF does make me wonder
>whether there's an effect like that. While there might be some small
>performance difference due to different stats message sizes, and a few
>additional branches, I don't see how it could be that noticable.

That's about the one case where things like anti-wraparound are pretty
much impossible, because the SATA storage is so slow ...

>> I've also computed latency CDF (from the 5% sample) - I've attached this
>> for the two interesting cases mentioned in the previous paragraph. This
>> shows that with the medium scale the latencies move down (with the patch,
>> both in the legacy and "new" modes), while on large scale the "new" mode
>> moves a bit to the right to higher values).
>Hm. I can't yet explain that.
>> And finally, I've looked at buffer stats, i.e. number of buffers written
>> in various ways (checkpoing, bgwriter, backends) etc. Interestingly
>> enough, these numbers did not change very much - especially on the flash
>> storage. Maybe that's expected, though.
>Some of that is expected, e.g. because file extensions count as backend
>writes, and are going to be roughly correlate with throughput, and not
>much else. But they're more similar than I'd actually expect.
>I do see a pretty big difference in the number of bgwriter written
>backends in the "new" case for scale 10000, on the nvme?


>For the SATA SSD case, I wonder if the throughput bottleneck is WAL
>writes. I see much more noticable differences if I enable
>wal_compression or disable full_page_writes, because otherwise the bulk
>of the volume is WAL data.  But even in that case, I see a latency
>stddev reduction with the new bgwriter around checkpoints.

I may try that during the next round of tests.

>> The one case where it did change is the "medium" scale on SATA storage,
>> where the throughput improved with the patch. But the change is kinda
>> strange, because the number of buffers evicted by the bgwriter decreased
>> (and instead it got evicted by the checkpointer). Which might explain the
>> higher throughput, because checkpointer is probably more efficient.
>Well, one problem with the current bgwriter implementation is that the
>victim selection isn't good. Because it doesn't perform clock sweep, and
>doesn't clean buffers with a usagecount, it'll often run until it finds
>a dirty buffer that's pretty far ahead of the clock hand, and clean
>those. But with a random test like pgbench it's somewhat likely that
>those buffers will get re-dirtied before backends actually get to
>reusing them (that's a problem with the new implementation too, the
>window just is smaller).  But I'm far from sure that that's the cause here.


Time for more tests, I guess.

Tomas Vondra        
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services