Thread: Postgres 10 temp tablespace question
I am building a multi-tenant deployment with multiple database - 1 tenant per database.
I would like to be able to dedicate specific temp tablespace to a specific database or user/schemas.
I understand how to define temp_tablespace in postgresql.conf.
I can't find anything in the documentation on how to dedicate a specific temp_tablespaces to a specific database, user or schema.
I also thought maybe I could create a trigger on logon to set a specific temp tablespace per user, but I can't do that either.
Is it possible in Postgresql to dedicate a specific temp tablespace to a specific database or user/schema?
Thank you for the help.
Am 09.03.19 um 02:05 schrieb Joseph Dunleavy: > > I am building a multi-tenant deployment with multiple database - 1 > tenant per database. > > I would like to be able to dedicate specific temp tablespace to > a specific database or user/schemas. > > I understand how to define temp_tablespace in postgresql.conf. > > > I can't find anything in the documentation on how to dedicate a > specific temp_tablespaces to a specific database, user or schema. > > I also thought maybe I could create a trigger on logon to set a > specific temp tablespace per user, but I can't do that either. > > > Is it possible in Postgresql to dedicate a specific temp tablespace to > a specific database or user/schema? > > yes: test=*# create tablespace tmp_tbsp1 location '/tmp/tbsp1'; FEHLER: CREATE TABLESPACE kann nicht in einem Transaktionsblock laufen test=*# commit; COMMIT test=# create tablespace tmp_tbsp1 location '/tmp/tbsp1'; CREATE TABLESPACE test=# create tablespace tmp_tbsp2 location '/tmp/tbsp2'; CREATE TABLESPACE test=# create tablespace tmp_tbsp3 location '/tmp/tbsp3'; CREATE TABLESPACE test=# create user usr1; CREATE ROLE test=*# create user usr2; CREATE ROLE test=*# create user usr3; CREATE ROLE test=*# alter user usr1 set temp_tablespaces = 'tmp_tbsp1'; ALTER ROLE test=*# alter user usr2 set temp_tablespaces = 'tmp_tbsp2'; ALTER ROLE test=*# alter user usr3 set temp_tablespaces = 'tmp_tbsp3'; ALTER ROLE test=*# test=*# show temp_tablespaces; temp_tablespaces ------------------ (1 row) test=*# commit; COMMIT test=# \c - usr2; psql (11.1 (Ubuntu 11.1-3.pgdg16.04+1), server 9.5.15) You are now connected to database "test" as user "usr2". test=> show temp_tablespaces; temp_tablespaces ------------------ tmp_tbsp2 (1 row) test=*> Regards, Andreas -- 2ndQuadrant - The PostgreSQL Support Company.