Thread: [table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

[table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

"Michelle Konzack"
Hello *,

Long time ago I used VIEWs on my history database and when PostgreSQL
introduced table partitioning I was switching to it.

Currently I use Debian GNU/Linux 7.11 with PostgreSQL 9.1 (table space
and table partitioning) using an Adaptec 16-Channel Raid-1 Controller
with 16x 6 TByte SAS UltraStar (HGST) drives.

I created partitions of 100 years range and have currently 132 of them.

There are 8 base columns (1 data colum in english) and then for each
language used an additional colum. Some of the data where translated
into 27 languages but I have 56 non-english columns.

So in total I have currently 64 columns and arround 156mio rows.

Th etables are organised into


"a" mean A.C. and "b" B.C.

While checking my Root-Servers I discovered, that my PostgreSQL Box has
a huge performance problem, because some table partitions became VERY
large (3 table partitions exceed already 1 TByte and 14 are 500-1000GB).

I like to make the partitions smaller, but the documentation say, you
should not dare to make several 1000 partitions..


What is with is today possibel with table partitioning?

And there is another thing:

The 16 "new" SAS Drives where sponsored, hence free for me including the
new Raid-1 Controller, but I do not like the idea, to have a singel
physical database of arround 40 TByte diskspace...

I can get much less expensive (not cheaper) SAS drives of 1 or 2 TByte
and since the Raid-1 Controller cost only 400€, I can use several LOW
POWER machines (Mini-ITX) to accomplish the task because the webinterface
is anyway stored on a seperated server.

Any suggestions?

Michelle Konzack

Re: [table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

Michael Paquier
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 11:04:55AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> I like to make the partitions smaller, but the documentation say, you
> should not dare to make several 1000 partitions..

Even more than a hundred may be already risky in my opinion here. The
issue with a large number of partitioning using the pre-9.6 grammar
comes from the planning time which sky-rockets because the optimizer
uses a O(N^2) algorithm to consider all the partitions. The v10 grammar
does not take care of this planning problem as far as I recall, but v11
gets that better for partition-wise joins if my memory does not fail me.


Re: [table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

"Michelle Konzack"

Am 2017-12-26 hackte Michael Paquier in die Tasten:
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 11:04:55AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> I like to make the partitions smaller, but the documentation say, you
>> should not dare to make several 1000 partitions..
> Even more than a hundred may be already risky in my opinion here. The
> issue with a large number of partitioning using the pre-9.6 grammar
> comes from the planning time which sky-rockets because the optimizer
> uses a O(N^2) algorithm to consider all the partitions. The v10 grammar
> does not take care of this planning problem as far as I recall, but v11
> gets that better for partition-wise joins if my memory does not fail me.
> --
> Michael

I think on migrating to v10, but I have to backport the PostgreSQL.

Currently I am thinking about hot to backup 28 TByte of data...
Have to dump and compress table by table and thios take endless time,
especially, if I am in Estonia and the database is in Germany.

Is there already a rease date for v11?

Thanks in avance

Michelle Konzack

Re: [table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

Michael Paquier
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 08:53:11AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Is there already a release date for v11?

Based on the pace of the most recent major releases, this could happen
around September. This depends on any issues encountered
post-development though.


Re: [table partitioning] How many partitions are possibel?

"Michelle Konzack"
Thanks for the info.

I think, it is not worth to do the migration to v10 now
and then some month later to v11.

I hope, my v9.1 will survive the version jump.

What do you think?

My database has no complex things in it. I keept it realy
on basic level to avoid problems if I have to upgrade.

Thanks in avance

Am 2017-12-27 hackte Michael Paquier in die Tasten:
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 08:53:11AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Is there already a release date for v11?
> Based on the pace of the most recent major releases, this could happen
> around September. This depends on any issues encountered
> post-development though.
> --
> Michael

Michelle Konzack