Thread: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Jomar Andrade"
Great job. I've tried it and here are the little details I noticed:
- I think  the service doesn't check the before starting, so it fails after a abnormal Windows termination. The pid's ghost remains in the data directory after a crash...
- The button "Next" doesn't become available after the filling of the last box in some Windows. It "turns on" if we click anywhere, after that.
- The service is created Ok, but is set to start manually. By the way, I think that warning about the creation of the limited user with "logon as a service right" deserves a hole window, all for himself...
- The psql.exe asks the user's password, but says it is wrong even before it is issued.
Just a question: is there any possibility to give  user the option to install the Postgis extension? It would be nice, and that moment when the packages to be installed are chosen (odbc, jdbc, etc) is specially apropriate...
Congratulations for the outstanding work.

Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Farai Mbira"



If you specify an installation directory, the installer ignores it and installs in default C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5. This is wrong. Any way round?. Locale is defaulting to C but the drop down list gives languages!





From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Jomar Andrade
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta


Great job. I've tried it and here are the little details I noticed:

- I think  the service doesn't check the before starting, so it fails after a abnormal Windows termination. The pid's ghost remains in the data directory after a crash...

- The button "Next" doesn't become available after the filling of the last box in some Windows. It "turns on" if we click anywhere, after that.

- The service is created Ok, but is set to start manually. By the way, I think that warning about the creation of the limited user with "logon as a service right" deserves a hole window, all for himself...

- The psql.exe asks the user's password, but says it is wrong even before it is issued.


Just a question: is there any possibility to give  user the option to install the Postgis extension? It would be nice, and that moment when the packages to be installed are chosen (odbc, jdbc, etc) is specially apropriate...


Congratulations for the outstanding work.



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Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Darko Prenosil
> Sent: 25 July 2004 22:44
> To: Magnus Hagander;
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
> Is "contrib" also included ?
> I'm asking because of commonly used contrib modules "tsearch"
> and "dblink".

No, currently /contrib is not included. The initial aim was to get a
basic installer up and running with the server, a few api type
interfaces and a gui (I should point out that pgAdmin was Magnus' choice
- not that I objected too strongly :-) ).

We can think about adding additional stuff once the base installer seems

Regards, Dave

Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Magnus Hagander"
Really? That sounds more like an issue in the TZ library, though - it
should manage without a TZ env var. Or are you just saying that it picks
up the wrong timezone?

Can you run initdb manually without the TZ environment variable set and
get the same error? And what is the actual error?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Korea PostgreSQL Users' Group
> []
> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 3:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
> In Korean OS, PostgreSQL initdb program need TZ Environment
> value. if TZ not setted, initdb is not work.
> Please add TZ setting dialog when install progress.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Magnus Hagander" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:11 AM
> Subject: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
> > The first beta release of the MSI based GUI installer for the native
> > win32 port of postgresql has been uploaded to pgfoundry!
> >
> > While this is a beta version of the installer, please note that the
> > actual postgresql version being installed is still a development
> > snapshot! View the release notes for more details.
> >
> > There is a mailinglist available on the pgfoundry project
> page for the
> > installer project - please use this mailinglist for
> discussions about
> > the installer, and not the normal postgresql lists. All feedback is
> > appreciated!
> >
> > Included in this release are:
> > * PostgreSQL 7.5 development snapshot
> > * PgAdmin III development snapshot
> > * ODBC Driver
> > * JDBC Driver
> > * NPgsql .Net provider
> >
> > See for a quick
> walk-through
> > of the installer interface, or go off to the project page
> > ( to download the beta.
> >
> >
> > //Magnus (and probably Dave too...)
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> >
> >      
> >
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so
> that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Dave Page"

From: [] On Behalf Of Jomar Andrade
Sent: 26 July 2004 00:06
Subject: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

Great job. I've tried it and here are the little details I noticed:
- I think  the service doesn't check the before starting, so it fails after a abnormal Windows termination. The pid's ghost remains in the data directory after a crash... 
That's the intended behaviour, and exactly what happens on Unix. It's a safety feature to help prevent 2 instances of the server being started on the same cluster.
- The button "Next" doesn't become available after the filling of the last box in some Windows. It "turns on" if we click anywhere, after that. 
- The service is created Ok, but is set to start manually. 
  By the way, I think that warning about the creation of the limited user with "logon as a service right" deserves a hole window, all for himself... 
That's part of a whole other debate that's already logged :-) (
- The psql.exe asks the user's password, but says it is wrong even before it is issued.
Just a question: is there any possibility to give  user the option to install the Postgis extension? It would be nice, and that moment when the packages to be installed are chosen (odbc, jdbc, etc) is specially apropriate...
Congratulations for the outstanding work.
Thanks, regards,

Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Magnus Hagander"
These are the locales supported by Windows, there is nothing wrong with that.
As for the installation directory - that definitly sounds wrong. It does work for me. Though you have to change the directory once for each top-level feature, or they will go into different directories. We probably want to fix that. I see Dave has added it to

From: Farai Mbira []
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta



If you specify an installation directory, the installer ignores it and installs in default C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5. This is wrong. Any way round?. Locale is defaulting to C but the drop down list gives languages!





From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Jomar Andrade
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta


Great job. I've tried it and here are the little details I noticed:

- I think  the service doesn't check the before starting, so it fails after a abnormal Windows termination. The pid's ghost remains in the data directory after a crash...

- The button "Next" doesn't become available after the filling of the last box in some Windows. It "turns on" if we click anywhere, after that.

- The service is created Ok, but is set to start manually. By the way, I think that warning about the creation of the limited user with "logon as a service right" deserves a hole window, all for himself...

- The psql.exe asks the user's password, but says it is wrong even before it is issued.


Just a question: is there any possibility to give  user the option to install the Postgis extension? It would be nice, and that moment when the packages to be installed are chosen (odbc, jdbc, etc) is specially apropriate...


Congratulations for the outstanding work.



Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.725 / Virus Database: 480 - Release Date: 7/19/2004

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.725 / Virus Database: 480 - Release Date: 7/19/2004

Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

"Dave Page"

From: [] On Behalf Of Farai Mbira
Sent: 26 July 2004 00:27
Subject: Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta



If you specify an installation directory, the installer ignores it and installs in default C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\7.5. This is wrong. Any way round?.  


Thanks - logged:


 Locale is defaulting to C but the drop down list gives languages!



Umm, yes. Not sure what the problem is - you think the locale should default to the system's language?


Regards, Dave

initdb problem in Korean OS.

"Korea PostgreSQL Users' Group"
I had below message when I executed initdb command without setting  TZ environment variable.

D:\msys\local\pgsql>bin\initdb -D data
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "films".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale Korean_Korea.949.

creating directory data ... ok
creating directory data/global ... ok
creating directory data/pg_xlog ... ok
creating directory data/pg_xlog/archive_status ... ok
creating directory data/pg_clog ... ok
creating directory data/pg_subtrans ... ok
creating directory data/base ... ok
creating directory data/base/1 ... ok
creating directory data/pg_tblspc ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 10
selecting default shared_buffers ... 50
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in data/base/1 ... FATAL:  could not select a suitable default timezone

DETAIL:  It appears that your GMT time zone uses leap seconds. PostgreSQL does not support leap seconds.
child process was terminated by signal 1
initdb: failed
initdb: removing data directory "data"


but, I successed to make database cluster with below command

> set TZ=Asia/Seoul
> initdb -D data --no-locale


I had above error messages in install temp log file to use Win32 GUI installer.
This problem is initdb can't set default TZ value without set TZ environment variable in Korean language OS. 
(There are a same problem too in CJK language OS.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Magnus Hagander" <>
To: "Korea PostgreSQL Users' Group" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: [pgsql-hackers-win32] PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta

> Really? That sounds more like an issue in the TZ library, though - it
> should manage without a TZ env var. Or are you just saying that it picks
> up the wrong timezone?
> Can you run initdb manually without the TZ environment variable set and
> get the same error? And what is the actual error?
> //Magnus