PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Jomar Andrade
Subject PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
Msg-id 002901c4729b$f3775d40$3900010a@jbaet
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Responses Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
List pgsql-hackers-win32
Great job. I've tried it and here are the little details I noticed:
- I think  the service doesn't check the before starting, so it fails after a abnormal Windows termination. The pid's ghost remains in the data directory after a crash...
- The button "Next" doesn't become available after the filling of the last box in some Windows. It "turns on" if we click anywhere, after that.
- The service is created Ok, but is set to start manually. By the way, I think that warning about the creation of the limited user with "logon as a service right" deserves a hole window, all for himself...
- The psql.exe asks the user's password, but says it is wrong even before it is issued.
Just a question: is there any possibility to give  user the option to install the Postgis extension? It would be nice, and that moment when the packages to be installed are chosen (odbc, jdbc, etc) is specially apropriate...
Congratulations for the outstanding work.

pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Darko Prenosil"
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta
From: "Farai Mbira"
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Win32 GUI installer beta