Thread: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale

[GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale

I am having problems creating an Ispell-based text search dictionary for Czech language.

Issuing the following command:

create text search dictionary czech_ispell (
  template = ispell,
  dictfile = czech_ispell,
  affFile = czech_ispell

ends with

ERROR: syntax error
CONTEXT: line 252 of configuration file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/tsearch_data/czech_ispell.affix": " . > TŘIA

The dictionary files are in UTF-8. The database cluster was initialized with

initdb --locale=C --encoding=UTF8

When, on the other hand, I initialize it with

initdb --locale=en_US.UTF8

it works.

I was hoping I could have the C locale with the UTF-8 encoding but it seems non-ASCII text search dictionaries are not supported in that case. This is a shame as restoring the dumps goes from 1.5 hour (with the C locale) to 9.5 hours (with en_US.UTF8).

View this message in context: Text search dictionary vs. the C locale
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at

Re: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale

Initializing the cluster with


allows me to use my text search dictionary. Now it only remains to see whether index creation will be still fast (I suspect it should) and if it doesn't have any other unintended consequences (e.g. in pattern matching which we use a lot).

View this message in context: Re: Text search dictionary vs. the C locale
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at

Re: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale

Tom Lane
twoflower <> writes:
> I am having problems creating an Ispell-based text search dictionary for
> Czech language.

> Issuing the following command:

> create text search dictionary czech_ispell (
>   template = ispell,
>   dictfile = czech_ispell,
>   affFile = czech_ispell
> );

> ends with

> ERROR:  syntax error
> CONTEXT:  line 252 of configuration file
> "/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/tsearch_data/czech_ispell.affix": " . > TŘIA

> The dictionary files are in UTF-8. The database cluster was initialized with
> initdb --locale=C --encoding=UTF8

Presumably the problem is that the dictionary file parsing functions
reject anything that doesn't satisfy t_isalpha() (unless it matches
t_isspace()) and in C locale that's not going to accept very much.

I wonder why we're doing it like that.  It seems like it'd often be
useful to load dictionary files that don't match the database's
prevailing locale.  Do we really need the t_isalpha tests, or would
it be good enough to assume that anything that isn't t_isspace is
part of a word?

            regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale


Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 2, 2017, at 10:06 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> twoflower <> writes:
>> I am having problems creating an Ispell-based text search dictionary for
>> Czech language.
>> Issuing the following command:
>> create text search dictionary czech_ispell (
>>  template = ispell,
>>  dictfile = czech_ispell,
>>  affFile = czech_ispell
>> );
>> ends with
>> ERROR:  syntax error
>> CONTEXT:  line 252 of configuration file
>> "/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/tsearch_data/czech_ispell.affix": " . > TŘIA
>> The dictionary files are in UTF-8. The database cluster was initialized with
>> initdb --locale=C --encoding=UTF8
> Presumably the problem is that the dictionary file parsing functions
> reject anything that doesn't satisfy t_isalpha() (unless it matches
> t_isspace()) and in C locale that's not going to accept very much.
> I wonder why we're doing it like that.  It seems like it'd often be
> useful to load dictionary files that don't match the database's
> prevailing locale.  Do we really need the t_isalpha tests, or would
> it be good enough to assume that anything that isn't t_isspace is
> part of a word?
>            regards, tom lane
What about punctuation?
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale


> On Jul 2, 2017, at 10:06 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> twoflower <> writes:
>> I am having problems creating an Ispell-based text search dictionary for
>> Czech language.
>> Issuing the following command:
>> create text search dictionary czech_ispell (
>>  template = ispell,
>>  dictfile = czech_ispell,
>>  affFile = czech_ispell
>> );
>> ends with
>> ERROR:  syntax error
>> CONTEXT:  line 252 of configuration file
>> "/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/tsearch_data/czech_ispell.affix": " . > TŘIA
>> The dictionary files are in UTF-8. The database cluster was initialized with
>> initdb --locale=C --encoding=UTF8
> Presumably the problem is that the dictionary file parsing functions
> reject anything that doesn't satisfy t_isalpha() (unless it matches
> t_isspace()) and in C locale that's not going to accept very much.
> I wonder why we're doing it like that.  It seems like it'd often be
> useful to load dictionary files that don't match the database's
> prevailing locale.  Do we really need the t_isalpha tests, or would
> it be good enough to assume that anything that isn't t_isspace is
> part of a word?
>            regards, tom lane
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:
Apologies for truncating entire body of replied-to post

[GENERAL] Using 'WITH SELECT' Results Do Not Match 'SELECT FROM 'Results
Jerry Regan
For reasons beyond my control, I am using Postgresql 9.4 on a MacBookPro (development system). I use pgadminIII and psql for clients (I tried and didn’t like the pgadmin4 UI; pg_dump, pg_restore also seem to be dumbed down).

My question:
I have some performance test results in table cor_duration_report. One column, c_entered_ion is of type timestamptz, another, c_scenario, is of type text. I want to calculate the difference between succeeding c_entered_ion rows to learn the rate at which entry events occur. In cor_duration_report, c_entered_ion columns are NOT in ascending sort order.

For a first attempt, I created another table cor_temp_gap as:
CREATE TABLE cor_temp_gap
  c_id serial NOT NULL,
  c_entered_ion timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
  c_scenario text NOT NULL

and loaded it with:
INSERT into cor_temp_gap (c_entered_ion, c_scenario) SELECT c_entered_ion, c_scenario from cor_duration_report order by c_entered_ion;

The c_id column is loaded with the default value - the next sequence value.

I then generated my report with:
select count( gap ) as gaps, sum(gap) as sum,
       mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,
       percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,
       avg( gap::integer ) as mean,                                                                                            
       min( gap ) as min,                                                                                                      
       max( gap ) as max 
from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap 
       from cor_temp_gap s, cor_temp_gap f 
       where s.c_scenario = '20170628tc04' 
       and s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;

This seems to give me the results I want:
 gaps     |   sum      | mode    | median |         mean                        | min |  max   
 307412 | 6872207 |    1       |      8      | 22.3550381897908995    |   0 | 10846

The min value of zero is accurate. The mode value of 1 is reasonable, as is the median value of 8. Using a totally different method, the mean value is accurate, as is gaps (there are 307,413 rows in the table).

I do know enough sql to believe my cor_temp_gap table could probably be replace by a ‘WITH SELECT….’

I attempted this:
with cor_entry_time as ( select nextval('cor_temp_select_c_id_seq') as c_id, c_entered_ion, c_scenario
from cor_duration_report where c_scenario = '20170628tc04' order by c_entered_ion )
select count( gap ) as gaps,
       sum(gap::integer) as sum,                                                                      
       mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,                                                                             
       percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,                                                            
       avg( gap::integer ) as mean,                                                                                            
       min( gap::integer ) as min,                                                                                                      
       max( gap::integer ) as max 
from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap 
       from cor_entry_time s, cor_entry_time f 
       where s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;

which returned:

  gaps    |   sum      | mode | median |        mean                       |   min       |  max  
 307412 | 6867802 |    0     |    461   | 22.3407088857949592   | -6871881 | 59791

The results should match but obviously they don’t. the ‘mode’, ‘median’, ‘min’ and ‘max’ columns are clearly different. The ‘sum’ and ‘mean’ columns are similar but are also different. Only ‘gaps’ is the same. There should be no negative numbers at all, assuming my c_entered_ion column is in ascending order. Wouldn’t the 'order by c_entered_ion’ in the ‘WITH’ select do that?

To me, the differences between loading ‘cor_temp_gaps’ and my ‘WITH’ select should not cause the difference. The differences are in how ‘c_id’ is generated and the fact that selecting only ‘c_scenario = ‘20170628tc04’ has been moved from calculating the interval to the ‘WITH’ select. I have also tried the ‘WITH SELECT’ approach without moving that test and received the same results.

My suspicion is that in the failing approach, my sequence is being assigned before the sort whereas when I load ‘cor_temp_gap’, and c_id defaults to a sequence then c_id is generated AFTER c_entered_ion is put in sort order.

If my suspicion is right, how do accomplish the same thing in the ‘WITH SELECT’ case?

If it is wrong, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any insights you may be able to provide!

Concerto GR
Mobile: 612.208.6601

Concerto - a composition for orchestra and a soloist

Re: [GENERAL] Text search dictionary vs. the C locale

Tom Lane-2 wrote
Presumably the problem is that the dictionary file parsing functions reject anything that doesn't satisfy t_isalpha() (unless it matches t_isspace()) and in C locale that's not going to accept very much.
That's what I also guessed and the fact that setting lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 makes it work confirms it, I think.

View this message in context: Re: Text search dictionary vs. the C locale
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at
' Results
Adrian Klaver
On 07/02/2017 10:33 AM, Jerry Regan wrote:
> For reasons beyond my control, I am using Postgresql 9.4 on a MacBookPro
> (development system). I use pgadminIII and psql for clients (I tried and
> didn’t like the pgadmin4 UI; pg_dump, pg_restore also seem to be dumbed
> down).
> My question:
> I have some performance test results in table cor_duration_report. One
> column, c_entered_ion is of type timestamptz, another, c_scenario, is of
> type text. I want to calculate the difference between succeeding
> c_entered_ion rows to learn the rate at which entry events occur. In
> cor_duration_report, c_entered_ion columns are NOT in ascending sort order.
> For a first attempt, I created another table cor_temp_gap as:
>     CREATE TABLE cor_temp_gap
>     (
>        c_id serial NOT NULL,
>        c_entered_ion timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>        c_scenario text NOT NULL
>     )
>     WITH (
>        OIDS=FALSE
>     );
> and loaded it with:
>     INSERT into cor_temp_gap (c_entered_ion, c_scenario) SELECT
>     c_entered_ion, c_scenario from cor_duration_report order by
>     c_entered_ion;
> The c_id column is loaded with the default value - the next sequence value.
> I then generated my report with:
>     select count( gap ) as gaps, sum(gap) as sum,
>             mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,
>             percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,
>             avg( gap::integer ) as mean,
>             min( gap ) as min,
>             max( gap ) as max
>     from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion -
>     s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap
>             from cor_temp_gap s, cor_temp_gap f
>             where s.c_scenario = '20170628tc04'
>             and s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;
> This seems to give me the results I want:
>       gaps     |   sum      | mode    | median |         mean
>                  | min |  max
>     ------+---------+------+--------+-----------------------+-----+--------
>       307412 | 6872207 |    1       |      8      | 22.3550381897908995
>         |   0 | 10846
> The min value of zero is accurate. The mode value of 1 is reasonable, as
> is the median value of 8. Using a totally different method, the mean
> value is accurate, as is gaps (there are 307,413 rows in the table).
> I do know enough sql to believe my cor_temp_gap table could probably be
> replace by a ‘WITH SELECT….’
> I attempted this:
>     with cor_entry_time as ( select nextval('cor_temp_select_c_id_seq')
>     as c_id, c_entered_ion, c_scenario
>     from cor_duration_report where c_scenario = '20170628tc04' order by
>     c_entered_ion )
>     select count( gap ) as gaps,
>             sum(gap::integer) as sum,
>             mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,
>             percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,
>             avg( gap::integer ) as mean,
>             min( gap::integer ) as min,
>             max( gap::integer ) as max
>     from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion -
>     s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap
>             from cor_entry_time s, cor_entry_time f
>             where s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;

I used this site to reformat the above:

WITH cor_entry_time AS (
         nextval('cor_temp_select_c_id_seq') AS c_id,
         c_scenario = '20170628tc04'
     count(gap) AS gaps,
     sum(gap::INTEGER) AS SUM,
     MODE ()
     gap) AS MODE,
percentile_disc (0.5)
     gap) AS median,
avg(gap::INTEGER) AS mean,
min(gap::INTEGER) AS MIN,
max(gap::INTEGER) AS MAX
         FROM (f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 AS gap
     cor_entry_time s,
     cor_entry_time f
     s.c_id + 1 = f.c_id) vals;

Still have not figured out everything that is going on above, but it
gave me a fighting chance:)

> which returned:
>        gaps    |   sum      | mode | median |        mean
>              |   min       |  max
>     --------+---------+------+--------+---------------------+----------+-------
>       307412 | 6867802 |    0     |    461   | 22.3407088857949592   |
>     -6871881 | 59791
> The results should match but obviously they don’t. the ‘mode’, ‘median’,
> ‘min’ and ‘max’ columns are clearly different. The ‘sum’ and ‘mean’
> columns are similar but are also different. Only ‘gaps’ is the same.
> There should be no negative numbers at all, assuming my c_entered_ion
> column is in ascending order. Wouldn’t the 'order by c_entered_ion’ in
> the ‘WITH’ select do that?

I believe you are going to have to move the ORDER BY to outside the
WITH. If I am following correctly:

         FROM (f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 AS gap
     cor_entry_time s,
     cor_entry_time f
     s.c_id + 1 = f.c_id
) vals;

You can remove the:


in the WITH.

> To me, the differences between loading ‘cor_temp_gaps’ and my ‘WITH’
> select should not cause the difference. The differences are in how
> ‘c_id’ is generated and the fact that selecting only ‘c_scenario =
> ‘20170628tc04’ has been moved from calculating the interval to the
> ‘WITH’ select. I have also tried the ‘WITH SELECT’ approach without
> moving that test and received the same results.
> My suspicion is that in the failing approach, my sequence is being
> assigned before the sort whereas when I load ‘cor_temp_gap’, and c_id
> defaults to a sequence then c_id is generated AFTER c_entered_ion is put
> in sort order.
> If my suspicion is right, how do accomplish the same thing in the ‘WITH
> SELECT’ case?
> If it is wrong, what am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for any insights you may be able to provide!
> /s/jr
> Consultant
> Concerto GR
> Mobile: 612.208.6601
> Concerto - a composition for orchestra and a soloist

Adrian Klaver

' Results
Jerry Regan

Thank you for your reply!

I apologize in advance for not being detailed below. Hard to do from my phone.

I did have to move the 'ORDER BY', but not outside the 'WITH'. My first workaround parenthesized the select containing
the'ORDER BY', forcing it to be evaluated before the 'INSERT'. That worked. 

But I never liked using a sequence for the c_id column. And using the sequence on my personal workstation was maybe
safe,but given that sequences not are guaranteed to be without gaps, that was not very portable. 

So I searched a bit and found I could use 'row_number()' instead. That approach allowed me to use the 'ORDER BY'
requiredby 'row_number()'. 

That worked and is far more portable to other postgresql instances.

I really do appreciate your response. It is also my nature to continue my research even after asking for help. However
Ifind my answer, one validates the other.  

Thanks again!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 3, 2017, at 18:21, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
>> On 07/02/2017 10:33 AM, Jerry Regan wrote:
>> For reasons beyond my control, I am using Postgresql 9.4 on a MacBookPro (development system). I use pgadminIII and
psqlfor clients (I tried and didn’t like the pgadmin4 UI; pg_dump, pg_restore also seem to be dumbed down). 
>> My question:
>> I have some performance test results in table cor_duration_report. One column, c_entered_ion is of type timestamptz,
another,c_scenario, is of type text. I want to calculate the difference between succeeding c_entered_ion rows to learn
therate at which entry events occur. In cor_duration_report, c_entered_ion columns are NOT in ascending sort order. 
>> For a first attempt, I created another table cor_temp_gap as:
>>    CREATE TABLE cor_temp_gap
>>    (
>>       c_id serial NOT NULL,
>>       c_entered_ion timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>>       c_scenario text NOT NULL
>>    )
>>    WITH (
>>       OIDS=FALSE
>>    );
>> and loaded it with:
>>    INSERT into cor_temp_gap (c_entered_ion, c_scenario) SELECT
>>    c_entered_ion, c_scenario from cor_duration_report order by
>>    c_entered_ion;
>> The c_id column is loaded with the default value - the next sequence value.
>> I then generated my report with:
>>    select count( gap ) as gaps, sum(gap) as sum,
>>            mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,
>>            percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,
>>            avg( gap::integer ) as mean,
>>            min( gap ) as min,
>>            max( gap ) as max
>>    from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion -
>>    s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap
>>            from cor_temp_gap s, cor_temp_gap f
>>            where s.c_scenario = '20170628tc04'
>>            and s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;
>> This seems to give me the results I want:
>>      gaps     |   sum      | mode    | median |         mean                            | min |  max
>>    ------+---------+------+--------+-----------------------+-----+--------
>>      307412 | 6872207 |    1       |      8      | 22.3550381897908995
>>        |   0 | 10846
>> The min value of zero is accurate. The mode value of 1 is reasonable, as is the median value of 8. Using a totally
differentmethod, the mean value is accurate, as is gaps (there are 307,413 rows in the table). 
>> I do know enough sql to believe my cor_temp_gap table could probably be replace by a ‘WITH SELECT….’
>> I attempted this:
>>    with cor_entry_time as ( select nextval('cor_temp_select_c_id_seq')
>>    as c_id, c_entered_ion, c_scenario
>>    from cor_duration_report where c_scenario = '20170628tc04' order by
>>    c_entered_ion )
>>    select count( gap ) as gaps,
>>            sum(gap::integer) as sum,
>>            mode() within group (order by gap) as mode,
>>            percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by gap) as  median,
>>            avg( gap::integer ) as mean,
>>            min( gap::integer ) as min,
>>            max( gap::integer ) as max
>>    from ( select extract( epoch from ( f.c_entered_ion -
>>    s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 as gap
>>            from cor_entry_time s, cor_entry_time f
>>            where s.c_id+1 = f.c_id ) vals;
> I used this site to reformat the above:
> WITH cor_entry_time AS (
>        nextval('cor_temp_select_c_id_seq') AS c_id,
>        c_entered_ion,
>        c_scenario
>    FROM
>        cor_duration_report
>    WHERE
>        c_scenario = '20170628tc04'
>        c_entered_ion
> )
>    count(gap) AS gaps,
>    sum(gap::INTEGER) AS SUM,
>    MODE ()
>    gap) AS MODE,
> percentile_disc (0.5)
>    gap) AS median,
> avg(gap::INTEGER) AS mean,
> min(gap::INTEGER) AS MIN,
> max(gap::INTEGER) AS MAX
> FROM (
>        extract(EPOCH
>        FROM (f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 AS gap
>    cor_entry_time s,
>    cor_entry_time f
>    s.c_id + 1 = f.c_id) vals;
> Still have not figured out everything that is going on above, but it gave me a fighting chance:)
>> which returned:
>>       gaps    |   sum      | mode | median |        mean                           |   min       |  max
>>    --------+---------+------+--------+---------------------+----------+-------
>>      307412 | 6867802 |    0     |    461   | 22.3407088857949592   |
>>    -6871881 | 59791
>> The results should match but obviously they don’t. the ‘mode’, ‘median’, ‘min’ and ‘max’ columns are clearly
different.The ‘sum’ and ‘mean’ columns are similar but are also different. Only ‘gaps’ is the same. There should be no
negativenumbers at all, assuming my c_entered_ion column is in ascending order. Wouldn’t the 'order by c_entered_ion’
inthe ‘WITH’ select do that? 
> I believe you are going to have to move the ORDER BY to outside the WITH. If I am following correctly:
> FROM (
>        extract(EPOCH
>        FROM (f.c_entered_ion - s.c_entered_ion)::interval) * 1000 AS gap
>    cor_entry_time s,
>    cor_entry_time f
>    s.c_id + 1 = f.c_id
>    s.c__entered_ion
> ) vals;
> You can remove the:
>        c_entered_ion
> in the WITH.
>> To me, the differences between loading ‘cor_temp_gaps’ and my ‘WITH’ select should not cause the difference. The
differencesare in how ‘c_id’ is generated and the fact that selecting only ‘c_scenario = ‘20170628tc04’ has been moved
fromcalculating the interval to the ‘WITH’ select. I have also tried the ‘WITH SELECT’ approach without moving that
testand received the same results. 
>> My suspicion is that in the failing approach, my sequence is being assigned before the sort whereas when I load
‘cor_temp_gap’,and c_id defaults to a sequence then c_id is generated AFTER c_entered_ion is put in sort order. 
>> If my suspicion is right, how do accomplish the same thing in the ‘WITH SELECT’ case?
>> If it is wrong, what am I doing wrong?
>> Thanks for any insights you may be able to provide!
>> /s/jr
>> Consultant
>> Concerto GR
>> Mobile: 612.208.6601
>> Concerto - a composition for orchestra and a soloist
> --
> Adrian Klaver

' Results
Adrian Klaver
On 07/03/2017 05:20 PM, Jerry Regan wrote:
> Adrian,
> Thank you for your reply!
> I apologize in advance for not being detailed below. Hard to do from my phone.
> I did have to move the 'ORDER BY', but not outside the 'WITH'. My first workaround parenthesized the select
containingthe 'ORDER BY', forcing it to be evaluated before the 'INSERT'. That worked. 

Not sure where the INSERT comes into the picture, but glad you got it

> But I never liked using a sequence for the c_id column. And using the sequence on my personal workstation was maybe
safe,but given that sequences not are guaranteed to be without gaps, that was not very portable. 

Yeah, that concerned me also, still I figured one problem at a time.

> So I searched a bit and found I could use 'row_number()' instead. That approach allowed me to use the 'ORDER BY'
requiredby 'row_number()'. 
> That worked and is far more portable to other postgresql instances.
> I really do appreciate your response. It is also my nature to continue my research even after asking for help.
HoweverI find my answer, one validates the other. 

Sometimes it just a matter a little push to get out of the rut:)

> Thanks again!
> /s/jr
> Sent from my iPhone

Adrian Klaver

' Results
Jerry Regan

Working from my phone wasn't such a good idea!

When I said 'INSERT' I meant 'WITH'. My excuse is that the 'WITH' statement is building a temporary table ( at least
logically) so there is at least an implicit 'INSERT' there. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 3, 2017, at 23:12, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
>> On 07/03/2017 05:20 PM, Jerry Regan wrote:
>> Adrian,
>> Thank you for your reply!
>> I apologize in advance for not being detailed below. Hard to do from my phone.
>> I did have to move the 'ORDER BY', but not outside the 'WITH'. My first workaround parenthesized the select
containingthe 'ORDER BY', forcing it to be evaluated before the 'INSERT'. That worked. 
> Not sure where the INSERT comes into the picture, but glad you got it working.
>> But I never liked using a sequence for the c_id column. And using the sequence on my personal workstation was maybe
safe,but given that sequences not are guaranteed to be without gaps, that was not very portable. 
> Yeah, that concerned me also, still I figured one problem at a time.
>> So I searched a bit and found I could use 'row_number()' instead. That approach allowed me to use the 'ORDER BY'
requiredby 'row_number()'. 
>> That worked and is far more portable to other postgresql instances.
>> I really do appreciate your response. It is also my nature to continue my research even after asking for help.
HoweverI find my answer, one validates the other. 
> Sometimes it just a matter a little push to get out of the rut:)
>> Thanks again!
>> /s/jr
>> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> Adrian Klaver