Thread: [pgadmin-support] Serious feedback and questions about the future of pgAdmin.

Dear pgAdmin developers,

When I first heard that you were doing a total rewrite of pgAdmin III, I was extremely excited, because I had long been frustrated with the various annoyances and bugs in that program, which I was (and am still, actually) using daily, primarily how it always felt like a chore to start up and get ready unless the server was physically located near me.

So when you eventually released the first public version of pgAdmin generation 4, I very eagerly downloaded it and tried it out. Unfortunately, to claim that I was "disappointed" isn't enough; I was frankly *appalled*. I will list the reasons in a moment, but I'd first like to point out that since then, I have repeatedly tried new versions of it, hoping to see improvements, but unfortunately finding all the same issues still present (as of v1.5, 2017-06-11, at the time of typing).

Here are the critical issues:

1. Extreme sluggishness. Both the GUI itself, and the fetching of data from the server, is so slow and flimsy as to drive me insane even efter using it for less than a minute. I seriously get so angry that I kill the window in disgust. I'm not trying to be insulting or overly dramatic; this is just a fact. The software makes me angry due to how slow and unreliable it seems, and how prone it is to freeze (although it recovers after a while). This is on a *very* powerful and modern x86 workstation running a very "clean" (relative) Windows 10. All other programs are responsive and fast, except for pgAdmin 4. I really feel handicapped using it, in a way that's not at all the case with the old pgAdmin III, although even that one has mysterious fetch-delays that don't seem to correspond with the amount of data pulled through the network (SSH tunnel)...

2. It doesn't remember the empty password. It just keeps on asking, again and again, for the nonexistent password, even though I've checked the box to "remember" it a million times. This is infuriating to say the least.

3. Even worse so than the old program, pgAdmin 4 also doesn't seem to remember the "last state" at all, forcing me to slowly progress through the tree hierarchy each time I start it, waiting seconds each time I click anything. This makes me just let out a big sigh each time I have to manage my databases in any way, including making simple queries in a graphical environment. What should be instant becomes a huge chore. I cannot believe that it doesn't remember the "state" of the collapsed objects until the next time.

In order to say something positive, I do appreciate the cross-platformness and apparently the ability for it to run in a browser, hosted on a server. (Although I personally don't trust it or any other software to do that safely.) Sadly, this has the serious downside of extremely poor performance, at least on Windows, to the point of making it practically impossible to use.

I don't wanna sound as if I'm just telling you what a terrible job you've done. I realize that in spite of these serious flaws, a lot of work must have been plowed into this project, and it's unlikely that my complaints will really be taken to heart by the people who worked on it for so long, and for free, only to then get "insulted". I feel genuinely sorry and frustrated about the whole situation, and I'm now seriously wondering what to do with my "computer life" as it is heavily dependent on PostgreSQL as the basis. pgAdmin III is aging and pgAdmin 4 doesn't seem to be going anywhere, or changing in any major ways from its current state.

What are the odds that you'll forget about pgAdmin 4 and instead go straight for a "pgAdmin V", taking everything you've learned but improving on it heavily? By the way, it is extremely common for developers to first do something great, then try to improve it, but failing entirely, instead producing a monster. For example: Winamp. There are many more cases, and it seems to happen again and again. It even happened to me! I was super proud of a product that was, to me, "vastly superior" to the old one, but the users absolutely hated it, and eventually, I had to realize that while technically better in some aspects, I had just done things "differently for the sake of doing them differently". I hope you'll understand me and that I really just want a great pgAdmin tool -- not to be mean.

If you have anything promising to tell me in regards to any of this, I'd like to hear it. In the past, I've looked through the miserable "alternatives", so it's probably pointless to tell me about any of those, but if there is some sort of alternative that you know of, which is heavily polished and maintained and trusted and free of charge, it would definitely be interesting to me. However, I very much doubt that anything like that exists, and I doubt that this is the best place to ask for that. In fact, it's probably considered rude...

// A long-time pgAdmin user who'd hate to see this crucial tool go the same way as so many other now-dead programs.
Hi All,

Not sure if this is a version related or I am doing something wrong.
Let's say I query a non-existing table. I am expecting to see an SQL
error message saying that the table does not exist. And this is what I
can see in pgAdmin III. Unfortunately, pgAdmin 4 does not show any
reasonable messages. At the same time, select from an existing table
correctly returns the data in all 3 cases below.

The SQL query I run is:

select * from non_existing_table;

I can see those messages:

pgAdmin III 1.22.2:
BŁĄD:  relacja "non_existing_table" nie istnieje
LINE 1: select * from non_existing_table;                     ^
********** Error **********

BŁĄD: relacja "non_existing_table" nie istnieje
SQL state: 42P01
Character: 15

pgAdmin 4 1.3:
Not connected to the server or the connection to the server has been closed.

pgAdmin 4 1.5:
Query returned successfully in 751 msec.

I would appreciate to hear any comments or might be someone noticed
the same? All examples are from Windows and PostgreSQL 9.6.

Thanks and regards

On 11 June 2017 at 12:11,  <> wrote:
> Dear pgAdmin developers,
> When I first heard that you were doing a total rewrite of pgAdmin III, I was
> extremely excited, because I had long been frustrated with the various
> annoyances and bugs in that program, which I was (and am still, actually)
> using daily, primarily how it always felt like a chore to start up and get
> ready unless the server was physically located near me.
> So when you eventually released the first public version of pgAdmin
> generation 4, I very eagerly downloaded it and tried it out. Unfortunately,
> to claim that I was "disappointed" isn't enough; I was frankly *appalled*. I
> will list the reasons in a moment, but I'd first like to point out that
> since then, I have repeatedly tried new versions of it, hoping to see
> improvements, but unfortunately finding all the same issues still present
> (as of v1.5, 2017-06-11, at the time of typing).
> Here are the critical issues:
> 1. Extreme sluggishness. Both the GUI itself, and the fetching of data from
> the server, is so slow and flimsy as to drive me insane even efter using it
> for less than a minute. I seriously get so angry that I kill the window in
> disgust. I'm not trying to be insulting or overly dramatic; this is just a
> fact. The software makes me angry due to how slow and unreliable it seems,
> and how prone it is to freeze (although it recovers after a while). This is
> on a *very* powerful and modern x86 workstation running a very "clean"
> (relative) Windows 10. All other programs are responsive and fast, except
> for pgAdmin 4. I really feel handicapped using it, in a way that's not at
> all the case with the old pgAdmin III, although even that one has mysterious
> fetch-delays that don't seem to correspond with the amount of data pulled
> through the network (SSH tunnel)...
> 2. It doesn't remember the empty password. It just keeps on asking, again
> and again, for the nonexistent password, even though I've checked the box to
> "remember" it a million times. This is infuriating to say the least.
> 3. Even worse so than the old program, pgAdmin 4 also doesn't seem to
> remember the "last state" at all, forcing me to slowly progress through the
> tree hierarchy each time I start it, waiting seconds each time I click
> anything. This makes me just let out a big sigh each time I have to manage
> my databases in any way, including making simple queries in a graphical
> environment. What should be instant becomes a huge chore. I cannot believe
> that it doesn't remember the "state" of the collapsed objects until the next
> time.
> In order to say something positive, I do appreciate the cross-platformness
> and apparently the ability for it to run in a browser, hosted on a server.
> (Although I personally don't trust it or any other software to do that
> safely.) Sadly, this has the serious downside of extremely poor performance,
> at least on Windows, to the point of making it practically impossible to
> use.
> I don't wanna sound as if I'm just telling you what a terrible job you've
> done. I realize that in spite of these serious flaws, a lot of work must
> have been plowed into this project, and it's unlikely that my complaints
> will really be taken to heart by the people who worked on it for so long,
> and for free, only to then get "insulted". I feel genuinely sorry and
> frustrated about the whole situation, and I'm now seriously wondering what
> to do with my "computer life" as it is heavily dependent on PostgreSQL as
> the basis. pgAdmin III is aging and pgAdmin 4 doesn't seem to be going
> anywhere, or changing in any major ways from its current state.
> What are the odds that you'll forget about pgAdmin 4 and instead go straight
> for a "pgAdmin V", taking everything you've learned but improving on it
> heavily? By the way, it is extremely common for developers to first do
> something great, then try to improve it, but failing entirely, instead
> producing a monster. For example: Winamp. There are many more cases, and it
> seems to happen again and again. It even happened to me! I was super proud
> of a product that was, to me, "vastly superior" to the old one, but the
> users absolutely hated it, and eventually, I had to realize that while
> technically better in some aspects, I had just done things "differently for
> the sake of doing them differently". I hope you'll understand me and that I
> really just want a great pgAdmin tool -- not to be mean.
> If you have anything promising to tell me in regards to any of this, I'd
> like to hear it. In the past, I've looked through the miserable
> "alternatives", so it's probably pointless to tell me about any of those,
> but if there is some sort of alternative that you know of, which is heavily
> polished and maintained and trusted and free of charge, it would definitely
> be interesting to me. However, I very much doubt that anything like that
> exists, and I doubt that this is the best place to ask for that. In fact,
> it's probably considered rude...
> // A long-time pgAdmin user who'd hate to see this crucial tool go the same
> way as so many other now-dead programs.


I am NOT Pgadmin support, but I tried your query in PgAdmin 4 v1.5 and
I saw the following error returned.

ERROR: relation "non_existing_table" does not exist LINE 1: select * from non_existing_table; ^ ********** Error ********** ERROR: relation "non_existing_table" does not exist SQL state: 42P01 Character: 15

So I would suggest you also provide information as the the O/S you are using
and how you installed PgAdmin 4. Also, what version of PostgreSQL you are

Melvin Davidson 🎸
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.
Folk Alley - All Folk - 24 Hours a day

On Sunday, June 11, 2017, 6:34:52 PM EDT, Pawel Hadam <> wrote:

Hi All,

Not sure if this is a version related or I am doing something wrong.
Let's say I query a non-existing table. I am expecting to see an SQL
error message saying that the table does not exist. And this is what I
can see in pgAdmin III. Unfortunately, pgAdmin 4 does not show any
reasonable messages. At the same time, select from an existing table
correctly returns the data in all 3 cases below.

The SQL query I run is:

select * from non_existing_table;

I can see those messages:

pgAdmin III 1.22.2:
BŁĄD:  relacja "non_existing_table" nie istnieje
LINE 1: select * from non_existing_table;
********** Error **********

BŁĄD: relacja "non_existing_table" nie istnieje
SQL state: 42P01
Character: 15

pgAdmin 4 1.3:
Not connected to the server or the connection to the server has been closed.

pgAdmin 4 1.5:
Query returned successfully in 751 msec.

I would appreciate to hear any comments or might be someone noticed
the same? All examples are from Windows and PostgreSQL 9.6.

Thanks and regards

On 11 June 2017 at 12:11,  <> wrote:
> Dear pgAdmin developers,
> When I first heard that you were doing a total rewrite of pgAdmin III, I was
> extremely excited, because I had long been frustrated with the various
> annoyances and bugs in that program, which I was (and am still, actually)
> using daily, primarily how it always felt like a chore to start up and get
> ready unless the server was physically located near me.
> So when you eventually released the first public version of pgAdmin
> generation 4, I very eagerly downloaded it and tried it out. Unfortunately,
> to claim that I was "disappointed" isn't enough; I was frankly *appalled*. I
> will list the reasons in a moment, but I'd first like to point out that
> since then, I have repeatedly tried new versions of it, hoping to see
> improvements, but unfortunately finding all the same issues still present
> (as of v1.5, 2017-06-11, at the time of typing).
> Here are the critical issues:
> 1. Extreme sluggishness. Both the GUI itself, and the fetching of data from
> the server, is so slow and flimsy as to drive me insane even efter using it
> for less than a minute. I seriously get so angry that I kill the window in
> disgust. I'm not trying to be insulting or overly dramatic; this is just a
> fact. The software makes me angry due to how slow and unreliable it seems,
> and how prone it is to freeze (although it recovers after a while). This is
> on a *very* powerful and modern x86 workstation running a very "clean"
> (relative) Windows 10. All other programs are responsive and fast, except
> for pgAdmin 4. I really feel handicapped using it, in a way that's not at
> all the case with the old pgAdmin III, although even that one has mysterious
> fetch-delays that don't seem to correspond with the amount of data pulled
> through the network (SSH tunnel)...
> 2. It doesn't remember the empty password. It just keeps on asking, again
> and again, for the nonexistent password, even though I've checked the box to
> "remember" it a million times. This is infuriating to say the least.
> 3. Even worse so than the old program, pgAdmin 4 also doesn't seem to
> remember the "last state" at all, forcing me to slowly progress through the
> tree hierarchy each time I start it, waiting seconds each time I click
> anything. This makes me just let out a big sigh each time I have to manage
> my databases in any way, including making simple queries in a graphical
> environment. What should be instant becomes a huge chore. I cannot believe
> that it doesn't remember the "state" of the collapsed objects until the next
> time.
> In order to say something positive, I do appreciate the cross-platformness
> and apparently the ability for it to run in a browser, hosted on a server.
> (Although I personally don't trust it or any other software to do that
> safely.) Sadly, this has the serious downside of extremely poor performance,
> at least on Windows, to the point of making it practically impossible to
> use.
> I don't wanna sound as if I'm just telling you what a terrible job you've
> done. I realize that in spite of these serious flaws, a lot of work must
> have been plowed into this project, and it's unlikely that my complaints
> will really be taken to heart by the people who worked on it for so long,
> and for free, only to then get "insulted". I feel genuinely sorry and
> frustrated about the whole situation, and I'm now seriously wondering what
> to do with my "computer life" as it is heavily dependent on PostgreSQL as
> the basis. pgAdmin III is aging and pgAdmin 4 doesn't seem to be going
> anywhere, or changing in any major ways from its current state.
> What are the odds that you'll forget about pgAdmin 4 and instead go straight
> for a "pgAdmin V", taking everything you've learned but improving on it
> heavily? By the way, it is extremely common for developers to first do
> something great, then try to improve it, but failing entirely, instead
> producing a monster. For example: Winamp. There are many more cases, and it
> seems to happen again and again. It even happened to me! I was super proud
> of a product that was, to me, "vastly superior" to the old one, but the
> users absolutely hated it, and eventually, I had to realize that while
> technically better in some aspects, I had just done things "differently for
> the sake of doing them differently". I hope you'll understand me and that I
> really just want a great pgAdmin tool -- not to be mean.
> If you have anything promising to tell me in regards to any of this, I'd
> like to hear it. In the past, I've looked through the miserable
> "alternatives", so it's probably pointless to tell me about any of those,
> but if there is some sort of alternative that you know of, which is heavily
> polished and maintained and trusted and free of charge, it would definitely
> be interesting to me. However, I very much doubt that anything like that
> exists, and I doubt that this is the best place to ask for that. In fact,
> it's probably considered rude...
> // A long-time pgAdmin user who'd hate to see this crucial tool go the same
> way as so many other now-dead programs.

Sent via pgadmin-support mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 11:12 AM,  <> wrote:
> I don't have any anti-virus software or anything like that besides the
> built-in stuff. Even my own NW.js programs seem to run smoothly on this
> machine (NW.js is like a stripped Chromium in which you can run JS programs
> as if they were a desktop application).
> I wish you and the other developers could address my question directly. So
> far, I've seen mostly irrelevant replies. I fear this is going to just
> disappear into the void, but I have no idea how often people read and reply
> on this mailing list. I'm not even sure if I'm replying to this "correctly".
> Everything about mailing lists is cumbersome and confusing...

The only question mark in your email is here:

"What are the odds that you'll forget about pgAdmin 4 and instead go
straight for a "pgAdmin V", taking everything you've learned but
improving on it heavily?"

To which the answer is that having invested $1M+ in pgAdmin 4, no,
we're not going to just ditch it.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company


On 12/06/17 07:31, Dave Page wrote:
> To which the answer is that having invested $1M+ in pgAdmin 4,

I am on windows and installed pgadmin server side using the pgadmin4-v1-web package and then use browser to access.
It’s a bit more work but I am happy with pgadmin4 after that.
4 second startup
expanding nodes sub second.
You also have the added benefit  of a single install for the network,.

IMHO the windows self-contained install is way too slow to be useable.