Thread: [pgadmin-hackers] pgAdmin 4 commit: Re-organised the regression directory now we havemul

Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites: move into python_test_utils/


Author: Atira Odhner <>

Modified Files
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
.../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
.../tests/             |  10 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
.../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
.../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
.../tests/              |  11 +-
.../tests/           |   9 +-
.../tests/              |   9 +-
.../tests/              |  11 +-
.../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
.../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
.../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
.../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
.../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
.../tests/            |  17 +-
.../tests/         |  11 +-
.../tests/            |  11 +-
.../tests/            |  13 +-
.../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../tests/          |  11 +-
.../tests/             |  11 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
.../tests/             |  11 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
.../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
.../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
.../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
.../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
.../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/          |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  16 +-
.../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
.../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/          |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  16 +-
.../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
.../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
.../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
.../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
.../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
.../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
.../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
.../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
.../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
.../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
.../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
.../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
.../tests/              |   6 +-
.../tests/           |   4 +-
.../tests/              |   6 +-
.../tests/             |   4 +-
.../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
.../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
.../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
.../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
.../              |   2 +-
.../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
.../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
web/regression/                         |   2 +-
web/regression/                       | 455 ---------------------
188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)

Hi Dave,
       I just checked with latest code, test-suite execution failing. Showing import errors for test_utils.
I didn't find under python_test_utils/

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 45, in <module>

    from regression import test_setup

  File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/regression/", line 10, in <module>

    import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.roles.tests.utils as roles_utils

  File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/roles/tests/", line 17, in <module>

    from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils as utils

ImportError: cannot import name 'test_utils'

I ran test-suite with
python --exclude feature_tests 

Please tell me if I missed something.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites: move into python_test_utils/


Author: Atira Odhner <>

Modified Files
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
.../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
.../tests/             |  10 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
.../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
.../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
.../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
.../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
.../tests/              |  11 +-
.../tests/           |   9 +-
.../tests/              |   9 +-
.../tests/              |  11 +-
.../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
.../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
.../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
.../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
.../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
.../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
.../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
.../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
.../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
.../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
.../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
.../tests/            |  17 +-
.../tests/         |  11 +-
.../tests/            |  11 +-
.../tests/            |  13 +-
.../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../tests/          |  11 +-
.../tests/             |  11 +-
.../tests/             |  13 +-
.../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
.../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
.../tests/             |  11 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
.../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
.../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
.../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
.../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
.../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
.../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
.../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
.../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
.../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
.../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
.../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/          |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  16 +-
.../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
.../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
.../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/          |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  14 +-
.../tests/             |  16 +-
.../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
.../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
.../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
.../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
.../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
.../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
.../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
.../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
.../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
.../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
.../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
.../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
.../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
.../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
.../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
.../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
.../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
.../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
.../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
.../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
.../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
.../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
.../tests/              |   6 +-
.../tests/           |   4 +-
.../tests/              |   6 +-
.../tests/             |   4 +-
.../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
.../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
.../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
.../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
.../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
.../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
.../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
.../              |   2 +-
.../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
.../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
web/regression/                         |   2 +-
web/regression/                       | 455 ---------------------
188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)

Sent via pgadmin-hackers mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Navnath Gadakh

EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Update again please. I fixed it a couple of minutes later (I missed a file).

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Navnath Gadakh
<> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
>        I just checked with latest code, test-suite execution failing.
> Showing import errors for test_utils.
> I didn't find under python_test_utils/
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 45, in <module>
>     from regression import test_setup
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/regression/", line 10, in
> <module>
>     import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.roles.tests.utils as
> roles_utils
>   File
> "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/roles/tests/",
> line 17, in <module>
>     from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils as utils
> ImportError: cannot import name 'test_utils'
> I ran test-suite with
> python --exclude feature_tests
> Please tell me if I missed something.
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites:
>> move into python_test_utils/
>> Branch
>> ------
>> master
>> Details
>> -------
>> Author: Atira Odhner <>
>> Modified Files
>> --------------
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../tests/             |  10 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
>> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> .../tests/           |   9 +-
>> .../tests/              |   9 +-
>> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> .../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> .../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> .../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> .../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
>> .../tests/            |  17 +-
>> .../tests/         |  11 +-
>> .../tests/            |  11 +-
>> .../tests/            |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../tests/          |  11 +-
>> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> .../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> .../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> .../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
>> .../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> .../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
>> .../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> .../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
>> .../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> .../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
>> .../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> .../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> .../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> .../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> .../tests/           |   4 +-
>> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> .../tests/             |   4 +-
>> .../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
>> .../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
>> .../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
>> .../              |   2 +-
>> .../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
>> web/regression/                         |   2 +-
>> web/regression/                       | 455
>> ---------------------
>> 188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)
>> --
>> Sent via pgadmin-hackers mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription:
> --
> Regards,
> Navnath Gadakh
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Thanks, It's running now for python2 but failing for python3. Its syntax error 'tuple parameter unpacking not supported in python3'
 In filter function.

Traceback (most recent call last)

  File "", line 284, in <module>

    test_module_list = get_test_modules(args)

  File "", line 167, in get_test_modules

    TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin', exclude_pkgs)

  File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/utils/", line 71, in load_generators


  File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgenv36/lib/python3.6/importlib/", line 126, in import_module

    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 978, in _gcd_import

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 961, in _find_and_load

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 950, in _find_and_load_unlocked

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 655, in _load_unlocked

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 674, in exec_module

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 781, in get_code

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 741, in source_to_code

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 205, in _call_with_frames_removed

  File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/databases/schemas/tables/templates/table/sql/tests/", line 52

    public_acls = filter(lambda (acl): acl[1] == 'PUBLIC', fetch_result)


SyntaxError: invalid syntax 

Will look into it.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
Update again please. I fixed it a couple of minutes later (I missed a file).

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Navnath Gadakh
<> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
>        I just checked with latest code, test-suite execution failing.
> Showing import errors for test_utils.
> I didn't find under python_test_utils/
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 45, in <module>
>     from regression import test_setup
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/regression/", line 10, in
> <module>
>     import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.roles.tests.utils as
> roles_utils
>   File
> "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/roles/tests/",
> line 17, in <module>
>     from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils as utils
> ImportError: cannot import name 'test_utils'
> I ran test-suite with
> python --exclude feature_tests
> Please tell me if I missed something.
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites:
>> move into python_test_utils/
>> Branch
>> ------
>> master
>> Details
>> -------
>> Author: Atira Odhner <>
>> Modified Files
>> --------------
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../tests/             |  10 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
>> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
>> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
>> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> .../tests/           |   9 +-
>> .../tests/              |   9 +-
>> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> .../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
>> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> .../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> .../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> .../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
>> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> .../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
>> .../tests/            |  17 +-
>> .../tests/         |  11 +-
>> .../tests/            |  11 +-
>> .../tests/            |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../tests/          |  11 +-
>> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
>> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
>> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> .../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> .../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> .../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
>> .../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> .../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
>> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
>> .../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> .../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
>> .../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> .../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
>> .../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> .../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> .../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> .../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
>> .../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
>> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
>> .../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> .../tests/           |   4 +-
>> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> .../tests/             |   4 +-
>> .../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
>> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
>> .../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
>> .../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
>> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
>> .../              |   2 +-
>> .../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
>> .../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
>> web/regression/                         |   2 +-
>> web/regression/                       | 455
>> ---------------------
>> 188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)
>> --
>> Sent via pgadmin-hackers mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription:
> --
> Regards,
> Navnath Gadakh
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Navnath Gadakh

EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

That should also be fixed now.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Navnath Gadakh
<> wrote:
> Thanks, It's running now for python2 but failing for python3. Its syntax
> error 'tuple parameter unpacking not supported in python3'
>  In filter function.
> Traceback (most recent call last)
>   File "", line 284, in <module>
>     test_module_list = get_test_modules(args)
>   File "", line 167, in get_test_modules
>     TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin', exclude_pkgs)
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/utils/", line 71, in
> load_generators
>     import_module(module_name)
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgenv36/lib/python3.6/importlib/",
> line 126, in import_module
>     return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 978, in _gcd_import
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 961, in _find_and_load
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 950, in _find_and_load_unlocked
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 655, in _load_unlocked
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 674, in exec_module
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 781, in get_code
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 741, in source_to_code
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 205, in
> _call_with_frames_removed
>   File
> line 52
>     public_acls = filter(lambda (acl): acl[1] == 'PUBLIC', fetch_result)
>                                 ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Will look into it.
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> Update again please. I fixed it a couple of minutes later (I missed a
>> file).
>> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Navnath Gadakh
>> <> wrote:
>> > Hi Dave,
>> >
>> >        I just checked with latest code, test-suite execution failing.
>> > Showing import errors for test_utils.
>> > I didn't find under python_test_utils/
>> >
>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >
>> >   File "", line 45, in <module>
>> >
>> >     from regression import test_setup
>> >
>> >   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/regression/", line
>> > 10, in
>> > <module>
>> >
>> >     import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.roles.tests.utils as
>> > roles_utils
>> >
>> >   File
>> >
>> > "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/roles/tests/",
>> > line 17, in <module>
>> >
>> >     from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils as utils
>> >
>> > ImportError: cannot import name 'test_utils'
>> >
>> >
>> > I ran test-suite with
>> > python --exclude feature_tests
>> >
>> > Please tell me if I missed something.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites:
>> >> move into python_test_utils/
>> >>
>> >> Branch
>> >> ------
>> >> master
>> >>
>> >> Details
>> >> -------
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>;a=commitdiff;h=10920404e146bc4b87100b65fc41ed29ab65e2cd
>> >> Author: Atira Odhner <>
>> >>
>> >> Modified Files
>> >> --------------
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  10 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/           |   9 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   9 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> >> .../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> >> .../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> >> .../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> >> .../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  17 +-
>> >> .../tests/         |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> >> .../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> >> .../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
>> >> .../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> >> .../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
>> >> .../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> >> .../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
>> >> .../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> >> .../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
>> >> .../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> >> .../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> >> .../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> >> .../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/           |   4 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
>> >> .../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
>> >> .../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
>> >> .../              |   2 +-
>> >> .../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
>> >> web/regression/                         |   2 +-
>> >> web/regression/                       | 455
>> >> ---------------------
>> >> 188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Sent via pgadmin-hackers mailing list (
>> >> To make changes to your subscription:
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Regards,
>> > Navnath Gadakh
>> >
>> > EnterpriseDB Corporation
>> > The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Dave Page
>> Blog:
>> Twitter: @pgsnake
>> EnterpriseDB UK:
>> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
> --
> Regards,
> Navnath Gadakh
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Yeah, just checked ...Running all now :)


On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
That should also be fixed now.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Navnath Gadakh
<> wrote:
> Thanks, It's running now for python2 but failing for python3. Its syntax
> error 'tuple parameter unpacking not supported in python3'
>  In filter function.
> Traceback (most recent call last)
>   File "", line 284, in <module>
>     test_module_list = get_test_modules(args)
>   File "", line 167, in get_test_modules
>     TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin', exclude_pkgs)
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/utils/", line 71, in
> load_generators
>     import_module(module_name)
>   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgenv36/lib/python3.6/importlib/",
> line 126, in import_module
>     return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 978, in _gcd_import
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 961, in _find_and_load
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 950, in _find_and_load_unlocked
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 655, in _load_unlocked
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 674, in exec_module
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 781, in get_code
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 741, in source_to_code
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 205, in
> _call_with_frames_removed
>   File
> "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/databases/schemas/tables/templates/table/sql/tests/",
> line 52
>     public_acls = filter(lambda (acl): acl[1] == 'PUBLIC', fetch_result)
>                                 ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Will look into it.
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> Update again please. I fixed it a couple of minutes later (I missed a
>> file).
>> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Navnath Gadakh
>> <> wrote:
>> > Hi Dave,
>> >
>> >        I just checked with latest code, test-suite execution failing.
>> > Showing import errors for test_utils.
>> > I didn't find under python_test_utils/
>> >
>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >
>> >   File "", line 45, in <module>
>> >
>> >     from regression import test_setup
>> >
>> >   File "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/regression/", line
>> > 10, in
>> > <module>
>> >
>> >     import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.roles.tests.utils as
>> > roles_utils
>> >
>> >   File
>> >
>> > "/Users/edb/Navnath/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/roles/tests/",
>> > line 17, in <module>
>> >
>> >     from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils as utils
>> >
>> > ImportError: cannot import name 'test_utils'
>> >
>> >
>> > I ran test-suite with
>> > python --exclude feature_tests
>> >
>> > Please tell me if I missed something.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Re-organised the regression directory now we have multiple test suites:
>> >> move into python_test_utils/
>> >>
>> >> Branch
>> >> ------
>> >> master
>> >>
>> >> Details
>> >> -------
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>;a=commitdiff;h=10920404e146bc4b87100b65fc41ed29ab65e2cd
>> >> Author: Atira Odhner <>
>> >>
>> >> Modified Files
>> >> --------------
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/casts/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   9 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/casts/tests/         |   3 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  10 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  10 +-
>> >> .../event_triggers/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/event_triggers/tests/        |   3 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   6 +-
>> >> .../extensions/tests/         |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/extensions/tests/    |   3 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/           |   9 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   9 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |  11 +-
>> >> .../foreign_servers/tests/                 |   4 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/ |  13 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  13 +-
>> >> .../user_mapping/tests/    |  15 +-
>> >> .../foreign_servers/user_mapping/tests/    |   3 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |   9 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   9 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> >> .../foreign_data_wrappers/tests/    |  11 +-
>> >> .../databases/foreign_data_wrappers/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../languages/tests/        |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../databases/languages/tests/ |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/languages/tests/     |   3 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../collations/tests/      |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/collations/tests/ |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/collations/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/    |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/domains/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/domains/tests/       |   5 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  13 +-
>> >> .../foreign_tables/tests/ |  15 +-
>> >> .../schemas/foreign_tables/tests/          |   4 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  17 +-
>> >> .../tests/         |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/            |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/fts_configurations/tests/      |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/fts_dictionaries/tests/        |   6 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/     |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_parser/tests/        |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/fts_parser/tests/    |   6 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  11 +-
>> >> .../fts_templates/tests/  |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/fts_templates/tests/ |   6 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/    |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../functions/tests/       |  14 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/functions/tests/     |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/  |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/packages/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/packages/tests/      |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> >> .../sequences/tests/        |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/sequences/tests/   |  13 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/sequences/tests/     |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/  |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/synonyms/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/synonyms/tests/      |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/column/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/column/tests/ |  16 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/column/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> >> .../constraints/check_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  14 +-
>> >> .../foreign_key/tests/      |  16 +-
>> >> .../tables/constraints/foreign_key/tests/  |   5 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  14 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |  16 +-
>> >> .../constraints/index_constraint/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/    |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/indexes/tests/       |  20 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/indexes/tests/          |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../tables/rules/tests/        |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  14 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/rules/tests/   |  16 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/rules/tests/  |   5 +-
>> >> .../templates/column/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> >> .../column/sql/tests/     |   2 +-
>> >> .../sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> >> .../templates/table/sql/tests/   |   2 +-
>> >> .../templates/table/sql/tests/  |   2 +-
>> >> .../table/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> >> .../trigger/sql/tests/      |   2 +-
>> >> .../trigger/sql/tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  13 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/      |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/tests/         |  12 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tables/tests/        |   5 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/  |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  18 +-
>> >> .../tables/triggers/tests/     |  20 +-
>> >> .../schemas/tables/triggers/tests/         |   5 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/  |   6 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   8 +-
>> >> .../databases/schemas/tests/     |   6 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/tests/       |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/       |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  10 +-
>> >> .../schemas/types/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/types/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/       |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  12 +-
>> >> .../schemas/views/tests/          |  14 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/schemas/views/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/      |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/databases/tests/         |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/databases/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/           |   4 +-
>> >> .../tests/              |   6 +-
>> >> .../tests/             |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/resource_groups/tests/         |   3 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/roles/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/roles/tests/     |   7 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/ |   5 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   4 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/    |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/tablespaces/tests/             |   5 +-
>> >> .../connect/sql/tests/       |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../servers/tests/            |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   2 +-
>> >> .../server_groups/servers/tests/ |   3 +-
>> >> .../browser/server_groups/servers/tests/   |   2 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/  |   4 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/            |   3 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/           |   2 +-
>> >> web/pgadmin/browser/tests/   |   4 +-
>> >> .../              |   2 +-
>> >> .../feature_tests/        |   2 +-
>> >> .../python_test_utils/           |   9 +
>> >> web/regression/                         |   2 +-
>> >> web/regression/                       | 455
>> >> ---------------------
>> >> 188 files changed, 871 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Sent via pgadmin-hackers mailing list (
>> >> To make changes to your subscription:
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Regards,
>> > Navnath Gadakh
>> >
>> > EnterpriseDB Corporation
>> > The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Dave Page
>> Blog:
>> Twitter: @pgsnake
>> EnterpriseDB UK:
>> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
> --
> Regards,
> Navnath Gadakh
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Navnath Gadakh

EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company