Thread: Better space efficiency on home page

Better space efficiency on home page

Simon Riggs
Home page layout still needs a few tweaks in my opinion.

The shaded part that contains the Elephant picture is still too big and
the information it contains doesn't really warrant that much. The first
thing I see when I look at the home page is a huge hole with no useful
content at all.

ISTM we could get "Full Announcement" and "Release Notes" on the same
line, move up the elephant by two lines, saving two lines. 

Put "Support Us" into a box that uses about 25% of the width of Featured
User, but on the right-hand-side, so they are horizontally adjacent.
Support Us gets a box around it, attracting more attention.

That should then allow Latest News, Upcoming Events and Planet
PostgreSQL to move up a few lines.

We then should allow more history on News and Planet PostgreSQL, so they
both go to the bottom of the available space.

Your thoughts?

--  Simon Riggs 2ndQuadrant

Re: Better space efficiency on home page

Markus Schiltknecht

Simon Riggs wrote:
> The shaded part that contains the Elephant picture is still too big and
> the information it contains doesn't really warrant that much. The first
> thing I see when I look at the home page is a huge hole with no useful
> content at all.

IMO that entry page already contains enough information. Let's dare to 
leave some free space, so the elephant can breath - and visitors aren't 
overwhelmed by the amount of information presented.

> Put "Support Us" into a box that uses about 25% of the width of Featured
> User, but on the right-hand-side, so they are horizontally adjacent.
> Support Us gets a box around it, attracting more attention.

Yeah, that edge there is somewhat misaligned. Especially the line on the 
left of the 'planet postgresql' box looks silly.

I can imagine giving the 'support us' box more space. OTOH, I personally 
find the 'featured user' box more appealing.

> We then should allow more history on News and Planet PostgreSQL, so they
> both go to the bottom of the available space.

Again, I don't think that's very useful. Interested visitors will follow 
the links anyway. Remember the very short time an avg. visitor spends on 
a single site.

