Thread: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Postgres Admin
I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be appreciated.


Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Din Adrian
we are using postgresql8 +psqlodbc8+ delphi7 ... the only problem is the
server side cursor = doesn't work properly ... so we are using client side
for datasets .... :)

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 23:49:29 -0400, Postgres Admin
<> wrote:

> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> J
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if
> your
>       joining column's datatypes do not match

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Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Postgres Admin
So you installed psqlodbc 8 on the client machine with Delphi installed,
correct?  What problems did you have with cursors?  Any other suggestions?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Din Adrian wrote:
> we are using postgresql8 +psqlodbc8+ delphi7 ... the only problem is
> the  server side cursor = doesn't work properly ... so we are using
> client side  for datasets .... :)

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Din Adrian
    Yes, the client must have the psqlodbc driver and mdac at least 2.6.  
(Mdac2.5 is verry buggy - attention win2000 and win9x must be upgraded if  
you need mdac for your app).When using server side cursors for a dataset the update and delete  
functions act 'strange' as not refreshing corect the affected rows or by  
showing ony ane record for 20 times instead of 20 different records ...  
(this test was done with psqlodbc8.0 - postgresql DB 8.0 - I think my  
colegs didn't test it with 8.1 yet !! ).So we are using client side cursors - slower then server side cursors,  
but we are satified with the results (we are developing a big ERP app for  
two years - it also works over internet on 2-3 clients with relative slow  
net connections : 56-128 Kb/s).

Adrian Din,
Om Computer & Software,

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 08:09:56 -0400, Postgres Admin  
<> wrote:

> So you installed psqlodbc 8 on the client machine with Delphi installed,
> correct?  What problems did you have with cursors?  Any other  
> suggestions?
> Thanks a lot for the help!
> J
> Din Adrian wrote:
>> we are using postgresql8 +psqlodbc8+ delphi7 ... the only problem is
>> the  server side cursor = doesn't work properly ... so we are using
>> client side  for datasets .... :)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to

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Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Hi J!

We use here vitavoom from Steve Howe ( It's a very
good and native alternative.
It's paid but not expensive and you will have a very good and qualified
technical supporte.


Rodrigo Carvalhaes

Postgres Admin wrote:

>I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
>would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
>psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
>wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be appreciated.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e
 acredita-se estar livre de perigo.

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Din Adrian
We tested also (pgExpress Driver) - is faster then psqlodbc but we have a
problem with it:
it does requery (or refresh? - I don't remember exactly) after every post
in database.(for us this is a problem - if you have more then 10.000 in
current dataset loaded when you add a new record and post-it you stay 1
min !? ) - for curiosity how do you deal with this posible problem ?

Adrian Din,
Om Computer & Software,
Bucuresti, Romania

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:54:21 -0300, grupos <> wrote:

> Hi J!
> We use here vitavoom from Steve Howe ( It's a very
> good and native alternative.
> It's paid but not expensive and you will have a very good and qualified
> technical supporte.
> Regards,
> Rodrigo Carvalhaes
> Postgres Admin wrote:
>> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
>> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
>> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
>> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> J
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if
>> your
>>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Hi Adrian,

You're right. What we did was include one "refresh" button and inserted
one configuration that after x seconds the component refresh the screen

If you find a better solution, please inform me.



Din Adrian wrote:

> We tested also (pgExpress Driver) - is faster then psqlodbc but we
> have a  problem with it:
> it does requery (or refresh? - I don't remember exactly) after every
> post  in database.(for us this is a problem - if you have more then
> 10.000 in  current dataset loaded when you add a new record and
> post-it you stay 1  min !? ) - for curiosity how do you deal with this
> posible problem ?
> Adrian Din,
> Om Computer & Software,
> Bucuresti, Romania
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:54:21 -0300, grupos <> wrote:
>> Hi J!
>> We use here vitavoom from Steve Howe ( It's a very
>> good and native alternative.
>> It's paid but not expensive and you will have a very good and
>> qualified  technical supporte.
>> Regards,
>> Rodrigo Carvalhaes
>> Postgres Admin wrote:
>>> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
>>> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
>>> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
>>> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> J
>>> ---------------------------(end of
>>> broadcast)---------------------------
>>> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan
>>> if  your
>>>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e
 acredita-se estar livre de perigo.

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Din Adrian
I am sorry - I don't understand  (or my english is bad or I don't know
what you mean).

> What we did was include one "refresh" button and inserted one
> configuration that after x seconds the component refresh the screen
> (query).

When the user push the 'post' button the driver automatically refresh the
current dataset and the user have to wait many seconds (or min?!) until
it's finish. ok?
How did you say you avoided this ?

Adrian Din,
Om Computer & SoftWare
Bucuresti, Romania

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:29:38 -0300, grupos <> wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> You're right. What we did was include one "refresh" button and inserted
> one configuration that after x seconds the component refresh the screen
> (query).
> If you find a better solution, please inform me.
> Regards,
> Rodrigo
> Din Adrian wrote:
>> We tested also (pgExpress Driver) - is faster then psqlodbc but we have
>> a  problem with it:
>> it does requery (or refresh? - I don't remember exactly) after every
>> post  in database.(for us this is a problem - if you have more then
>> 10.000 in  current dataset loaded when you add a new record and post-it
>> you stay 1  min !? ) - for curiosity how do you deal with this posible
>> problem ?
>> Adrian Din,
>> Om Computer & Software,
>> Bucuresti, Romania
>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:54:21 -0300, grupos <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi J!
>>> We use here vitavoom from Steve Howe ( It's a very
>>> good and native alternative.
>>> It's paid but not expensive and you will have a very good and
>>> qualified  technical supporte.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rodrigo Carvalhaes
>>> Postgres Admin wrote:
>>>> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database,
>>>> I
>>>> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
>>>> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
>>>> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> J
>>>> ---------------------------(end of
>>>> broadcast)---------------------------
>>>> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan
>>>> if  your
>>>>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Hi Adrian!

Yes, the user have to wait until the refresh finishes... That's a
problem but we didn't found any other solution...


Rodrigo Carvalhaes

Din Adrian wrote:

> I am sorry - I don't understand  (or my english is bad or I don't
> know  what you mean).
>> What we did was include one "refresh" button and inserted one
>> configuration that after x seconds the component refresh the screen
>> (query).
> So:
> When the user push the 'post' button the driver automatically refresh
> the  current dataset and the user have to wait many seconds (or min?!)
> until  it's finish. ok?
> How did you say you avoided this ?
> Adrian Din,
> Om Computer & SoftWare
> Bucuresti, Romania
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:29:38 -0300, grupos <> wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> You're right. What we did was include one "refresh" button and
>> inserted  one configuration that after x seconds the component
>> refresh the screen  (query).
>> If you find a better solution, please inform me.
>> Regards,
>> Rodrigo
>> Din Adrian wrote:
>>> We tested also (pgExpress Driver) - is faster then psqlodbc but we
>>> have  a  problem with it:
>>> it does requery (or refresh? - I don't remember exactly) after
>>> every  post  in database.(for us this is a problem - if you have
>>> more then  10.000 in  current dataset loaded when you add a new
>>> record and post-it  you stay 1  min !? ) - for curiosity how do you
>>> deal with this posible  problem ?
>>> Adrian Din,
>>> Om Computer & Software,
>>> Bucuresti, Romania
>>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:54:21 -0300, grupos <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi J!
>>>> We use here vitavoom from Steve Howe ( It's a
>>>> very   good and native alternative.
>>>> It's paid but not expensive and you will have a very good and
>>>> qualified  technical supporte.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rodrigo Carvalhaes
>>>> Postgres Admin wrote:
>>>>> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a
>>>>> Database,  I
>>>>> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
>>>>> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically,
>>>>> I'm
>>>>> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be
>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> J
>>>>> ---------------------------(end of
>>>>> broadcast)---------------------------
>>>>> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index
>>>>> scan  if  your
>>>>>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e
 acredita-se estar livre de perigo.

Re: PostgreSQL and Delphi 6

Mathew Winters
I am a bit late posting, I use Zeos DBO controls, they can be found on 

I actually use the V5 of the components with some bug fixes I done 
myself, but my project is too far along to change to the newer components..

They are free and all source provided.. :)

Postgres Admin wrote:
> I have a client who wants to use Delphi as a front end to a Database, I
> would like to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL and have been looking at the
> psqlodbc project.  Will psqlodbc connect with Delphi 6? Basically, I'm
> wondering if anyone has experience with it?   Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> J
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>       joining column's datatypes do not match