Yes, the client must have the psqlodbc driver and mdac at least 2.6.
(Mdac2.5 is verry buggy - attention win2000 and win9x must be upgraded if
you need mdac for your app).When using server side cursors for a dataset the update and delete
functions act 'strange' as not refreshing corect the affected rows or by
showing ony ane record for 20 times instead of 20 different records ...
(this test was done with psqlodbc8.0 - postgresql DB 8.0 - I think my
colegs didn't test it with 8.1 yet !! ).So we are using client side cursors - slower then server side cursors,
but we are satified with the results (we are developing a big ERP app for
two years - it also works over internet on 2-3 clients with relative slow
net connections : 56-128 Kb/s).
Adrian Din,
Om Computer & Software,
On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 08:09:56 -0400, Postgres Admin
<> wrote:
> So you installed psqlodbc 8 on the client machine with Delphi installed,
> correct? What problems did you have with cursors? Any other
> suggestions?
> Thanks a lot for the help!
> J
> Din Adrian wrote:
>> we are using postgresql8 +psqlodbc8+ delphi7 ... the only problem is
>> the server side cursor = doesn't work properly ... so we are using
>> client side for datasets .... :)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
> (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to
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