Thread: SQL Syntax problem

SQL Syntax problem

Doris Bernloehr

I've got a problem in porting the following select statement from Oracle to 
Postgres, because of the characters after "b.bet_id" and "f.ask_id" in the 
where clause: (+)
I don't know what these characters mean and how I can transform these into 
PostgreSql Syntax.

select        ...
from         auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp    and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+);

Hoping for help.

Re: SQL Syntax problem

Franco Bruno Borghesi
This kind of conditions are left or right joins, depending on which side of the equal sign you have the (+).<br /><br
/>Something like this<br /><br /> select        ...<br /> from<br /> auswahlkatalog k,<br /> INNER JOIN
anspruchkorrektura ON (k.awk_id = a.awk_id),<br /> LEFT JOIN beteiligter b ON (b.bet_id = a.bet_idemp),<br /> RIGHT
JOINv_betkorr f ON (a.ask_id = f.ask_id)<br /><br /> should give you the same results.<br /><br /> On Sun, 2003-09-28
at09:43, Doris Bernloehr wrote: <blockquote type="CITE"><pre><font color="#737373"><i>Hello. 

I've got a problem in porting the following select statement from Oracle to
Postgres, because of the characters after "b.bet_id" and "f.ask_id" in the
where clause: (+)
I don't know what these characters mean and how I can transform these into
PostgreSql Syntax.

select        ...
from         auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp    and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+);

Hoping for help.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: SQL Syntax problem

> I've got a problem in porting the following select statement from Oracle to
> Postgres, because of the characters after "b.bet_id" and "f.ask_id" in the
> where clause: (+)
> I don't know what these characters mean and how I can transform these into
> PostgreSql Syntax.
> select        ...
> from         auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
> where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp
>         and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+)

This  (+)  means JOIN
e.g. (+)-marked equations used as a joining condition

To translate it to PGSQL syntax simply remove (+)
(only one thing i forgot: isn't it OUTER JOIN?...)

Re: SQL Syntax problem

Gaetano Mendola
sad wrote:

>>select        ...
>>from         auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
>>where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp
>>        and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+)
> This  (+)  means JOIN 

Means OUTER JOIN but I don't remember the side.

> e.g. (+)-marked equations used as a joining condition

Not exactly see above

Gaetano Mendola

Re: SQL Syntax problem

Hi Doris,
In oracle (+) is left outer join or right outer join .
You need to write:
select        ...
from            auswahlkatalog k,  beteiligter b left outer join anspruchkorrektur a
on(b.bet_id = a.bet_idemp) left outer join v_betkorr f on (a.ask_id = f.ask_id)
where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id ;


Doris Bernloehr wrote:

> Hello.
> I've got a problem in porting the following select statement from Oracle to
> Postgres, because of the characters after "b.bet_id" and "f.ask_id" in the
> where clause: (+)
> I don't know what these characters mean and how I can transform these into
> PostgreSql Syntax.
> select        ...
> from            auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
> where           k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp
>                 and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+);
> Hoping for help.
> Doris
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster