Thread: Cleaning up template 1

Cleaning up template 1

"Josh Berkus"

Due to an accident with a script, I created about 200 objects in thetemplate1 database instead of the database for
whichthey wereintended.  
I am now faced with either deleting each of these object individually,or dumping my whole postgresql installation and
re-installingeachuser database, one at a time.

Can anyone suggest any shortcuts for fixing this problem?


Re: Cleaning up template 1

Thomas Swan
Josh Berkus wrote:

>Due to an accident with a script, I created about 200 objects in the
> template1 database instead of the database for which they were
> intended.  
>I am now faced with either deleting each of these object individually,
> or dumping my whole postgresql installation and re-installing each
> user database, one at a time.
If this is 7.2 you should be able to drop template1 and do create 
database template1 from template0.  

DROP DATABASE template1;

Check first with another installation as I'm not too sure about the 

>Can anyone suggest any shortcuts for fixing this problem?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: Cleaning up template 1

Thomas Good
On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Folks,
> Due to an accident with a script, I created about 200 objects in the
>  template1 database instead of the database for which they were
>  intended.  
> I am now faced with either deleting each of these object individually,
>  or dumping my whole postgresql installation and re-installing each
>  user database, one at a time.
> Can anyone suggest any shortcuts for fixing this problem?


Isn't template0 around for events like this?  (maybe if template1 
goes missing, etc...)

I read somewhere that you can drop template1 and recreate it from 


Thomas Good                               
Programmer/Analyst                                  phone:  718-818-5528
Residential Services, Behavioral Health Services    fax:    718-818-5056
Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers              mobile: 917-282-7359
--                                                                    --
SQL Clinic - An Open Source Clinical Record  

Re: Cleaning up template 1 -> template0 cloning

Thomas Good
Josh - from the pg docs:      Note: template1 and template0 do not have any special status beyond    the fact that the
nametemplate1 is the default source database    name for CREATE DATABASE and the default database-to-connect-to for
variousscripts such as createdb. For example, one could drop    template1 and recreate it from template0 without any
illeffects.    This course of action might be advisable if one has carelessly    added a bunch of junk in template1.

Thomas Good                               
Programmer/Analyst                                  phone:  718-818-5528
Residential Services, Behavioral Health Services    fax:    718-818-5056
Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers              mobile: 917-282-7359
--                                                                    --
SQL Clinic - An Open Source Clinical Record  

Re: Cleaning up template 1

Thomas Swan
Thomas Swan wrote:

> Josh Berkus wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Due to an accident with a script, I created about 200 objects in the
>> template1 database instead of the database for which they were
>> intended.  I am now faced with either deleting each of these object 
>> individually,
>> or dumping my whole postgresql installation and re-installing each
>> user database, one at a time.
> If this is 7.2 you should be able to drop template1 and do create 
> database template1 from template0. 
> DROP DATABASE template1;
> CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE=template0;
> Check first with another installation as I'm not too sure about the 
> ramifications. 

If you installed languages on template1 for defaults you will need to 
recreate them for the new template1 database.  I forgot template0 was 
completely empty.  

>> Can anyone suggest any shortcuts for fixing this problem?
>> -Josh
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Cleaning up template 1

> Thomas Swan wrote:
> > Josh Berkus wrote:
> >
> >> Folks,
> >>
> >> Due to an accident with a script, I created about 200 objects in the
> >> template1 database instead of the database for which they were
> >> intended.  I am now faced with either deleting each of these object
> >> individually,
> >> or dumping my whole postgresql installation and re-installing each
> >> user database, one at a time.
> >>
> > If this is 7.2 you should be able to drop template1 and do create
> > database template1 from template0.
> > DROP DATABASE template1;
> > CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE=template0;
> >
> > Check first with another installation as I'm not too sure about the
> > ramifications.
> If you installed languages on template1 for defaults you will need to
> recreate them for the new template1 database.  I forgot template0 was
> completely empty.

I often have many extra languages and procs loaded into template1 so would
be loathe to create it from template0 again. If by 'objects' you're refering
to user tables, views, and sequences:

BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT relname AS name,                   (CASE WHEN relkind = ''v'' THEN ''VIEW''
   WHEN relkind = ''r'' THEN ''TABLE''                         ELSE                      ''SEQUENCE''
END) AS type            FROM pg_class            WHERE relkind IN (''v'',''r'',''S'')              AND relname !~
''pg_''LOOP   EXECUTE ''DROP '' || obj.type || '' '' ||;   RAISE NOTICE ''DROP % %'', obj.type,; END
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Something like this will do. Just a quick function, it'll drop all the
aforementioned user objects and echo the statements back to you (the return
value is meaningless).

If it's lots of other things added like procs, etc. it may just be faster to
do as Tom S. advised.

Re: Cleaning up template 1

Arguile wrote:
>     EXECUTE ''DROP '' || obj.type || '' '' ||;

This should be:

EXECUTE ''DROP '' || obj.type || '' "'' || || ''"'';

As the first one experiences case folding. Sorry about that.

Re: Cleaning up template 1

"Josh Berkus"

Thanks so much for all the advice!  This will save me a *lot* of time.


Re: Cleaning up template 1 -> template0 cloning

"Josh Berkus"
Thomas, folks,

>      Note: template1 and template0 do not have any special status
>  beyond
>      the fact that the name template1 is the default source database
>      name for CREATE DATABASE and the default database-to-connect-to
>  for
>      various scripts such as createdb. For example, one could drop
>      template1 and recreate it from template0 without any ill
>  effects.
>      This course of action might be advisable if one has carelessly
>      added a bunch of junk in template1.

Help!  The above documentation seems to be incorrect.

If I try to connect to Template0:
psql: FATAL 1:  Database "template0" is not currently acceptingconnections

If I try to drop template1 from psql:
ERROR:  DROP DATABASE: database is marked as a template

If I try "dropdb template1":
ERROR:  DROP DATABASE: cannot be executed on the currently opendatabase
dropdb: database removal failed

Trying to remove template1 to restore it using an undamaged template0seems to be a catch-22 with no way out.  Help!

-Josh Berkus

Re: Cleaning up template 1 -> template0 cloning

"Josh Berkus"

> Help!  The above documentation seems to be incorrect.

Sorry about the panic, here.  It turns out that it is possible to do assuggested to restore template1, provided that
oneis prepared tomanipulate the datallowconn and datistemplate flags in template0 andtemplate1.

Template1 is restored.  E-mail me if any of you ever have to do thesame.  In fact, I'll write it up ...

-Josh Berkus

Re: Cleaning up template 1 -> template0 cloning

Tom Lane
"Josh Berkus" <> writes:
> Trying to remove template1 to restore it using an undamaged template0
>  seems to be a catch-22 with no way out.  Help!

There are defenses in place that are intended to prevent you from
accidentally shooting yourself in the foot.  Quoting from the source:
    * Disallow dropping a DB that is marked istemplate.  This is just to    * prevent people from accidentally dropping
template0or template1;    * they can do so if they're really determined ...

Offhand I think you have to (a) make sure you have a spare database
available to issue the DROP DATABASE from, and (b) clear the
datistemplate flag from template1's pg_database row.

("Ensign, engage primary destructor beam" ... "Engaged" ... "Fire!")

After you recreate a fresh template1 you should of course set
datistemplate for it, else non-superusers will have difficulty
creating new databases.
        regards, tom lane