Thread: ...


Alexaki Sofia

I have created a table 
test1(fromuri varchar(350), tovalue(varchar(3000))
and I have created a btree index on the fromuri attribute.
The size of the table is 630kb while the size of the index is 

I execute the following query
select * from  test1  where fromuri like 'http://ww%';

I get the following message 
NOTICE:  PortalHeapMemoryFree: 0x16563a8 not in alloc set!
ERROR:  AllocSetFree: cannot find block containing chunk

This is a bit strange taking into account that the total size
of database buffers I have defined is 80Mb

Thanks in advance for your help
Sofia Alexaki


"Richard Huxton"
From: "Alexaki Sofia" <>

> I execute the following query
> select * from  test1  where fromuri like 'http://ww%';
> I get the following message
> NOTICE:  PortalHeapMemoryFree: 0x16563a8 not in alloc set!
> ERROR:  AllocSetFree: cannot find block containing chunk

It's complaining that memory it tries to free hasn't been allocated.
Something has got mangled here. I'd take a backup of the table drop the
index and recreate it, see if that helps.

Also - what version of Postgres is this? One of the developers might
recognise a known bug if it isn't current.

- Richard Huxton

> This is a bit strange taking into account that the total size
> of database buffers I have defined is 80Mb
> Thanks in advance for your help
> Sofia Alexaki
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