Thread: copying/moving from one table to another

copying/moving from one table to another

Joachim Trinkwitz
Hi all,

is there a handy way to copy or (preferrably) move a whole record
from one table to another, equally structured table in the same DB?

Background: I have some tables which hold information concerning our
staff, where people quite so often come and go, because their
employment contract is limited to a year or two. When deleting a
person in the DB, I don't want to lose this information completely,
but I want to save it in a backup table.

I suppose this is a newbie question, maybe I am stirring me blind
somewhere ...

Greetings and thanks,

Re: copying/moving from one table to another

Jie Liang
Hi, there, <p>I do not quite sure is this what you want? <p>1. if newtable(one you want save) does not exist: <br
/>select* into newtable from oldtable; <br />or <br />create table newtable as select * from oldtable; <p>2. if
newtableexisted, you append some record into it: <br />insert into newtable select * from oldtable where clause; <br
/> <p>Joachim Trinkwitz wrote: <blockquote type="CITE">Hi all, <p>is there a handy way to copy or (preferrably) move a
wholerecord <br />from one table to another, equally structured table in the same DB? <p>Background: I have some tables
whichhold information concerning our <br />staff, where people quite so often come and go, because their <br
/>employmentcontract is limited to a year or two. When deleting a <br />person in the DB, I don't want to lose this
informationcompletely, <br />but I want to save it in a backup table. <p>I suppose this is a newbie question, maybe I
amstirring me blind <br />somewhere ... <p>Greetings and thanks, <br />jaochim</blockquote><pre>-- 

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