On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 06:03:42PM -0700, pierre@desertmoon.com wrote:
> All,
> Is there a connection timeout on the client code? That is if I were
> to leave the client running but idle for a period of time I'd like
> the client to time out and quit....is there anything like that
> in PostgreSQL, can it be added?
> -=pierre
I've employed the following method in one program (it's a CGI which may stay
longer around without using the database connection):
PGconn *conn;
void sig_alrm(int nr)
conn = NULL;
void use_pgsql(void)
if(!conn) {
conn = PQconnectdb(...);
signal(SIGALRM, sig_alrm);
Before you use any database action now, you call use_pgsql() which will start
the counter and set up the connection.
Sascha Schumann |
Consultant | finger sas@schell.de
| for PGP public key