Thread: RE: [GENERAL] Dashed if I can work this out. Help needed copying substring to another field
RE: [GENERAL] Dashed if I can work this out. Help needed copying substring to another field
"Jackson, DeJuan"
This is assuming that location and category are limited to 1-2 character codes... testing=> create table mytable ( location varchar(2), category varchar(2), code varchar(9)); CREATE testing=> insert into mytable (code) VALUES ('10CE4578P'); INSERT 228523 1 testing=> insert into mytable (code) VALUES ('9E457CT'); INSERT 228524 1 testing=> insert into mytable (code) VALUES ('10E457CT'); INSERT 228525 1 testing=> insert into mytable (code) VALUES ('9CE457CT'); INSERT 228526 1 testing=> update mytable set location=substr(code, 1, 1) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][^0-9]'; UPDATE 2 testing=> update mytable set location=substr(code, 1, 2) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][0-9][^0-9]'; UPDATE 2 testing=> update mytable set category=substr(code, 2, 1) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][^0-9][0-9]'; UPDATE 1 testing=> update mytable set category=substr(code, 2, 2) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][^0-9][^0-9][0-9]'; UPDATE 1 testing=> update mytable set category=substr(code, 3, 2) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][0-9][^0-9][^0-9][0-9]'; UPDATE 1 testing=> update mytable set category=substr(code, 3, 1) WHERE code ~* '^[0-9][0-9][^0-9][0-9]'; UPDATE 1 testing=> select * from mytable; location|category|code --------+--------+--------- 9|E |9E457CT 9|CE |9CE457CT 10|CE |10CE4578P 10|E |10E457CT (4 rows) If you are interfacing an app that is regex capable you could easily extract the parts with '^([0-9]{1,2})([a-zA-Z]{1,2})(.....)$' to give you the three parts (this is a perl/php'ism, not sure that the {}'s are standard regex). Hope this helps, -DEJ > -----Original Message----- > Hi, > I'm really foxed on this. In a PostgreSQL database table, > > I have three fields. "category","language","code" > > "code" is made up of category+language+code-numbers > for example: 10CE4578P > or > 9E457CT > > So in this case, 10 is the 'category', CE is the 'language', > and the rest makes > up the code. > or > So in the 2nd case, 9 is the 'category', E is the 'language', > and the rest > makes up the code. > > I have 2758 records with the third field, 'code' filled in > already. Thats how > it comes. I want to extract the two first parts, and put them > into their > respective fields. That is, take the '10' and put it into the > 'category' field, > take the CE and put it into the 'language' field, and leave > the 'code' field as > it is. > > It looks like some sort of repetative statement needs to be > written so it steps > down the entire table, adjusting each record as it goes, but > I'm at a loss as > how to do it. > > If I could discover a way to simply extract this info from > the 'code' field on > the fly, with accuracy, I could probably forget the two fields of > category,language and simpy search on the code field, but I > can't work it out. > Maybe I need to take a break... > > > Does anyone have any ideas? I could really use some help on > this one... > > Thanks > Robert