I'm busy trying to set up a database for project.
I'm using postgresql, but I don't know which version - as the:
<select version();>
command doesn't work, the message:
<Syntax error at or near "version">
is given, in addition to this the constraints don't work when I'm entering
tables - I type:
< create table genetic_line (
name varchar(6) not null,
chromosome_location int,
phenotype varchar(80),
staining_pattern varchar(80),
first_citation varchar(80),
unique (name)
); >
and I get the messege:
< WARN:parser: Syntax error at or near "unique" >
for constraints <primary key> and <foreign key>, where I put in:
< create table genetic_line (
name varchar(6) not null,
chromosome_location int,
phenotype varchar(80),
staining_pattern varchar(80),
first_citation varchar(80),
primary key (name)
); >
I get:
< WARN:parser: Syntax error at or near "name" >
so this one does't appear to like the use of <primary key> as opposed to
the actual word <unique> in the previous example.
Could anyone point me in the right direction please!?
Andrew Tracey.