Thread: postgresql-9.5 updated to version 9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1

postgresql-9.5 updated to version 9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1

From repository
The package postgresql-9.5 was updated on

New version 9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1:

postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5             |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-9.5-dbg         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib-9.5     |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc-9.5         |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plperl-9.5      |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython3-9.5   |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-plpython-9.5    |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-pltcl-9.5       |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1       |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg80+1     |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg70+1     |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg60+1     |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.10+1  |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg14.04+1  |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-9.5  |  9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg12.4+1   |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386

This is the first version of this package in the repository.

The public mirrors serving are synced hourly,
the updated packages will be available there shortly.

Re: postgresql-9.5 updated to version 9.5~alpha1-1.pgdg+1

Christoph Berg

to use postgresql-9.5 alpha 1, add the following to your apt

deb YOUR_RELEASE_HERE-pgdg main 9.5

For example on Debian jessie, your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
should read:

deb jessie-pgdg main 9.5

(See for the list of currently supported

The need to append "9.5" to the components list will go away with the
9.5.0 release.

Currently we don't have any packages for 9.5 extension modules yet.
These will appear shortly. If you need anything in particular, please
let us know so we can arrange a quick (re)build.

Happy testing,
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