Thread: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein


Following patch implements configurable penalty costs for levenshtein
distance metric in fuzzystrmatch contrib module.

It doesn't introduce any compatibility issues. Just implements


function on top of fuzzystrmatch.c:levenshtein_internal(). At the
same time, levenshtein(text,text) becomes just a wrapper for
levenshtein(text,text,1,1,1) call.

BTW, in current CVS tip

  if (cols/rows == 0) ...

checks in fuzzyztrmatch.c:levenshtein() never fail because of

  cols/rows = strlen(...) + 1;


? contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.sql
? contrib/fuzzystrmatch/
Index: contrib/fuzzystrmatch/README.fuzzystrmatch
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/fuzzystrmatch/README.fuzzystrmatch,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 README.fuzzystrmatch
*** contrib/fuzzystrmatch/README.fuzzystrmatch    5 Jan 2007 22:19:17 -0000    1.10
--- contrib/fuzzystrmatch/README.fuzzystrmatch    17 Oct 2007 13:58:09 -0000
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,20 ----
   * found at
   * Also looked at levenshtein.c in the PHP 4.0.6 distribution for
   * inspiration.
+  * Configurable penalty costs extension is introduced by Volkan YAZICI.
   * metaphone()
   * -----------
*** 116,121 ****
--- 117,158 ----

+ levenshtein -- calculates levenshtein distance with respect
+                to specified costs.
+ Synopsis
+ levenshtein(text source, text target,
+             int insert_cost, int delete_cost, int substitution_cost)
+ Inputs
+   source
+     any text string, 255 characters max, NOT NULL
+   target
+     any text string, 255 characters max, NOT NULL
+   insert_cost
+     cost of extra inserted characters
+   delete_cost
+     cost of missing characters
+   substitution_cost
+     cost of character substitutions
+ Outputs
+   Returns int
+ Example usage
+   select levenshtein('GUMBO','GAMBOL', 1, 1, 3);
+ ==================================================================
+ Name
  metaphone -- calculates the metaphone code of an input string

*** 140,144 ****
    select metaphone('GUMBO',4);

! -- Joe Conway
--- 177,180 ----
    select metaphone('GUMBO',4);

! -- Joe Conway
\ No newline at end of file
Index: contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 fuzzystrmatch.c
*** contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.c    13 Feb 2007 18:00:35 -0000    1.24
--- contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.c    17 Oct 2007 13:58:09 -0000
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
   * found at
   * Also looked at levenshtein.c in the PHP 4.0.6 distribution for
   * inspiration.
+  * Configurable penalty consts extension is introduced by Volkan YAZICI.
   * metaphone()
   * -----------
*** 47,201 ****


!  * Calculates Levenshtein Distance between two strings.
!  * Uses simplest and fastest cost model only, i.e. assumes a cost of 1 for
!  * each deletion, substitution, or insertion.
! PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(levenshtein);
! Datum
! levenshtein(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
!     char       *str_s;
!     char       *str_s0;
!     char       *str_t;
!     int            cols = 0;
!     int            rows = 0;
!     int           *u_cells;
!     int           *l_cells;
!     int           *tmp;
!     int            i;
!     int            j;
!     /*
!      * Fetch the arguments. str_s is referred to as the "source" cols = length
!      * of source + 1 to allow for the initialization column str_t is referred
!      * to as the "target", rows = length of target + 1 rows = length of target
!      * + 1 to allow for the initialization row
!      */
!     str_s = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0))));
!     str_t = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1))));
!     cols = strlen(str_s) + 1;
!     rows = strlen(str_t) + 1;

!      * Restrict the length of the strings being compared to something
!      * reasonable because we will have to perform rows * cols calculations. If
!      * longer strings need to be compared, increase MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN to
!      * suit (but within your tolerance for speed and memory usage).
!     if ((cols > MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN + 1) || (rows > MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN + 1))
                   errmsg("argument exceeds the maximum length of %d bytes",

!     /*
!      * If either rows or cols is 0, the answer is the other value. This makes
!      * sense since it would take that many insertions the build a matching
!      * string
!      */
!     if (cols == 0)
!         PG_RETURN_INT32(rows);
!     if (rows == 0)
!         PG_RETURN_INT32(cols);

!      * Allocate two vectors of integers. One will be used for the "upper" row,
!      * the other for the "lower" row. Initialize the "upper" row to 0..cols
!     u_cells = palloc(sizeof(int) * cols);
!     for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
!         u_cells[i] = i;
!     l_cells = palloc(sizeof(int) * cols);

!     /*
!      * Use str_s0 to "rewind" the pointer to str_s in the nested for loop
!      * below
!      */
!     str_s0 = str_s;

!     /*
!      * Loop through the rows, starting at row 1. Row 0 is used for the initial
!      * "upper" row.
!      */
!     for (j = 1; j < rows; j++)
!          * We'll always start with col 1, and initialize lower row col 0 to j
!         l_cells[0] = j;
!         for (i = 1; i < cols; i++)
!             int            c = 0;
!             int            c1 = 0;
!             int            c2 = 0;
!             int            c3 = 0;
!             /*
!              * The "cost" value is 0 if the character at the current col
!              * position in the source string, matches the character at the
!              * current row position in the target string; cost is 1 otherwise.
!              */
!             c = (*str_s != *str_t);

!             /*
!              * c1 is upper right cell plus 1
!              */
!             c1 = u_cells[i] + 1;

!             /*
!              * c2 is lower left cell plus 1
!              */
!             c2 = l_cells[i - 1] + 1;

-             /*
-              * c3 is cell diagonally above to the left plus "cost"
-              */
-             c3 = u_cells[i - 1] + c;

!             /*
!              * The lower right cell is set to the minimum of c1, c2, c3
!              */
!             l_cells[i] = (c1 < c2 ? c1 : c2) < c3 ? (c1 < c2 ? c1 : c2) : c3;

!             /*
!              * Increment the pointer to str_s
!              */
!             str_s++;
!         }

-         /*
-          * Lower row now becomes the upper row, and the upper row gets reused
-          * as the new lower row.
-          */
-         tmp = u_cells;
-         u_cells = l_cells;
-         l_cells = tmp;

!         /*
!          * Increment the pointer to str_t
!          */
!         str_t++;

!         /*
!          * Rewind the pointer to str_s
!          */
!         str_s = str_s0;
!     }

!     /*
!      * Because the final value (at position row, col) was swapped from the
!      * lower row to the upper row, that's where we'll find it.
!      */
!     PG_RETURN_INT32(u_cells[cols - 1]);

   * Calculates the metaphone of an input string.
   * Returns number of characters requested
--- 48,178 ----


!  * levenshtein_internal - Calculates Levenshtein distance metric
!  *                        between supplied strings. Generally
!  *                        (1, 1, 1) penalty costs suffices common
!  *                        cases, but your mileage may vary.
! static int
! levenshtein_internal(char *s, char *t, int ins_c, int del_c, int sub_c)
!     int         m, n;
!     int        *prev;
!     int        *curr;
!     int         i, j;
!     char    *x;
!     char    *y;
!     m = strlen(s);
!     n = strlen(t);
!     if (!m)
!         return n;
!     if (!n)
!         return m;

!      * For security concerns, restrict excessive CPU+RAM usage. (This
!      * implementation uses O(m+n) memory and has O(mn) complexity.)
!     if ((m + n) > (2 * MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN))
                   errmsg("argument exceeds the maximum length of %d bytes",

!     /* One more cell for initial segments. */
!     ++m;
!     ++n;

!      * Instead of building an (m+1)x(n+1) array, we'll use two
!      * different arrays of size m+1 and n+1 for storing accumulated
!      * values in previous calls.
!     prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));
!     curr = prev + (m * sizeof(char));

!     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
!         prev[i] = i;

!     for (y = t, j = 1; j < n; y++, j++)
+         int *temp;
!          * First cell must increment sequentially, as we're on the
!          * j'th column of the (m+1)x(n+1) array.
!         curr[0] = j;
!         for (x = s, i = 1; i < m; x++, i++)
!             int    ins;
!             int    del;
!             int    sub;
!             /* Calculate costs for probable operations. */
!             ins = prev[i] + ins_c;                        /* Insertion    */
!             del = curr[i-1] + del_c;                    /* Deletion     */
!             sub = prev[i-1] + ((*x == *y) ? 0 : sub_c);    /* Substitution */
!             /* Take the one with minimum cost. */
!             curr[i] = ins < del ? ins : del;
!             curr[i] = curr[i] < sub ? curr[i] : sub;
!         }

!         /* Swap current row with previous row. */
!         temp = curr;
!         curr = prev;
!         prev = temp;
!     }

!     /*
!      * Because the final value was swapped from the previous row to
!      * the current row, that's where we'll find it.
!      */
!     return prev[m-1];
! }

! PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(levenshtein_with_costs);
! Datum
! levenshtein_with_costs(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
! {
!     char    *src;
!     char    *dst;
!     int         ins_c;
!     int         del_c;
!     int         sub_c;
!     src = _textout(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
!     dst = _textout(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1));
!     ins_c = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
!     del_c = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
!     sub_c = PG_GETARG_INT32(4);

!     PG_RETURN_INT32(levenshtein_internal(src, dst, ins_c, del_c, sub_c));
! }

! PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(levenshtein);
! Datum
! levenshtein(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
! {
!     char    *src;
!     char    *dst;

!     src = _textout(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
!     dst = _textout(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1));

!     PG_RETURN_INT32(levenshtein_internal(src, dst, 1, 1, 1));

   * Calculates the metaphone of an input string.
   * Returns number of characters requested
Index: contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.h
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.h,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -r1.15 fuzzystrmatch.h
*** contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.h    5 Jan 2007 22:19:18 -0000    1.15
--- contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch.h    17 Oct 2007 13:58:09 -0000
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,64 ----
   * External declarations
+ extern Datum levenshtein_with_costs(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum levenshtein(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum metaphone(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum soundex(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
*** 82,87 ****
--- 83,89 ----
   * Levenshtein
  #define MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN        255
+ static int    levenshtein_internal(char *s, char *t, int ins_c, int del_c, int sub_c);

Index: contrib/fuzzystrmatch/
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/fuzzystrmatch/,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7
*** contrib/fuzzystrmatch/    26 Jan 2005 08:04:04 -0000    1.7
--- contrib/fuzzystrmatch/    17 Oct 2007 13:58:09 -0000
*** 1,6 ****
--- 1,10 ----
  -- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
  SET search_path = public;

+ CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text,int,int,int) RETURNS int
+ AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','levenshtein_with_costs'
  CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text) RETURNS int
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','levenshtein'

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> Following patch implements configurable penalty costs for levenshtein
> distance metric in fuzzystrmatch contrib module.

Is there a problem with the patch? Would anybody mind helping me to
figure out the reason of this lack of interest, after 15 days.


Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Bruce Momjian
Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> > Following patch implements configurable penalty costs for levenshtein
> > distance metric in fuzzystrmatch contrib module.
> Is there a problem with the patch? Would anybody mind helping me to
> figure out the reason of this lack of interest, after 15 days.

I will review it in the next few days.  Sorry.  I am just doing a
cleanup now.

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Tom Lane
Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
>> Following patch implements configurable penalty costs for levenshtein
>> distance metric in fuzzystrmatch contrib module.

> Is there a problem with the patch? Would anybody mind helping me to
> figure out the reason of this lack of interest, after 15 days.

The reason is the project schedule: we're trying to get 8.3 out the
door.  No one is likely to pay any attention to new-feature patches
until after 8.4 development begins.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Bruce Momjian
This has been saved for the 8.4 release:


Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Hi,
> Following patch implements configurable penalty costs for levenshtein
> distance metric in fuzzystrmatch contrib module.
> It doesn't introduce any compatibility issues. Just implements
>   levenshtein(text,text,int,int,int)
> function on top of fuzzystrmatch.c:levenshtein_internal(). At the
> same time, levenshtein(text,text) becomes just a wrapper for
> levenshtein(text,text,1,1,1) call.
> BTW, in current CVS tip
>   if (cols/rows == 0) ...
> checks in fuzzyztrmatch.c:levenshtein() never fail because of
>   cols/rows = strlen(...) + 1;
> FYI.
> Regards.

Content-Description: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein


I noticed a small typo in the patch.

  prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));

line should look like

  prev = palloc(2 * m * sizeof(char));



Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Bruce Momjian
This has been saved for the 8.4 release:


Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed a small typo in the patch.
>   prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));
> line should look like
>   prev = palloc(2 * m * sizeof(char));
> instead.
> Regards.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Tom Lane
Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> I noticed a small typo in the patch.
>   prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));
> line should look like
>   prev = palloc(2 * m * sizeof(char));
> instead.

If that's wrong, aren't the comments and the length restriction limit
also wrong?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Bruce Momjian
Because of lack of reply from the author, this has been saved for the
next commit-fest:


Tom Lane wrote:
> Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> > I noticed a small typo in the patch.
> >   prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));
> > line should look like
> >   prev = palloc(2 * m * sizeof(char));
> > instead.
> If that's wrong, aren't the comments and the length restriction limit
> also wrong?
>             regards, tom lane
> --
> Sent via pgsql-patches mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein


Sorry for the delay, but the reply of Tom didn't reach me. I've modified
the patch according to Tom's comments. I hope I am not too late.


On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> Because of lack of reply from the author, this has been saved for the
> next commit-fest:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
>> > I noticed a small typo in the patch.
>> >   prev = palloc((m + n) * sizeof(char));
>> > line should look like
>> >   prev = palloc(2 * m * sizeof(char));
>> > instead.
>> If that's wrong, aren't the comments and the length restriction limit
>> also wrong?


Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Bruce Momjian
Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the delay, but the reply of Tom didn't reach me. I've modified
> the patch according to Tom's comments. I hope I am not too late.

OK, great. I will re-add it to the current queue and add this email as

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

Tom Lane
Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
> Sorry for the delay, but the reply of Tom didn't reach me. I've modified
> the patch according to Tom's comments. I hope I am not too late.

Applied after considerable revision.  This patch:

* introduced a memory stomp that was not there before (I strongly
  recommend testing C code in an --enable-cassert build)
* added a user-visible feature without documenting it
* undid a conflicting patch that had been applied since your first version
* removed a number of useful comments from the code

I cleaned it up and applied anyway, but generally we expect a higher
quality standard for patches that are claimed to be ready to apply.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Configurable Penalty Costs for Levenshtein

On Thu, 03 Apr 2008, Tom Lane <> writes:
> Volkan YAZICI <> writes:
>> Sorry for the delay, but the reply of Tom didn't reach me. I've modified
>> the patch according to Tom's comments. I hope I am not too late.
> Applied after considerable revision.  This patch:
> * introduced a memory stomp that was not there before (I strongly
>   recommend testing C code in an --enable-cassert build)
> * added a user-visible feature without documenting it
> * undid a conflicting patch that had been applied since your first version
> * removed a number of useful comments from the code
> I cleaned it up and applied anyway, but generally we expect a higher
> quality standard for patches that are claimed to be ready to apply.

Thanks so much for your kindness. Please don't hesistate to reject the
patch next time by dropping me an email with the above lines mentioning
about your considerations, and I'll happily fix it at my best and resend
it. I don't want to interrupt your work with such trivial stuff.
