Thread: ODBC driver chances function-call in a wrong way

ODBC driver chances function-call in a wrong way

"Ida Schonfeld"



I have the following problem:



I have a PG function in my database which looks like this:


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION help_sel0(IN a int,IN b char(2),OUT master_fileset INT, OUT master_type CHAR(2), OUT highest_number INT) RETURNS RECORD AS



                         r RECORD;


                        SELECT INTO  r master_fileset,master_type,highest_number

                        FROM gen_master

                        WHERE master_fileset= a

                        AND   master_type= b;






                          LANGUAGE plpgsql;


When I now want to send with my ODBC-programm the following prepared statement to the server

 {SELECT * FROM gen_master_sel0(?,?);} (with the parameters 10 and ‘S2’)

 the driver recognizes that I’m calling a “stored procedure”, but he doesn’t  notice the given parameter and changes the command to this

  SELECT * FROM gen_master_sel0( 10, E'S2');() .


Is this a bug in the recent driver (8.3.0400) which I’m using or has anybody any idea what I might have done wrong? I have to say this is the first time I’m working with Postgres so maybe my function is not ok?!


I’m very thankful for ideas and suggestions J


Thx, Ida



Re: ODBC driver chances function-call in a wrong way

Hiroshi Inoue
Ida Schonfeld wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following problem:
> I have a PG function in my database which looks like this:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION help_sel0(IN a int,IN b char(2),OUT
> master_fileset INT, OUT master_type CHAR(2), OUT highest_number INT)
>                         $function$
>                         DECLARE
>                          r RECORD;
>                         BEGIN
>                         SELECT INTO  r
> master_fileset,master_type,highest_number
>                         FROM gen_master
>                         WHERE master_fileset= a
>                         AND   master_type= b;
>                         master_fileset:=r.master_fileset;
>                         master_type:=r.master_type;
>                         highest_number:=r.highest_number;
>                         END;
>                         $function$
>                           LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> When I now want to send with my ODBC-programm the following prepared
> statement to the server
>  {SELECT * FROM gen_master_sel0(?,?);} (with the parameters 10 and ‘S2’)

The above call is wrong.
You should prepare the ODBC style procedure call
   {call gen_master_sel0(?,?)}
or you can simply prepare the pg-specific procedure call
  SELECT * FROM gen_master_sel0(?,?)

Hiroshi Inoue