Thread: Does psqlodbc support declare/fetch in Un ux?

Does psqlodbc support declare/fetch in Un ux?

I am testing psqlodbc in our school.I wrote the following code:
 rtcode=SQLExecDirect(hstmt,"select * from pg_largeobject",SQL_NTS);
 if((rtcode!=SQL_SUCCESS) && (rtcode!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)){
  printf("SQLExecDirect Failed!\n");
There are 1532240 tuples in pg_largeobject, and their size is about 3GB. But where I run this code, the client's main memory is exhausted. It seems that the client try to get all the tuples before it fetches the first 100.
I think the client should get a small part first. If it need more tuples, it get anothor part and discard the first part. When I test psqlodbc in Windows, it seems to work well.
What's wrong? How can I fixed it?
Any reply will be appreciated!
Looking forward to your help!

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Re: Does psqlodbc support declare/fetch in Un ux?

Ludek Finstrle
> There are 1532240 tuples in pg_largeobject, and their size is about
> 3GB. But where I run this code, the client's main memory is exhausted.
> It seems that the client try to get all the tuples before it fetches
> the first 100.
> What's wrong? How can I fixed it?

What connection string? What's the settings in odbc.ini?
The first question is if you are using declare/fetch.

Could you send us the mylog output?

