Thread: Can't find ODBC driver in the admin list

Can't find ODBC driver in the admin list

"Gene Farrelly"

I just downloaded and installed the latest ODBC driver on both a windows 2000 and windows XP machine.  In both cases,
the registry entries were created, but I could not find the driver listed in the Data Sources (ODBC) admin interface.  I event
installed the latest MDAC update from

Can any one help me out?


Re: Can't find ODBC driver in the admin list

"Greg Campbell"
Can't find?
You did not say which tab on the ODBC administrator. Are you looking at
the Drivers tab -- not a DSN tab. If you were to ADD a DSN (system, or
user, or file) would the Driver appear in a list to select from.

Finally (almost), if you were to use regedit and check
of drivers.

If the install worked, the driver should be listed there. Are you sure
you have administrative privileges on the machine you are working so
that you are allowed to install software.

Gene Farrelly wrote:

> I just downloaded and installed the latest ODBC driver on both a
> windows 2000 and windows XP machine.  In both cases,
> the registry entries were created, but I could not find the driver
> listed in the Data Sources (ODBC) admin interface.  I event
> installed the latest MDAC update from
> <>.
> Can any one help me out?


Re: Can't find ODBC driver in the admin list

"Greg Campbell"
One more thing to check
subkey ODBC Drivers
There should be a data item for each driver with a string (REG_SZ) that
has "Installed" as the data in the string.

 From where did you get the pg ODBC package, you installed? Presumably and GBorg download full lead you to a site or
mirror where you downloaded a full most recent zip.

Gene Farrelly wrote:

>Greg --
>Thanks for the note.  Yes, I have admin privileges on both boxes that
>I've tried.  I can't find the ODBC driver listed in any of the tabs
>(system, user, or file, or drivers).  And when I click the Add button on
>the system, user, and file tabs, I still don't see the driver listed.
>Yet, in my registry under the path you indicated, I have the following:
>PostgreSQL Legacy
>PostgreSQL Unicode (Beta)
>Any suggestions?


Re: Can't find ODBC driver in the admin list

"Greg Campbell"
"what is the key name?"

The key name is PostgreSQL
In fact there are potentially three (3) keys.
PostgreSQL Legacy
PostgreSQL Unicode (Beta)

You seem to have dowmloaded your zip from ...odbc\versions\msi
Try the zip from ...odbc\versions\full.

Gene Farrelly wrote:

>Greg --
>Thanks for the help.  I just checked my registry, and I don't have the
>key with the 'Installed' value.
>Here is a sample of what I have in my registry under 'PostgreSQL':
>(Default) - REG_SZ - (value not set)
>APILevel - REG_SZ - 1
>ConnectFunctions - REG_SZ - YYN
>Driver - REG_SZ - C:\WINDOWS\System32\psqlodbc.dll
>DriverODBCVer - REG_SZ - 03.00
>FileUsage - REG_SZ - 0
>Setup - REG_SZ - C:\WINDOWS\System32\psqlodbc.dll
>SQLLevel - REG_SZ - 1
>UsageCount - REG_DWORD - 0xxxxxxxx1 (1)
>I installed from
>What is the name of the key that I should add to my registry?  I know
>the type is REG_SZ and the value is 'Installed' (from your email) but
>what is the key name?
