Thread: Adding long text to a text field generates an error
I'm using PostgreSQL 7.4 on a Windows 2000 server with cygwin. All is set up just fine. The database works just fine, and ASP is connecting to the database through a DSN just fine. The only problem I seem to have is adding a large amount of text to a text column in the database. I can enter up to 8,118 characters (including spaces), but when I go over that amount, I receive the following error: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21' Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. This error doesn't mean much to me. I've spent a month researching it and trying to figure out what it means in our situation, but I have yet to resolve it. Thus, I'm turning to this list to see if anyone has any ideas or has tackled this problem before. I've tried using the appendChunk method in ASP to add chunks to the field in the database (this worked before for us on a Linux box running ChiliSoft ASP), but I get another error saying that the method is not supported. We are using psqlODBC to connect with the DSN--I do not know if this driver has anything to do with this circumstance. I am currently using ADO to update the database, but I have used a standard SQL INSERT statement for testing, and I get the same error and problem. When I've run an INSERT query against the database itself (from the command prompt), it won't update the record when I try inserting more than 8,118 characters into a text column. I've double-checked to make sure the column is of datatype "text" and not anything else. It is. So, it should accept unlimited text, right? Has anyone seen this problem before? I need help ASAP because our client is refusing to pay until this is resolved. Thanks, Ben
Please post your ODBC driver settings. The table definitions and the sql you are using may be helpful also. --- Ben Ramsey <> wrote: > I'm using PostgreSQL 7.4 on a Windows 2000 server > with cygwin. All is > set up just fine. The database works just fine, and > ASP is connecting > to the database through a DSN just fine. The only > problem I seem to > have is adding a large amount of text to a text > column in the database. > I can enter up to 8,118 characters (including > spaces), but when I go > over that amount, I receive the following error: > > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error > '80040e21' > Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. > Check each OLE DB > status value, if available. No work was done. > > This error doesn't mean much to me. I've spent a > month researching it > and trying to figure out what it means in our > situation, but I have yet > to resolve it. Thus, I'm turning to this list to > see if anyone has any > ideas or has tackled this problem before. > > I've tried using the appendChunk method in ASP to > add chunks to the > field in the database (this worked before for us on > a Linux box running > ChiliSoft ASP), but I get another error saying that > the method is not > supported. We are using psqlODBC to connect with > the DSN--I do not know > if this driver has anything to do with this > circumstance. > I am currently using ADO to update the database, but > I have used a > standard SQL INSERT statement for testing, and I get > the same error and > problem. When I've run an INSERT query against the > database itself > (from the command prompt), it won't update the > record when I try > inserting more than 8,118 characters into a text > column. > > I've double-checked to make sure the column is of > datatype "text" and > not anything else. It is. So, it should accept > unlimited text, right? > > Has anyone seen this problem before? I need help > ASAP because our > client is refusing to pay until this is resolved. > > Thanks, > Ben > > ---------------------------(end of > broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes
> Please post your ODBC driver settings. The table > definitions and the sql you are using may be helpful > also. I was ready to post my code and table definition and everything, and then I opened up the driver settings for the DSN that connects to the database, clicked on the "Datasource" options button, which launched a window with all sorts of options. Here's what I found: "Text as LongVarChar" is checked. "Max LongVarChar" is set to 8190. Should I uncheck "Text as LongVarChar"? What will it do if I uncheck it? If I shouldn't uncheck it, then what should I set "Max LongVarChar" to in order to allow unlimited amounts of text? -Ben
Ben Ramsey wrote: > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21' > Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB > status value, if available. No work was done. > > This error doesn't mean much to me. I've spent a month researching it Google on "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors" - you will get a ton of hits on this. From what I remember, there are Windows API calls to enumerate through the error(s) that were generated. If you can do this, sometimes it might shed some light on what the problem is. Also - google on "80040e21" (the error number - perhaps also the longint version, as well) - from what I have googled, this error seems to be because you are trying to insert more data than the field size will hold (?), as you note... > I've double-checked to make sure the column is of datatype "text" and > not anything else. It is. So, it should accept unlimited text, right? This is what is bizarre - yeah, it should hold "unlimited" (actually, I think the limit is 2 gig). Now, you noted in a later email the settings in your driver setup. This might be the issue - play around with it. Set it to a higher number, and try inserting that much, then more - and see if when the error occurs changes. If so, then you know that is it. You might also uncheck the "treat as longvarchar", see if that helps. If you have to have this checked, and setting the number to something larger helps - then set it to a *very* large number, something you would never hit. What is really perplexing me is that I have a VB app that uses such fields, and I left the driver settings as is, and I haven't run into any problems (and this app does have data in these fields in excess of 8190 bytes). Hope something of this helps... Andrew Ayers Phoenix, Arizona -- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE -- This message is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain informationthat is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intendedaddressee, nor authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy,disclose or distribute to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received thismessage in error, please immediately advise the sender by reply email, and delete the message. Thank you.
--- Ben Ramsey <> wrote: > > Please post your ODBC driver settings. The table > > definitions and the sql you are using may be > helpful > > also. > > I was ready to post my code and table definition and > everything, and > then I opened up the driver settings for the DSN > that connects to the > database, clicked on the "Datasource" options > button, which launched a > window with all sorts of options. Here's what I > found: > > "Text as LongVarChar" is checked. > "Max LongVarChar" is set to 8190. > > Should I uncheck "Text as LongVarChar"? What will > it do if I uncheck > it? If I shouldn't uncheck it, then what should I > set "Max LongVarChar" > to in order to allow unlimited amounts of text? "Text" in this context refers to the PostgreSQL datatype "text". Whether the setting matters depends on whether "text" is what you are using, and on what LongVarChar maps to in your environment. For example, in MS Access it maps to "memo", which has limitations (e.g. cannot be included in the where clause of a query). I think better just to up the number. Pick a big number, and see what happens. While you are at it, up the Max VarChar setting, too. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes
--- Ben Ramsey <> wrote: > > "Text" in this context refers to the PostgreSQL > > datatype "text". Whether the setting matters > depends > > on whether "text" is what you are using, and on > what > > LongVarChar maps to in your environment. For > example, > > in MS Access it maps to "memo", which has > limitations > > (e.g. cannot be included in the where clause of a > > query). > > > > I think better just to up the number. Pick a big > > number, and see what happens. While you are at > it, up > > the Max VarChar setting, too. > > Well, I am using the PostgreSQL datatype "text" in > this context, so that > should work. Also, why should I raise Max VarChar > over the default > varchar setting of 255? I guess it doesn't matter if you are using the text datatype. AFAIK varchar(n) maps to ODBC VarChar, so it would matter if you were using varchar(n). > > I guess what I'll do is just play around with it as > someone suggested. > I really didn't know those settings were there until > you asked me to > post the ODBC driver settings. I had completely > overlooked them. > > Thanks a bunch! We haven't established that this works, yet ;-) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes
> "Text" in this context refers to the PostgreSQL > datatype "text". Whether the setting matters depends > on whether "text" is what you are using, and on what > LongVarChar maps to in your environment. For example, > in MS Access it maps to "memo", which has limitations > (e.g. cannot be included in the where clause of a > query). > > I think better just to up the number. Pick a big > number, and see what happens. While you are at it, up > the Max VarChar setting, too. Well, I am using the PostgreSQL datatype "text" in this context, so that should work. Also, why should I raise Max VarChar over the default varchar setting of 255? I guess what I'll do is just play around with it as someone suggested. I really didn't know those settings were there until you asked me to post the ODBC driver settings. I had completely overlooked them. Thanks a bunch! -Ben
Jeff Eckermann wrote: > We haven't established that this works, yet ;-) Guess I was a bit too optimistic. ;) Well, I tried unchecking it, then I tried setting the value higher. Nothing seemed to work. Then, I got the nifty idea to restart IIS, and it work! It appears that unchecking it doesn't do anything. So, I had to just set it to an extremely high value. That did the job. Thanks! -Ben
It seems that I /was/ a bit to optimistic, indeed. Here's the problem I'm having now, and I didn't know this was a problem until I heard it from the client. The problem is that I can *update* records just fine after setting the Max LongVarChar above 8190, but I cannot *add* new records. I get this error instead: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' can't alloc Desc Handle yet /cora/coraModules/news/newsUpdate.asp, line 1054 When I set the value back to 8190, I can add new records and update records just fine (as long as I don't go over that value). Here's the code I'm using to add new records (keep in mind that this is ASP using ADO to update the database--do not me to switch it to a SQL statement, it still will not work, as I have already tried): Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBConn.Open "DSN=DatasourceName;UID=username;PWD=password;" Set NewsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") NewsRS.CursorLocation = adUseServer NewsRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset NewsRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic NewsRS.Open "tblNews", DBConn, , , adCmdTable NewsRS.AddNew NewsRS("DateAdd") = Now NewsRS("Keywords") = Keywords NewsRS("DateModified") = Now If (StrComp(ArtType,"1") = 0) Then NewsRS("News") = 1 Else NewsRS("News") = 0 End If If (StrComp(ArtType,"2") = 0) Then NewsRS("Topic") = 1 Else NewsRS("Topic") = 0 End If If (StrComp(ArtType,"3") = 0) Then NewsRS("Review") = 1 Else NewsRS("Review") = 0 End If NewsRS("ReleaseDate") = ValidDate NewsRS("Title") = ArtTitle If ArtPDF Then NewsRS("PDFLink") = 1 Else NewsRS("PDFLink") = 0 End If NewsRS("PDFURL") = ArtPDFFile If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "HTML", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 1 Else NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 0 End If If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "Text", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then NewsRS("FormatText") = 1 Else NewsRS("FormatText") = 0 End If If ArtPressRelease Then NewsRS("PressRelease") = 1 Else NewsRS("PressRelease") = 0 End If If ArtCalendar Then NewsRS("Calendar") = 1 Else NewsRS("Calendar") = 0 End If If ArtHome Then NewsRS("HomePage") = 1 Else NewsRS("HomePage") = 0 End If If ArtRevised Then NewsRS("Revised") = 1 NewsRS("RevisedOn") = ValidRevisedDate Else NewsRS("Revised") = 0 End If NewsRS("ArticleCopy") = ArtCopy NewsRS.Update NewsRS.Close Set NewsRS = Nothing DBConn.Close Set DBConn = Nothing Line 1054 is NewsRS.Update. ArticleCopy is the "text" column in the database. Here is the SQL code I've dumped from PostgreSQL for "tblnews": CREATE TABLE tblnews ( id serial NOT NULL, keywords character varying(255), dateadd timestamp without time zone, datemodified timestamp without time zone, news boolean DEFAULT 'f', topic boolean DEFAULT 'f', review boolean DEFAULT 'f', releasedate timestamp without time zone, revised boolean DEFAULT 'f', revisedon timestamp without time zone, title character varying(255), pdflink boolean DEFAULT 'f', pdfurl character varying(255), pressrelease boolean DEFAULT 'f', calendar boolean DEFAULT 'f', homepage boolean DEFAULT 'f', enteredby character varying(50), formattext boolean DEFAULT 'f', formathtml boolean DEFAULT 'f', articlecopy text ); Here are the settings I have for my DSN (ODBC settings): Disable Genetic Optimizer (checked) KSQO (Keyset Query Optimization) (checked) Recognize Unique Indexes (checked) Use Declare/Fetch (unchecked) CommLog (unchecked) Parse Statements (unchecked) Cancel as FreeStmt (unchecked) MyLog (unchecked) Unknown Sizes = Maximum Text As LongVarChar (checked) Unknowns As LongVarChar (unchecked) Bools As Char (checked) Max Varchar = 254 Max LongVarChar = 163800 Cache size = 100 SysTable Prefixes = dd_; Read Only (unchecked) Show System Tables (unchecked) LF <-> CR/LF conversion (checked) Updateable Cursors (checked) bytea As LO (unchecked) Row Versioning (unchecked) Disallow Premature (unchecked) True is -1 (unchecked) Server side prepare (unchecked) Int 8 As = default Protocol = 7.X,6.4+ OID Options: Show Column (unchecked) OID Options: Fake Index (grayed out; unchecked and unable to check) Connect settings (empty) The client is very antsy about this and wants it fixed ASAP. Any ideas? -Ben Ben Ramsey wrote: > Jeff Eckermann wrote: > >> We haven't established that this works, yet ;-) > > > Guess I was a bit too optimistic. ;) > > Well, I tried unchecking it, then I tried setting the value higher. > Nothing seemed to work. Then, I got the nifty idea to restart IIS, and > it work! It appears that unchecking it doesn't do anything. So, I had > to just set it to an extremely high value. That did the job. > > Thanks! > > -Ben
I found a potential answer in the archives: set "CursorLocation" to "adUseClient". Try that and let us know how it goes. --- Ben Ramsey <> wrote: > It seems that I /was/ a bit to optimistic, indeed. > > Here's the problem I'm having now, and I didn't know > this was a problem > until I heard it from the client. The problem is > that I can *update* > records just fine after setting the Max LongVarChar > above 8190, but I > cannot *add* new records. I get this error instead: > > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error > '80004005' > can't alloc Desc Handle yet > /cora/coraModules/news/newsUpdate.asp, line 1054 > > When I set the value back to 8190, I can add new > records and update > records just fine (as long as I don't go over that > value). > > Here's the code I'm using to add new records (keep > in mind that this is > ASP using ADO to update the database--do not me to > switch it to a SQL > statement, it still will not work, as I have already > tried): > > > Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") > DBConn.Open > "DSN=DatasourceName;UID=username;PWD=password;" > > Set NewsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") > NewsRS.CursorLocation = adUseServer > NewsRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset > NewsRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic > NewsRS.Open "tblNews", DBConn, , , adCmdTable > NewsRS.AddNew > > NewsRS("DateAdd") = Now > NewsRS("Keywords") = Keywords > NewsRS("DateModified") = Now > If (StrComp(ArtType,"1") = 0) Then > NewsRS("News") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("News") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtType,"2") = 0) Then > NewsRS("Topic") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Topic") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtType,"3") = 0) Then > NewsRS("Review") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Review") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("ReleaseDate") = ValidDate > NewsRS("Title") = ArtTitle > If ArtPDF Then > NewsRS("PDFLink") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("PDFLink") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("PDFURL") = ArtPDFFile > If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "HTML", vbTextCompare) = 0) > Then > NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "Text", vbTextCompare) = 0) > Then > NewsRS("FormatText") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("FormatText") = 0 > End If > If ArtPressRelease Then > NewsRS("PressRelease") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("PressRelease") = 0 > End If > If ArtCalendar Then > NewsRS("Calendar") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Calendar") = 0 > End If > If ArtHome Then > NewsRS("HomePage") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("HomePage") = 0 > End If > If ArtRevised Then > NewsRS("Revised") = 1 > NewsRS("RevisedOn") = ValidRevisedDate > Else > NewsRS("Revised") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("ArticleCopy") = ArtCopy > > NewsRS.Update > > NewsRS.Close > Set NewsRS = Nothing > DBConn.Close > Set DBConn = Nothing > > > Line 1054 is NewsRS.Update. ArticleCopy is the > "text" column in the > database. > > > Here is the SQL code I've dumped from PostgreSQL for > "tblnews": > > CREATE TABLE tblnews ( > id serial NOT NULL, > keywords character varying(255), > dateadd timestamp without time zone, > datemodified timestamp without time zone, > news boolean DEFAULT 'f', > topic boolean DEFAULT 'f', > review boolean DEFAULT 'f', > releasedate timestamp without time zone, > revised boolean DEFAULT 'f', > revisedon timestamp without time zone, > title character varying(255), > pdflink boolean DEFAULT 'f', > pdfurl character varying(255), > pressrelease boolean DEFAULT 'f', > calendar boolean DEFAULT 'f', > homepage boolean DEFAULT 'f', > enteredby character varying(50), > formattext boolean DEFAULT 'f', > formathtml boolean DEFAULT 'f', > articlecopy text > ); > > > Here are the settings I have for my DSN (ODBC > settings): > > Disable Genetic Optimizer (checked) > KSQO (Keyset Query Optimization) (checked) > Recognize Unique Indexes (checked) > Use Declare/Fetch (unchecked) > CommLog (unchecked) > Parse Statements (unchecked) > Cancel as FreeStmt (unchecked) > MyLog (unchecked) > Unknown Sizes = Maximum > Text As LongVarChar (checked) > Unknowns As LongVarChar (unchecked) > Bools As Char (checked) > Max Varchar = 254 > Max LongVarChar = 163800 > Cache size = 100 > SysTable Prefixes = dd_; > Read Only (unchecked) > Show System Tables (unchecked) > LF <-> CR/LF conversion (checked) > Updateable Cursors (checked) > bytea As LO (unchecked) > Row Versioning (unchecked) > Disallow Premature (unchecked) > True is -1 (unchecked) > Server side prepare (unchecked) > Int 8 As = default > Protocol = 7.X,6.4+ > OID Options: Show Column (unchecked) > OID Options: Fake Index (grayed out; unchecked and > unable to check) > Connect settings (empty) > > > The client is very antsy about this and wants it > fixed ASAP. Any ideas? > -Ben > > > > Ben Ramsey wrote: > > Jeff Eckermann wrote: > > > >> We haven't established that this works, yet ;-) > > > > > > Guess I was a bit too optimistic. ;) > > > > Well, I tried unchecking it, then I tried setting > the value higher. > > Nothing seemed to work. Then, I got the nifty > idea to restart IIS, and > > it work! It appears that unchecking it doesn't do > anything. So, I had > > to just set it to an extremely high value. That > did the job. > > > > Thanks! > > > === message truncated === __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes
When I changed to adUseClient, I received the following error at NewsRS.Update: Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80004005' Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing. /cora/coraModules/news/newsUpdate.asp, line 1054 Jeff Eckermann wrote: >I found a potential answer in the archives: >set "CursorLocation" to "adUseClient". >Try that and let us know how it goes. > >
Please try the dll at . regards, Hiroshi Inoue > -----Original Message----- > From: Ben Ramsey > > It seems that I /was/ a bit to optimistic, indeed. > > Here's the problem I'm having now, and I didn't know this was > a problem > until I heard it from the client. The problem is that I can *update* > records just fine after setting the Max LongVarChar above 8190, but I > cannot *add* new records. I get this error instead: > > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' > can't alloc Desc Handle yet > /cora/coraModules/news/newsUpdate.asp, line 1054 > > When I set the value back to 8190, I can add new records and update > records just fine (as long as I don't go over that value). > > Here's the code I'm using to add new records (keep in mind > that this is > ASP using ADO to update the database--do not me to switch it to a SQL > statement, it still will not work, as I have already tried): > > > Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") > DBConn.Open "DSN=DatasourceName;UID=username;PWD=password;" > > Set NewsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") > NewsRS.CursorLocation = adUseServer > NewsRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset > NewsRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic > NewsRS.Open "tblNews", DBConn, , , adCmdTable > NewsRS.AddNew > > NewsRS("DateAdd") = Now > NewsRS("Keywords") = Keywords > NewsRS("DateModified") = Now > If (StrComp(ArtType,"1") = 0) Then > NewsRS("News") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("News") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtType,"2") = 0) Then > NewsRS("Topic") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Topic") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtType,"3") = 0) Then > NewsRS("Review") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Review") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("ReleaseDate") = ValidDate > NewsRS("Title") = ArtTitle > If ArtPDF Then > NewsRS("PDFLink") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("PDFLink") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("PDFURL") = ArtPDFFile > If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "HTML", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then > NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("FormatHTML") = 0 > End If > If (StrComp(ArtCopyType, "Text", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then > NewsRS("FormatText") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("FormatText") = 0 > End If > If ArtPressRelease Then > NewsRS("PressRelease") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("PressRelease") = 0 > End If > If ArtCalendar Then > NewsRS("Calendar") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("Calendar") = 0 > End If > If ArtHome Then > NewsRS("HomePage") = 1 > Else > NewsRS("HomePage") = 0 > End If > If ArtRevised Then > NewsRS("Revised") = 1 > NewsRS("RevisedOn") = ValidRevisedDate > Else > NewsRS("Revised") = 0 > End If > NewsRS("ArticleCopy") = ArtCopy > > NewsRS.Update > > NewsRS.Close > Set NewsRS = Nothing > DBConn.Close > Set DBConn = Nothing > > > Line 1054 is NewsRS.Update. ArticleCopy is the "text" column in the > database. > > > Here is the SQL code I've dumped from PostgreSQL for "tblnews": > > CREATE TABLE tblnews ( > id serial NOT NULL, > keywords character varying(255), > dateadd timestamp without time zone, > datemodified timestamp without time zone, > news boolean DEFAULT 'f', > topic boolean DEFAULT 'f', > review boolean DEFAULT 'f', > releasedate timestamp without time zone, > revised boolean DEFAULT 'f', > revisedon timestamp without time zone, > title character varying(255), > pdflink boolean DEFAULT 'f', > pdfurl character varying(255), > pressrelease boolean DEFAULT 'f', > calendar boolean DEFAULT 'f', > homepage boolean DEFAULT 'f', > enteredby character varying(50), > formattext boolean DEFAULT 'f', > formathtml boolean DEFAULT 'f', > articlecopy text > ); > > > Here are the settings I have for my DSN (ODBC settings): > > Disable Genetic Optimizer (checked) > KSQO (Keyset Query Optimization) (checked) > Recognize Unique Indexes (checked) > Use Declare/Fetch (unchecked) > CommLog (unchecked) > Parse Statements (unchecked) > Cancel as FreeStmt (unchecked) > MyLog (unchecked) > Unknown Sizes = Maximum > Text As LongVarChar (checked) > Unknowns As LongVarChar (unchecked) > Bools As Char (checked) > Max Varchar = 254 > Max LongVarChar = 163800 > Cache size = 100 > SysTable Prefixes = dd_; > Read Only (unchecked) > Show System Tables (unchecked) > LF <-> CR/LF conversion (checked) > Updateable Cursors (checked) > bytea As LO (unchecked) > Row Versioning (unchecked) > Disallow Premature (unchecked) > True is -1 (unchecked) > Server side prepare (unchecked) > Int 8 As = default > Protocol = 7.X,6.4+ > OID Options: Show Column (unchecked) > OID Options: Fake Index (grayed out; unchecked and unable to check) > Connect settings (empty) > > > The client is very antsy about this and wants it fixed ASAP. > Any ideas? > -Ben > > > > Ben Ramsey wrote: > > Jeff Eckermann wrote: > > > >> We haven't established that this works, yet ;-) > > > > > > Guess I was a bit too optimistic. ;) > > > > Well, I tried unchecking it, then I tried setting the value higher. > > Nothing seemed to work. Then, I got the nifty idea to > restart IIS, and > > it work! It appears that unchecking it doesn't do > anything. So, I had > > to just set it to an extremely high value. That did the job. > > > > Thanks! > > > > -Ben > > ---------------------------(end of > broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command > (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to > >
How is this DLL different from the one I am currently using? Hiroshi Inoue wrote: > Please try the dll at > . >
At any rate, I tried the DLL, though I don't know how it is different from the other one, but that doesn't exactly matter because it appears to be working exactly the way I need it to work. Thanks a bunch!!! -Ben Ben Ramsey wrote: > How is this DLL different from the one I am currently using? > > > Hiroshi Inoue wrote: > >> Please try the dll at >> . >>
> -----Original Message----- > From: Ben Ramsey > Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:24 AM > To: Hiroshi Inoue; > Subject: Re: [ODBC] Adding long text to a text field > generates an error > > > How is this DLL different from the one I am currently using? The driver's version is 7.3.0208. You can see the changes after 7.3.0200 at (View Web CVS). For example, the change [7.03.0201] 1) Revise the handling of descriptors and implement SQLCopyDesc. 2) Handle data_at_execution columns for SQLSetPos or SQLBulkOperations would fix your problem. regards, Hiroshi Inoue