Thread: RE: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?

RE: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?

Rob Yampolsky

>> /usr/lib/

>This is the driver for iODBC.

>> and
>> /usr/lib/

>This is the driver for unixODBC.

Well, not quite. seems to work for both unixODBC and iODBC (with a few quirks - the iODBC 'odbctest' program segfaults when I quit, but my app, which was essentially cloned from 'odbctest', works okay).] doesn't work for iODBC at all.

To get this working, I ran the postmaster in debug mode.  When using under iODBC, the postmaster didn't log anything.  Using, it reported that I needed to set the UserName parameter in .odbc.ini, and once I did, it worked.

R o b  Y a m p o l s k y
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