Thread: log error"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."
log error"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."
Sorry, once again.
Hello, everyone
My software environment is the following:
Win7 64bit Janpanese
Seasar2 (a j2ee framework popular in Japan, including DI ,AOP, Struts, O/R Mapper,etc.)
When I used the O/R Mapper of Seasar2 to do a simplest insert SQL statement,
I saw the record had been inserted into DB,
But in the log file of C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\pg_log,
the following log information were also produced.
2013-05-20 10:48:01 HKT postgres changdb LOG: クライアントからデータを受信できませんでした: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2013-05-20 10:48:01 HKT postgres changdb LOG: クライアント接続に想定外のEOFがありました
Sorry, it is in Japanese, and I will translate it into English.
クライアントからデータを受信できませんでした -> could not receive data from client
クライアント接続に想定外のEOFがありました -> unexpected EOF on client connection
In fact, whenever I execute any insert/update SQL statement, it always appears.
My customer asked that it must be made to disappear.
I have googled, but can’t find any useful advice.
I have shutdown the firewall of Win7 and anti-virus software in My PC. But This is no use.
This page said that these error reports when the connections are closed uncleanly, without a proper backend close message.
I think it is the most possible reason. But I don’t know how to fix it.
Anyone can help me. Please.
Harry Chang
Java Sr. Engineer