Sorry, once again.
Hello, everyone
My software environment is the following:
Win7 64bit Janpanese
Seasar2 (a j2ee framework popular in Japan, including DI ,AOP, Struts, O/R Mapper,etc.)
When I used the O/R Mapper of Seasar2 to do a simplest insert SQL statement,
I saw the record had been inserted into DB,
But in the log file of C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\pg_log,
the following log information were also produced.
2013-05-20 10:48:01 HKT postgres changdb LOG: クライアントからデータを受信できませんでした: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2013-05-20 10:48:01 HKT postgres changdb LOG: クライアント接続に想定外のEOFがありました
Sorry, it is in Japanese, and I will translate it into English.
クライアントからデータを受信できませんでした -> could not receive data from client
クライアント接続に想定外のEOFがありました -> unexpected EOF on client connection
In fact, whenever I execute any insert/update SQL statement, it always appears.
My customer asked that it must be made to disappear.
I have googled, but can’t find any useful advice.
I have shutdown the firewall of Win7 and anti-virus software in My PC. But This is no use.
This page said that these error reports when the connections are closed uncleanly, without a proper backend close message.
I think it is the most possible reason. But I don’t know how to fix it.
Anyone can help me. Please.
Harry Chang
Java Sr. Engineer