Thread: currval, lastval, nextvar?
Hello, I want write a query that will insert a record in a person table, insert a record in a presentation table, and then insert a record into a bridge table that contains the keys of both of the newly created records from the other two tables. According to the documentation, takes the next number in the sequence and reports it. Both currval and lastval report the last value that was taken from the sequence, but both will produce errors if a "nextval" was not called in the current session. Does writing a record that automatically updates a sequence count as calling nextval? Thanks, Carol Walter
In response to Carol Walter : > Hello, > > I want write a query that will insert a record in a person table, > insert a record in a presentation table, and then insert a record into > a bridge table that contains the keys of both of the newly created > records from the other two tables. According to the documentation, > takes the next number in the sequence and reports it. Both currval > and lastval report the last value that was taken from the sequence, > but both will produce errors if a "nextval" was not called in the > current session. Does writing a record that automatically updates a > sequence count as calling nextval? Yes. You don't need call nextval. You can do something like : test=# create table t1(id serial primary key); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t1_id_seq" for serial column "" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t1_pkey" for table "t1" CREATE TABLE test=*# create table t2(id serial primary key); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t2_id_seq" for serial column "" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t2_pkey" for table "t2" CREATE TABLE test=*# create table brige (i1 int references t1, i2 int references t2); CREATE TABLE test=*# insert into t1 values(default); INSERT 0 1 test=*# insert into t2 values(default); INSERT 0 1 test=*# insert into brige values (currval('t1_id_seq'), currval('t2_id_seq')); INSERT 0 1 test=*# select * from brige ; i1 | i2 ----+---- 1 | 1 (1 Zeile) -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA
"A. Kretschmer" <> writes: > Yes. You don't need call nextval. Well, you do, but the point is that the default expression for a serial column includes the nextval() call. Look at the table with \d, eg postgres=# create table t1(id serial primary key); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t1_id_seq" for serial column "" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t1_pkey" for table "t1" CREATE TABLE postgres=# \d t1 Table "public.t1" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('t1_id_seq'::regclass) Indexes: "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) postgres=# So if you do an insert that doesn't provide a value for that column, the nextval is done implicitly. regards, tom lane
Tom Lane <> wrote: > "A. Kretschmer" <> writes: > > Yes. You don't need call nextval. > > Well, you do, but the point is that the default expression for a > serial column includes the nextval() call. Look at the table with > \d, eg > > So if you do an insert that doesn't provide a value for that column, > the nextval is done implicitly. Right, i know. You don't need call nextval _explicit_, okay? Andreas -- Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect. (Linus Torvalds) "If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly." (unknown) Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe. N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°
Andreas Kretschmer <> writes: > Tom Lane <> wrote: >> So if you do an insert that doesn't provide a value for that column, >> the nextval is done implicitly. > Right, i know. I know *you* know, Andreas, but this is the -novice list and I figured a bit more explanation wouldn't be a bad thing. There isn't actually any hidden magic in this, if you know where to look, but newbies probably don't know where to look. regards, tom lane
On Thursday 23 April 2009 07:24:26 am Carol Walter wrote: > Does writing a record that automatically updates a > sequence count as calling nextval? Yes if the data type is serial. -- John Fabiani
Thank you all for the good information. The three "insert" lines are all I need. Carol On Apr 23, 2009, at 11:59 AM, A. Kretschmer wrote: > In response to Carol Walter : >> Hello, >> >> I want write a query that will insert a record in a person table, >> insert a record in a presentation table, and then insert a record >> into >> a bridge table that contains the keys of both of the newly created >> records from the other two tables. According to the documentation, >> takes the next number in the sequence and reports it. Both currval >> and lastval report the last value that was taken from the sequence, >> but both will produce errors if a "nextval" was not called in the >> current session. Does writing a record that automatically updates a >> sequence count as calling nextval? > > Yes. You don't need call nextval. > > You can do something like : > > test=# create table t1(id serial primary key); > NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t1_id_seq" for > serial column "" > NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index > "t1_pkey" > for table "t1" > CREATE TABLE > test=*# create table t2(id serial primary key); > NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t2_id_seq" for > serial column "" > NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index > "t2_pkey" > for table "t2" > CREATE TABLE > test=*# create table brige (i1 int references t1, i2 int references > t2); > CREATE TABLE > test=*# insert into t1 values(default); > INSERT 0 1 > test=*# insert into t2 values(default); > INSERT 0 1 > test=*# insert into brige values (currval('t1_id_seq'), > currval('t2_id_seq')); > INSERT 0 1 > test=*# select * from brige ; > i1 | i2 > ----+---- > 1 | 1 > (1 Zeile) > > > -- > Andreas Kretschmer > Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) > GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA > > -- > Sent via pgsql-novice mailing list ( > To make changes to your subscription: >
johnf schrieb: > On Thursday 23 April 2009 07:24:26 am Carol Walter wrote: >> Does writing a record that automatically updates a >> sequence count as calling nextval? > > Yes if the data type is serial. > don't want to make a big discussion out of it - but serial is not really a datatype but more an alias ... correct? As I remember correctly it was not possible to use serial in psql in older versions because of that. Please correct me if i am wrong ... Cheers Andy