Thread: only best matches with ilike or regex matching

only best matches with ilike or regex matching

Ron Arts

this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it goes.

I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:

prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2

where timeframe=2 means weekends.

For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
and timeframe is 2:

prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2

But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
work as well.

Please help,



Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching

"Chad Wagner"
On 1/17/07, Ron Arts <> wrote:
this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it goes.

I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:

prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2

where timeframe=2 means weekends.

For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
and timeframe is 2:

prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2

But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
work as well.

This is close...

# select * from phonerates where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%' and timeframe = 2 order by length(prefix) desc, cost asc limit 1;
 prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
 ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1

If you want exactly as you indicated above, then...

select *
  from phonerates
 where timeframe = 2
   and prefix = (select prefix
                   from phonerates
                  where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%'
                 order by length(prefix) desc
                 limit 1)
 order by cost;

 prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
 ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
 ^31653 | 0.13 |         2 |        2


Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching

Ron Arts
hi Chad,

thanks for responding.
Your solution points out to me that I my example
wasn't perfect in one way: it suggests that providers use
the same prefix list. But they don't. Sorry about that.

In reality this would be a more realistic example:

id | prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
1  | ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
2  | ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
3  | ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
4  | ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
5  | ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
6  | ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
7  | ^316    |  0.15   |  1         | 2
8  | ^316    |  0.13   |  2         | 2

As you see, different providers divide up the possible
range of phone numbers in a different way.

Now your last query won't work because the subselect
will return the prefix from row 4, and this will not
match row 8. Can you offer another suggestion?


Chad Wagner schreef:
> On 1/17/07, *Ron Arts* <
> <>> wrote:
>     this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it goes.
>     I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>     ----------------------------------------
>     ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
>     ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>     ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
>     ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
>     ^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>     where timeframe=2 means weekends.
>     For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
>     cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
>     and timeframe is 2:
>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>     ----------------------------------------
>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>     But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
>     the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
>     a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
>     work as well.
> This is close...
> # select * from phonerates where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%' and
> timeframe = 2 order by length(prefix) desc, cost asc limit 1;
>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> --------+------+-----------+----------
>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
> If you want exactly as you indicated above, then...
> select *
>   from phonerates
>  where timeframe = 2
>    and prefix = (select prefix
>                    from phonerates
>                   where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%'
>                  order by length(prefix) desc
>                  limit 1)
>  order by cost;
>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> --------+------+-----------+----------
>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>  ^31653 | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> --
> Chad


Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching

"Duncan Garland"
> I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:


SELECT * FROM tel WHERE timeframe = 2 ORDER BY cost;

SELECT * FROM tel t1
WHERE SUBSTR( '31653445566', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) = prefix
AND timeframe = 2
  t1.timeframe = t2.timeframe
  AND t1.provider = t2.provider
  AND t1.prefix = SUBSTR( t2.prefix, 1, LENGTH( t1.prefix ) )
  AND LENGTH( t1.prefix ) < LENGTH( t2.prefix )


 id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
  2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
  1 | 31     | 0.02 |         1 |        1
  6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
  5 | 31     | 0.03 |         1 |        2
  4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
  8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
  3 | 31653  | 0.14 |         1 |        1
  7 | 316    | 0.15 |         1 |        2
(8 rows)

 id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
  2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
  6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
  4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
  8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
(4 rows)

 id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
  4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
  8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
(2 rows)

Is that what you meant? The longest match for a given provider?


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ron Arts
Sent: 18 January 2007 07:48
Subject: Re: [NOVICE] only best matches with ilike or regex matching

hi Chad,

thanks for responding.
Your solution points out to me that I my example
wasn't perfect in one way: it suggests that providers use
the same prefix list. But they don't. Sorry about that.

In reality this would be a more realistic example:

id | prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
1  | ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
2  | ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
3  | ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
4  | ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
5  | ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
6  | ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
7  | ^316    |  0.15   |  1         | 2
8  | ^316    |  0.13   |  2         | 2

As you see, different providers divide up the possible
range of phone numbers in a different way.

Now your last query won't work because the subselect
will return the prefix from row 4, and this will not
match row 8. Can you offer another suggestion?


Chad Wagner schreef:
> On 1/17/07, *Ron Arts* <
> <>> wrote:
>     this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it
>     I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>     ----------------------------------------
>     ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
>     ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>     ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
>     ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
>     ^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>     where timeframe=2 means weekends.
>     For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
>     cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
>     and timeframe is 2:
>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>     ----------------------------------------
>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>     But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
>     the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
>     a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
>     work as well.
> This is close...
> # select * from phonerates where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%' and
> timeframe = 2 order by length(prefix) desc, cost asc limit 1;
>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> --------+------+-----------+----------
>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
> If you want exactly as you indicated above, then...
> select *
>   from phonerates
>  where timeframe = 2
>    and prefix = (select prefix
>                    from phonerates
>                   where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%'
>                  order by length(prefix) desc
>                  limit 1)
>  order by cost;
>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> --------+------+-----------+----------
>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>  ^31653 | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> --
> Chad

Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching

Ron Arts
Hi Duncan,

Yes. This works great. Now could this be done
using regex matching as well?


Duncan Garland schreef:
>> I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
> SELECT * FROM tel ORDER BY cost;
> SELECT * FROM tel WHERE timeframe = 2 ORDER BY cost;
> SELECT * FROM tel t1
> WHERE SUBSTR( '31653445566', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) = prefix
> AND timeframe = 2
>   t1.timeframe = t2.timeframe
>   AND t1.provider = t2.provider
>   AND t1.prefix = SUBSTR( t2.prefix, 1, LENGTH( t1.prefix ) )
>   AND LENGTH( t1.prefix ) < LENGTH( t2.prefix )
> );
> Produces
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
>   1 | 31     | 0.02 |         1 |        1
>   6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
>   5 | 31     | 0.03 |         1 |        2
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
>   3 | 31653  | 0.14 |         1 |        1
>   7 | 316    | 0.15 |         1 |        2
> (8 rows)
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
>   6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> (4 rows)
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> (2 rows)
> Is that what you meant? The longest match for a given provider?
> Regards
> Duncan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Ron Arts
> Sent: 18 January 2007 07:48
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NOVICE] only best matches with ilike or regex matching
> hi Chad,
> thanks for responding.
> Your solution points out to me that I my example
> wasn't perfect in one way: it suggests that providers use
> the same prefix list. But they don't. Sorry about that.
> In reality this would be a more realistic example:
> id | prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
> ----------------------------------------------
> 1  | ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
> 2  | ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
> 3  | ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
> 4  | ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
> 5  | ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
> 6  | ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
> 7  | ^316    |  0.15   |  1         | 2
> 8  | ^316    |  0.13   |  2         | 2
> As you see, different providers divide up the possible
> range of phone numbers in a different way.
> Now your last query won't work because the subselect
> will return the prefix from row 4, and this will not
> match row 8. Can you offer another suggestion?
> Ron
> Chad Wagner schreef:
>> On 1/17/07, *Ron Arts* <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it
> goes.
>>     I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
>>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>>     ----------------------------------------
>>     ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
>>     ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
>>     ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
>>     ^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
>>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>>     where timeframe=2 means weekends.
>>     For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
>>     cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
>>     and timeframe is 2:
>>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>>     ----------------------------------------
>>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>>     But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
>>     the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
>>     a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
>>     work as well.
>> This is close...
>> # select * from phonerates where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%' and
>> timeframe = 2 order by length(prefix) desc, cost asc limit 1;
>>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
>> --------+------+-----------+----------
>>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>> If you want exactly as you indicated above, then...
>> select *
>>   from phonerates
>>  where timeframe = 2
>>    and prefix = (select prefix
>>                    from phonerates
>>                   where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%'
>>                  order by length(prefix) desc
>>                  limit 1)
>>  order by cost;
>>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
>> --------+------+-----------+----------
>>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>>  ^31653 | 0.13 |         2 |        2
>> --
>> Chad

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