Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Ron Arts
Subject Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching  ("Duncan Garland" <>)
List pgsql-novice
Hi Duncan,

Yes. This works great. Now could this be done
using regex matching as well?


Duncan Garland schreef:
>> I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
> SELECT * FROM tel ORDER BY cost;
> SELECT * FROM tel WHERE timeframe = 2 ORDER BY cost;
> SELECT * FROM tel t1
> WHERE SUBSTR( '31653445566', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) = prefix
> AND timeframe = 2
>   t1.timeframe = t2.timeframe
>   AND t1.provider = t2.provider
>   AND t1.prefix = SUBSTR( t2.prefix, 1, LENGTH( t1.prefix ) )
>   AND LENGTH( t1.prefix ) < LENGTH( t2.prefix )
> );
> Produces
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
>   1 | 31     | 0.02 |         1 |        1
>   6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
>   5 | 31     | 0.03 |         1 |        2
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
>   3 | 31653  | 0.14 |         1 |        1
>   7 | 316    | 0.15 |         1 |        2
> (8 rows)
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   2 | 31     | 0.01 |         2 |        1
>   6 | 31     | 0.02 |         2 |        2
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> (4 rows)
>  id | prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
> ----+--------+------+-----------+----------
>   4 | 31653  | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>   8 | 316    | 0.13 |         2 |        2
> (2 rows)
> Is that what you meant? The longest match for a given provider?
> Regards
> Duncan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Ron Arts
> Sent: 18 January 2007 07:48
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NOVICE] only best matches with ilike or regex matching
> hi Chad,
> thanks for responding.
> Your solution points out to me that I my example
> wasn't perfect in one way: it suggests that providers use
> the same prefix list. But they don't. Sorry about that.
> In reality this would be a more realistic example:
> id | prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
> ----------------------------------------------
> 1  | ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
> 2  | ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
> 3  | ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
> 4  | ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
> 5  | ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
> 6  | ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
> 7  | ^316    |  0.15   |  1         | 2
> 8  | ^316    |  0.13   |  2         | 2
> As you see, different providers divide up the possible
> range of phone numbers in a different way.
> Now your last query won't work because the subselect
> will return the prefix from row 4, and this will not
> match row 8. Can you offer another suggestion?
> Ron
> Chad Wagner schreef:
>> On 1/17/07, *Ron Arts* <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     this is probably an SQL question instead of PostgreSQL but here it
> goes.
>>     I have a table containing phone destinations and pricing as follows:
>>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>>     ----------------------------------------
>>     ^31     |  0.02   |  1         | 1
>>     ^31     |  0.01   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.14   |  1         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31     |  0.03   |  1         | 2
>>     ^31     |  0.02   |  2         | 2
>>     ^31653  |  0.15   |  1         | 2
>>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>>     where timeframe=2 means weekends.
>>     For a given phonenumber I need to get the list of providers with the
>>     cheapest one first. Suppose the target phonenumber is 31653445566,
>>     and timeframe is 2:
>>     prefix  |  cost   |  timeframe | provider
>>     ----------------------------------------
>>     ^31653  |  0.12   |  2         | 1
>>     ^31653  |  0.13   |  2         | 2
>>     But I cannot find a query to get this result. I only want
>>     the ^31653 rows, and not the ^31 rows, but these both match
>>     a 'where'31653445566' ~ prefix' clause. Using distinct does not
>>     work as well.
>> This is close...
>> # select * from phonerates where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%' and
>> timeframe = 2 order by length(prefix) desc, cost asc limit 1;
>>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
>> --------+------+-----------+----------
>>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>> If you want exactly as you indicated above, then...
>> select *
>>   from phonerates
>>  where timeframe = 2
>>    and prefix = (select prefix
>>                    from phonerates
>>                   where '^316534455665' like prefix || '%'
>>                  order by length(prefix) desc
>>                  limit 1)
>>  order by cost;
>>  prefix | cost | timeframe | provider
>> --------+------+-----------+----------
>>  ^31653 | 0.12 |         2 |        1
>>  ^31653 | 0.13 |         2 |        2
>> --
>> Chad

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pgsql-novice by date:

From: "Duncan Garland"
Subject: Re: only best matches with ilike or regex matching
From: brian stapel
Subject: Select Into help