Thread: Selects in Function Return Wrong Value
I'm glad there is a novice mailing list because I've spent to much time in MSSQL and trying to figure out postgres is very frustrating. Here's my prob. I've created a function that uses the 'event' table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."event_select_on_id" (event_id integer) RETURNS "public"."event" AS $body$ DECLARE return_event public.event; BEGIN SELECT * INTO return_event FROM event WHERE event_id = $1; RETURN return_event; END; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; This was suppose to be a test function so I could get the feeling for postgres but no matter what value I pass in it always returns the first item in the table. This happens even if I pass in an id that doesn't exists. I scanned through the archives for a while and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance for helping a noob.
Nick Thuesen <> writes: > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."event_select_on_id" (event_id ^^^^^^^^ > integer) RETURNS "public"."event" AS > $body$ > DECLARE > return_event public.event; > BEGIN > SELECT * INTO return_event FROM event WHERE event_id = $1; ^^^^^^^^ > RETURN return_event; > END; > $body$ > LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; plpgsql is probably seeing this as "WHERE $1 = $1", ie, true at every row of the table. It's a bad idea to name local variables or parameters the same as table or field names that you need to reference in the function, because plpgsql is very likely to misinterpret the field references as variable references. regards, tom lane