Thread: Views and confidentiality

Views and confidentiality

Reshat Sabiq

In my opinion, access permissions and views (data preprocessing, etc.)
both represent a mechanism to increase confidentiality of data. There's
a person who doesn't think so. Who do you think is right?


P.S. Sorry, if that's a bit off topic.
P.P.S. I believe we can create arbitrary views, including views that
aggregrate data from many rows into a summary value. Please correct me
if i'm wrong.


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Re: Views and confidentiality

Josh Berkus

> In my opinion, access permissions and views (data preprocessing, etc.)
> both represent a mechanism to increase confidentiality of data. There's
> a person who doesn't think so. Who do you think is right?

Who doesn't think so?

> P.P.S. I believe we can create arbitrary views, including views that
> aggregrate data from many rows into a summary value. Please correct me
> if i'm wrong.

Yes, you can.

For that matter, Neil and I were talking about automated building of update
rules for simple views, meaning that in the future simple "confidentiality"
views would also be updatable without you having to figure out the RULES

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco