Thread: Get the last record alone from the select statement.

Get the last record alone from the select statement.

Hi all,
  I have a doubt in limit clause. With limit and offset i can get the
first few records from the select statement. Suppose i want to get the
last record alone from the select, how can i achieve it.
I know this would have been answered many times, but i was not able to go
thru the archieves.
Plz help me.

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Re: Get the last record alone from the select statement.

> Hi all,
>   I have a doubt in limit clause. With limit and offset i can get the
> first few records from the select statement. Suppose i want to get the
> last record alone from the select, how can i achieve it.

=> select your_fields from your_table where your_condition order by
oid desc limit 1;


Re: Get the last record alone from the select statement.

Ron Johnson
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 04:53, A.Bhuvaneswaran wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >   I have a doubt in limit clause. With limit and offset i can get the
> > first few records from the select statement. Suppose i want to get the
> > last record alone from the select, how can i achieve it.
> => select your_fields from your_table where your_condition order by
> oid desc limit 1;

Since oid is way non-standard, a better way may be:
=> select your_fields from your_table where your_condition order by
your_fields desc limit 1;

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