Thread: 25P02 on connection.rollback(savePoint) - ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

We are currently using Oracle at this time and we are extending postgres support for our application.  In few parts of application, when an unique constraint violation occurs, we ignore and move on (per design) and in that scenario, I am running into 25P02 error on statement subsequent to unique constraint violation.
I read the postgres archives and as suggested I tried adding a savepoint before the statement which might possible throw unique constraint violation and on exception I am doing rollback(savePoint). 
Unfortunately I can running into the same exception on 25P02 on executing rollback(savePoint).
I have included the sample code for reference.  Am I missing something, or do I need to change any setting with postgres database ?  Any suggestions are welcome.
Saravana Telapolu

Saravana Kumar wrote:
> We are currently using Oracle at this time and we are
> extending postgres support for our application.  In few parts
> of application, when an unique constraint violation occurs,
> we ignore and move on (per design) and in that scenario, I am
> running into 25P02 error on statement subsequent to unique
> constraint violation.
> I read the postgres archives and as suggested I tried adding
> a savepoint before the statement which might possible throw
> unique constraint violation and on exception I am doing
> rollback(savePoint).
> Unfortunately I can running into the same exception on 25P02
> on executing rollback(savePoint).
> I have included the sample code for reference.  Am I missing
> something, or do I need to change any setting with postgres
> database ?  Any suggestions are welcome.

What are these DAOs doing in the insert mathod?

Could you trace the statements that are actually sent to the
database server? Maybe that would shed light on the matter.

Laurenz Albe