Thread: Postgres-JDBC question

Postgres-JDBC question


I am using Hibernate to connect to my PostgreSQL (btw – I love) database, and can connect my app and the db when using localhost, but when I try to connect via an ip address, it blows up telling me that the connection was refused.  I have set the postmaster to listen for TCP/IP connections, but still does not work.  Any suggestions?




Re: Postgres-JDBC question

Mark Lewis
This usually means that you have allowed TCP/IP connections in
postgresql.conf, but haven't added a rule allowing remote access in
pg_hba.conf for anything other than localhost.

A sample pg_hba.conf line to allow any host on the network to connect
using MD5 password hashes would be:

host   all    all md5

-- Mark Lewis

On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 08:31 -0600, Sean wrote:
> I am using Hibernate to connect to my PostgreSQL (btw – I love)
> database, and can connect my app and the db when using localhost, but
> when I try to connect via an ip address, it blows up telling me that
> the connection was refused.  I have set the postmaster to listen for
> TCP/IP connections, but still does not work.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
>    Sean

Re: Postgres-JDBC question

Philip Yarra
On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 01:31 am, Sean wrote:
> and can connect my app and the db when using localhost, but when I try to
> connect via an ip address, it blows up telling me that the connection was
> refused.  I have set the postmaster to listen for TCP/IP connections, but
> still does not work.  Any suggestions?

In postgresql.conf, the default config is to listen only on localhost IP
address (probably listen_addresses will be set to default value and commented
out). Change it so that is reads:

listen_addresses = '*'

and re-start the DB.

As Mark mentioned, you may also want to review your pg_hba.conf file.

Regards, Philip.


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Re: Postgres-JDBC question

Guillaume Cottenceau
Mark Lewis <mark.lewis 'at'> writes:

> This usually means that you have allowed TCP/IP connections in
> postgresql.conf, but haven't added a rule allowing remote access in
> pg_hba.conf for anything other than localhost.

Sean - on Linux, you can check this with the following command:

[root@meuh ~] netstat -ltpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      3310/postmaster
                    ^^^ my postgres is listening on all addresses


tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      3259/master
                    ^^^ my postfix is listening on localhost only

Guillaume Cottenceau

Re: Postgres-JDBC question

"Myatluk Andrey"

On my host if I run netstat I see the following:

tcp        0      0      *
LISTEN      5557/postmaster

tcp        0      0 :::5432                     :::*
LISTEN      5557/postmaster

Do those mean that my database must be accessible from the outside? I
have access from localhost processes, but my attempts to connect to the
database with pgAdmin failed.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Guillaume
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 12:52 PM
To: Sean;
Subject: Re: [JDBC] Postgres-JDBC question

Mark Lewis <mark.lewis 'at'> writes:

> This usually means that you have allowed TCP/IP connections in
> postgresql.conf, but haven't added a rule allowing remote access in
> pg_hba.conf for anything other than localhost.

Sean - on Linux, you can check this with the following command:

[root@meuh ~] netstat -ltpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address
State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0      *
LISTEN      3310/postmaster
                    ^^^ my postgres is listening on all addresses


tcp        0      0      *
LISTEN      3259/master
                    ^^^ my postfix is listening on localhost only

Guillaume Cottenceau

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Re: Postgres-JDBC question

Tom Lane
"Myatluk Andrey" <> writes:
> On my host if I run netstat I see the following:

> tcp        0      0      *
> LISTEN      5557/postmaster

> tcp        0      0 :::5432                     :::*
> LISTEN      5557/postmaster

> Do those mean that my database must be accessible from the outside? I
> have access from localhost processes, but my attempts to connect to the
> database with pgAdmin failed.

Failed how, exactly?  The netstat output shows that the postmaster is
listening for connections from anyplace, so you have listen_addresses
set properly ... but there are at least two other levels where an
attempted connection might be blocked: kernel packet filtering, or the
contents of pg_hba.conf.  What error message are you getting *exactly*?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Postgres-JDBC question

Takeichi Kanzaki Cabrera
Did you have some firewall running on your PC?

On 2/1/06, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> "Myatluk Andrey" <> writes:
> > On my host if I run netstat I see the following:
> > tcp        0      0      *
> > LISTEN      5557/postmaster
> > tcp        0      0 :::5432                     :::*
> > LISTEN      5557/postmaster
> > Do those mean that my database must be accessible from the outside? I
> > have access from localhost processes, but my attempts to connect to the
> > database with pgAdmin failed.
> Failed how, exactly?  The netstat output shows that the postmaster is
> listening for connections from anyplace, so you have listen_addresses
> set properly ... but there are at least two other levels where an
> attempted connection might be blocked: kernel packet filtering, or the
> contents of pg_hba.conf.  What error message are you getting *exactly*?
>                         regards, tom lane
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