Thread: trying to compile postgres with java support

trying to compile postgres with java support

Eric Webber
trying to compile postgres with java support

using latest version of postgres, I am trying to
compile in java support, with the:

    ./configure --with-java

option and it just doesnt seem to work.

I have installed ANT and the SDK and JRE
and it just doesnt seem to work, is there
someone who has done this and knows how to set
up the paths and environment variables for ANT and
JAVA SDK so all this stuff is picked up by postgres
compile ?

Thanks in advance:

Eric Sean Webber

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Re: trying to compile postgres with java support

Peter Eisentraut
Eric Webber writes:

> using latest version of postgres, I am trying to
> compile in java support, with the:
>     ./configure --with-java
> option and it just doesnt seem to work.

You're going to have to do better than "doesn't seem to work".  What's

Peter Eisentraut

Re: trying to compile postgres with java support

Chris Lachaux
         Add the Ant and JDK directories to your PATH environment variables,
something like
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/opt/jakarta-ant-1.4.1/bin"
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/opt/j2sdk1.4.0/bin"
Use the appropriate form for whatever shell you are using.

Having done that, mine begins to compile and then fails with a message
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class RollbackException
location : package transaction
import javax.transaction.RollbackException

It's not clear to me whether I need to use J2EE rather than J2SE


At 03:40 PM 1/25/2002, you wrote:
>trying to compile postgres with java support
>using latest version of postgres, I am trying to
>compile in java support, with the:
>     ./configure --with-java
>option and it just doesnt seem to work.
>I have installed ANT and the SDK and JRE
>and it just doesnt seem to work, is there
>someone who has done this and knows how to set
>up the paths and environment variables for ANT and
>JAVA SDK so all this stuff is picked up by postgres
>compile ?
>Thanks in advance:
>Eric Sean Webber
>Get your own "800" number
>Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more
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Re: trying to compile postgres with java support

Florian Wunderlich
Eric Webber wrote:
> trying to compile postgres with java support
> using latest version of postgres, I am trying to
> compile in java support, with the:
>     ./configure --with-java
> option and it just doesnt seem to work.
> I have installed ANT and the SDK and JRE
> and it just doesnt seem to work, is there
> someone who has done this and knows how to set
> up the paths and environment variables for ANT and
> JAVA SDK so all this stuff is picked up by postgres
> compile ?

What is the exact error message of configure or make or whatever
produces the error?
Additionally, which version of Postgresql are you trying to compile?
You should have ant in your $PATH and setup $CLASSPATH correctly. Have
you read the documentation?

Re: trying to compile postgres with java support

Florian Wunderlich
Eric Webber wrote:
> I am using Linux Red hat version 2.4.7-10
> JRE 2 build 1.3.1_02-b02, mixed mode
> ant version 1.4.1
> I read the documentation and it is really not apparent
> how to set up the classpath or the path, what a mess java
> environment set up is.
> I can tell you where what files are located and
> perhaps you can tell me how to set up the path and
> classpath ?
> thanks
> Eric

Type "which ant". If it says "which: no ant in ...", then your $PATH is
wrong; include the directory in which ant lives.

If you can start javac, the CLASSPATH should be fine anyway.

Again, what's the exact error message, and which version of PostgreSQL
are you trying to build?