Add the Ant and JDK directories to your PATH environment variables,
something like
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/opt/jakarta-ant-1.4.1/bin"
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/opt/j2sdk1.4.0/bin"
Use the appropriate form for whatever shell you are using.
Having done that, mine begins to compile and then fails with a message
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class RollbackException
location : package transaction
import javax.transaction.RollbackException
It's not clear to me whether I need to use J2EE rather than J2SE
At 03:40 PM 1/25/2002, you wrote:
>trying to compile postgres with java support
>using latest version of postgres, I am trying to
>compile in java support, with the:
> ./configure --with-java
>option and it just doesnt seem to work.
>I have installed ANT and the SDK and JRE
>and it just doesnt seem to work, is there
>someone who has done this and knows how to set
>up the paths and environment variables for ANT and
>JAVA SDK so all this stuff is picked up by postgres
>compile ?
>Thanks in advance:
>Eric Sean Webber
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