Thread: stack dump

stack dump

Michael Moyle

I want to use Postgresql with iplanet. I am having trouble with the JDBC
driver. I have browsed this list's archives and have noticed some
complaints and talk about patches to this driver. I would like one of these
patches. I have done some surfing and much experimentation on my own to
no  avail. Did I miss a place to download the patch? Is this the only
place to get it?

ok, some specifics:
I am using jdk 1.3.1 (I also tried 1.2.2)

The driver works fine with Tomcat. Our client wants our application to
work on iplanet.

I have seen no mention of interoperability of postgresql and iplanet.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Michael Moyle

The stack trace is:

[16/Oct/2001:16:35:01] failure ( 1186): Internal error: Unexpected error
condition thrown (unknown exception,no description), stack:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Signal already used by VM: SIGHUP
        at sun.misc.Signal.handle(
        at java.lang.Terminator.setup(
        at java.lang.Shutdown.add(
        at java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook(
        at org.postgresql.Driver.<clinit>(
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at _jsps._page2_jsp._jspService(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: stack dump

Michael Moyle

Our client is going with Oracle now. So this is no longer
urgent. Thanks for the link! I will try it out next time I have a

best regards,
michael moyle

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 05:45:58PM +0200, Antonio Fiol Bonn?n wrote:
> You may want to try using the driver compiled for jdk1.2, even if you are using jdk1.3.
> You may get it on
> This is not an "official" answer. I am just trying to imagine the cause of your problem. However, I am
> not a JDBC/Postgresql specialist.
> So, I hope that helps !! / Please do not complain if it does not !
> Cheers,
> Antonio Fiol
> Michael Moyle wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to use Postgresql with iplanet. I am having trouble with the JDBC
> > driver. I have browsed this list's archives and have noticed some
> > complaints and talk about patches to this driver. I would like one of these
> > patches. I have done some surfing and much experimentation on my own to
> > no  avail. Did I miss a place to download the patch? Is this the only
> > place to get it?
> >
> > ok, some specifics:
> > I am using jdk 1.3.1 (I also tried 1.2.2)
> > iplanet6.0SP1
> >
> > The driver works fine with Tomcat. Our client wants our application to
> > work on iplanet.
> >
> > I have seen no mention of interoperability of postgresql and iplanet.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Best regards,
> > Michael Moyle
> >
> > The stack trace is:
> >
> > [16/Oct/2001:16:35:01] failure ( 1186): Internal error: Unexpected error
> > condition thrown (unknown exception,no description), stack:
> > java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError:
> > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Signal already used by VM: SIGHUP
> >         at sun.misc.Signal.handle(
> >         at java.lang.Terminator.setup(
> >         at java.lang.Shutdown.add(
> >         at java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook(
> >         at
> >         org.postgresql.core.ConnectionHook.<init>(
> >         at
> >         org.postgresql.core.ConnectionHook.<clinit>(
> >         at org.postgresql.Driver.<clinit>(
> >         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> >         at java.lang.Class.forName(
> >         at _jsps._page2_jsp._jspService(
> >         at
> >         org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> >         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >         at
> >         com.iplanet.server.http.servlet.NSServletRunner.invokeServletService(
> >         at
> >         com.iplanet.server.http.servlet.NSServletRunner.Service(
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> >
> >