Thread: Re: RE : ? (question mark) characters

Re: RE : ? (question mark) characters

Rene Pijlman
I'm forwarding this workaround to the list. Can someone shed
some light on this?

Java uses Unicode and should be able to represent all ISO
Latin-1 (8859-1) encoded characters. Why would we need to tell
the driver what character set the backend is sending us? Can't
it ask the backend dynamically?

On Sat, 01 Sep 2001 22:34:49 +0200, Quentin Delance wrote:
>I ve just read that you were having questions about non ascii characters support
>when accessing a posgresql DB through JDBC.
>As I am french (éèà...), I got the same problem but here is the solution (found
>on an old mailling list).
>While connecting to the db, don't use the
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,login,passwd) API but instead
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,properties) and set your charSet in these
>Example :
>      Properties info = new Properties();
>      info.put("user",login);
>      info.put("password",passwd);
>      info.put("charSet","ISO8859_1");
>      dbCon = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,info);
>While calling getString on a ResultSet, you should not get '?' chars any more.
>Hope this helps,
>    Quentin

René Pijlman <>