I'm forwarding this workaround to the list. Can someone shed
some light on this?
Java uses Unicode and should be able to represent all ISO
Latin-1 (8859-1) encoded characters. Why would we need to tell
the driver what character set the backend is sending us? Can't
it ask the backend dynamically?
On Sat, 01 Sep 2001 22:34:49 +0200, Quentin Delance wrote:
>I ve just read that you were having questions about non ascii characters support
>when accessing a posgresql DB through JDBC.
>As I am french (éèà...), I got the same problem but here is the solution (found
>on an old mailling list).
>While connecting to the db, don't use the
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,login,passwd) API but instead
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,properties) and set your charSet in these
>Example :
> Properties info = new Properties();
> info.put("user",login);
> info.put("password",passwd);
> info.put("charSet","ISO8859_1");
> dbCon = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,info);
>While calling getString on a ResultSet, you should not get '?' chars any more.
>Hope this helps,
> Quentin
René Pijlman <rene@lab.applinet.nl>