Thread: PQsetdbLogin() and PQconnectdb() fail on HPUX11i 64 bits with empty servername

PQsetdbLogin() and PQconnectdb() fail on HPUX11i 64 bits with empty servername

"Jan van der Weijde"
Hello all,
I'm using PQsetdbLogin() or PQconnectdb() to connect to a local server on an 64bits HP system with O/S HPUX11i. The PostgreSQL version is 8.1.4
According to the documentation I can leave out the host specification:
Name of host to connect to. If this begins with a slash, it specifies Unix-domain communication rather than TCP/IP communication; the value is the name of the directory in which the socket file is stored. The default behavior when host is not specified is to connect to a Unix-domain socket in /tmp (or whatever socket directory was specified when PostgreSQL was built). On machines without Unix-domain sockets, the default is to connect to localhost.
However when I do that, the client givers error message:
could not connect to server:
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
while the postmaster server log the first time:
LOG:  getsockname() failed: Invalid argument
and any subsequent time: 
LOG:  incomplete startup packet
No other socket location was specified when PostgreSQL was built, so both the client and the server should use /tmp
When I compile the client API as 32 bits code, the error does not occur.
When I do specify localhost or an actual server name  both connect functions succeed.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you,
Jan van der Weijde
"Jan van der Weijde" <> writes:
> I'm using PQsetdbLogin() or PQconnectdb() to connect to a local server
> on an 64bits HP system with O/S HPUX11i. The PostgreSQL version is 8.1.4
> ...
> When I compile the client API as 32 bits code, the error does not occur.
> When I do specify localhost or an actual server name  both connect
> functions succeed.

What exactly do you mean by "HPUX11i" --- it's not even clear whether
you are talking about a PA-RISC or an Intel platform here?  What
compiler are you using, and with what options?  (The output of pg_config
would be helpful.)

FWIW, I checked PG 8.1 before release on 11.23, PA-RISC and IA64 both,
and it passed regression tests in 64-bit builds, so it's not completely
broken on that platform.  The regression tests do use local connections
by default.
        regards, tom lane

"Jan van der Weijde" <> writes:
> I'm using PQsetdbLogin() or PQconnectdb() to connect to a local server
> on an 64bits HP system with O/S HPUX11i. The PostgreSQL version is 8.1.4
> According to the documentation I can leave out the host specification:
> However when I do that, the client givers error message:
> could not connect to server:
> Is the server running locally and accepting
> connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

I tried to reproduce this on HP's testdrive machines, without success:
it seems to work fine.  "64bits HP system with O/S HPUX11i" is pretty
darn vague, considering that HP supports this OS on two different
architectures and there are multiple subversions of it, but on the whole
I'd bet on a compiler problem.  Is your compiler fully up-to-date with
HP's patches?
        regards, tom lane