Thread: still confuse; no suitable driver

still confuse; no suitable driver

radifan karami
I'm sory if may question is covered in mailing-list
I found many same questions ( and solutions ) in that
archive about driver problem when running jdbc-applet
from browser.

I use Linux, Postgresql 7 and Java 1.2.2.

I'm new commer in Java, and try to make the first
jdbc-applet code following the tutorial in

It's working perfectly by appletviewer.

I put my applet code ( .class ) and postgresql.jar
file in the web server ( in my home page ), separate
from my database in may host.
For example my homepage is
and my host name is

There is an error "Javalang.ClassNotFoudException: No
suitable driver ", when I run applet from browser.

I read many solutions in archive, but still not
understand. Please give a simple and clear solution.

** The html code is :
<TITLE> Query Output </TITLE>
Output from query 
select NAME, PRICE from COFFEES 
<APPLET CODE="myapplet" ARCHIVE="postgresql.jar"
width=600 height=300>

** The applet code is :
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.sql.*;

public class myapplet extends Applet implements
Runnable {   private Thread worker;   private Vector queryResults;   private String message = "Initializing";
   public synchronized void start() {// Every time "start" is called we create a worker
thread to// re-evaluate the database query.if (worker == null) {        message = "Connecting to database";
worker= new Thread(this);    worker.start();}   }
   /**    * The "run" method is called from the worker
thread.  Notice that    * because this method is doing potentially slow
databases accesses    * we avoid making it a synchronized method.    */
   public void run() {String url =
"jdbc:postgresql://";String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";try {
Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");}catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {    setError("Masalah pada driver:
"+ ex);    return;}
try {    Vector results = new Vector();    Connection con =
DriverManager.getConnection(url,"my", "");    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();    ResultSet rs =
stmt.executeQuery(query);   while ( {    String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");    float f =
rs.getFloat("PRICE");   String text = s + "     " + f;    results.addElement(text);    }
    stmt.close();    con.close();
} catch(SQLException ex) {    setError("SQLException: " + ex);}   }
   /**    * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it
wants us to    * display our current state on the screen.    */
   public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {// If there are no results available, display the
current message.if (queryResults == null) {    g.drawString(message, 5, 50);    return;}
// Display the results.g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound:  ", 5, 10);int y = 30;java.util.Enumeration enum =
queryResults.elements();while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {    String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
g.drawString(text,5, y);    y = y + 15;}   }
   /**    * This private method is used to record an error
message for    * later display.    */
   private synchronized void setError(String mess) {queryResults = null;    message = mess;    worker = null;// And ask
AWTto repaint this applet.repaint();   }
   /**    * This private method is used to record the
results of a query, for    * later display.    */
   private synchronized void setResults(Vector
results) {queryResults = results;worker = null;// And ask AWT to repaint this applet.repaint();   }

Thank you & regard,


Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: still confuse; no suitable driver

"Joe Shevland"
A few things to be aware of:

i) you're attempting to make the connection from the applet (client browser) to your host database on
'',which will throw a security exception unless you use signed applets because of the applet's
securitysandbox (appletviewer can be told to ignore these). Applets are generally only allowed to make socket
connectionsback to the place they were served from.

ii) IE has a buggy JVM which requires this workaround:

to properly register the driver. I've never encountered this but I've heard it reported a bit, it may be a red


>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of radifan karami
>Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2000 11:08 PM
>Subject: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>I'm sory if may question is covered in mailing-list
>I found many same questions ( and solutions ) in that
>archive about driver problem when running jdbc-applet
>from browser.
>I use Linux, Postgresql 7 and Java 1.2.2.
>I'm new commer in Java, and try to make the first
>jdbc-applet code following the tutorial in
>It's working perfectly by appletviewer.
>I put my applet code ( .class ) and postgresql.jar
>file in the web server ( in my home page ), separate
>from my database in may host.
>For example my homepage is
>and my host name is
>There is an error "Javalang.ClassNotFoudException: No
>suitable driver ", when I run applet from browser.
>I read many solutions in archive, but still not
>understand. Please give a simple and clear solution.
>** The html code is :
><TITLE> Query Output </TITLE>
>Output from query 
>select NAME, PRICE from COFFEES 
><APPLET CODE="myapplet" ARCHIVE="postgresql.jar"
>width=600 height=300>
>** The applet code is :
>import java.applet.Applet;
>import java.awt.Graphics;
>import java.util.Vector;
>import java.sql.*;
>public class myapplet extends Applet implements
>Runnable {
>    private Thread worker;
>    private Vector queryResults;
>    private String message = "Initializing";
>    public synchronized void start() {
>    // Every time "start" is called we create a worker
>thread to
>    // re-evaluate the database query.
>    if (worker == null) {    
>        message = "Connecting to database";
>            worker = new Thread(this);
>        worker.start();
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * The "run" method is called from the worker
>thread.  Notice that
>     * because this method is doing potentially slow
>databases accesses
>     * we avoid making it a synchronized method.
>     */
>    public void run() {
>    String url =
>    String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";
>    try {
>        Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
>        setError("Masalah pada driver: " + ex);
>        return;
>    }
>    try {
>        Vector results = new Vector();
>        Connection con =
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,"my", "");
>        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
>        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
>        while ( {
>        String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
>        float f = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
>        String text = s + "     " + f;
>        results.addElement(text);
>        }
>        stmt.close();
>        con.close();
>        setResults(results);
>    } catch(SQLException ex) {
>        setError("SQLException: " + ex);
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it
>wants us to
>     * display our current state on the screen.
>     */
>    public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {
>    // If there are no results available, display the
>current message.
>    if (queryResults == null) {
>        g.drawString(message, 5, 50);
>        return;
>    }
>    // Display the results.
>    g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound:  ", 5, 10);
>    int y = 30;
>    java.util.Enumeration enum = queryResults.elements();
>    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
>        String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
>        g.drawString(text, 5, y);
>        y = y + 15;
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * This private method is used to record an error
>message for
>     * later display.
>     */
>    private synchronized void setError(String mess) {
>    queryResults = null;    
>    message = mess;    
>    worker = null;
>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>    repaint();
>    }
>    /**
>     * This private method is used to record the
>results of a query, for
>     * later display.
>     */
>    private synchronized void setResults(Vector
>results) {
>    queryResults = results;
>    worker = null;
>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>    repaint();
>    }
>Thank you & regard,
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: still confuse; no suitable driver

Peter Mount
There is an alternative fix for IE that bypasses DriverManager completely
(for some installations  DriverManager doesn't work at all).

Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Shevland []
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver

A few things to be aware of:

i) you're attempting to make the connection from the applet (client browser)
to your host database on '', which will throw a security
exception unless you use signed applets because of the applet's security
sandbox (appletviewer can be told to ignore these). Applets are generally
only allowed to make socket connections back to the place they were served

ii) IE has a buggy JVM which requires this workaround:

to properly register the driver. I've never encountered this but I've heard
it reported a bit, it may be a red herring.


>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of radifan karami
>Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2000 11:08 PM
>Subject: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>I'm sory if may question is covered in mailing-list
>I found many same questions ( and solutions ) in that
>archive about driver problem when running jdbc-applet
>from browser.
>I use Linux, Postgresql 7 and Java 1.2.2.
>I'm new commer in Java, and try to make the first
>jdbc-applet code following the tutorial in
>It's working perfectly by appletviewer.
>I put my applet code ( .class ) and postgresql.jar
>file in the web server ( in my home page ), separate
>from my database in may host.
>For example my homepage is
>and my host name is
>There is an error "Javalang.ClassNotFoudException: No
>suitable driver ", when I run applet from browser.
>I read many solutions in archive, but still not
>understand. Please give a simple and clear solution.
>** The html code is :
><TITLE> Query Output </TITLE>
>Output from query 
>select NAME, PRICE from COFFEES 
><APPLET CODE="myapplet" ARCHIVE="postgresql.jar"
>width=600 height=300>
>** The applet code is :
>import java.applet.Applet;
>import java.awt.Graphics;
>import java.util.Vector;
>import java.sql.*;
>public class myapplet extends Applet implements
>Runnable {
>    private Thread worker;
>    private Vector queryResults;
>    private String message = "Initializing";
>    public synchronized void start() {
>    // Every time "start" is called we create a worker
>thread to
>    // re-evaluate the database query.
>    if (worker == null) {    
>        message = "Connecting to database";
>            worker = new Thread(this);
>        worker.start();
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * The "run" method is called from the worker
>thread.  Notice that
>     * because this method is doing potentially slow
>databases accesses
>     * we avoid making it a synchronized method.
>     */
>    public void run() {
>    String url =
>    String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";
>    try {
>        Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
>        setError("Masalah pada driver: " + ex);
>        return;
>    }
>    try {
>        Vector results = new Vector();
>        Connection con =
>DriverManager.getConnection(url,"my", "");
>        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
>        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
>        while ( {
>        String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
>        float f = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
>        String text = s + "     " + f;
>        results.addElement(text);
>        }
>        stmt.close();
>        con.close();
>        setResults(results);
>    } catch(SQLException ex) {
>        setError("SQLException: " + ex);
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it
>wants us to
>     * display our current state on the screen.
>     */
>    public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {
>    // If there are no results available, display the
>current message.
>    if (queryResults == null) {
>        g.drawString(message, 5, 50);
>        return;
>    }
>    // Display the results.
>    g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound:  ", 5, 10);
>    int y = 30;
>    java.util.Enumeration enum = queryResults.elements();
>    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
>        String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
>        g.drawString(text, 5, y);
>        y = y + 15;
>    }
>    }
>    /**
>     * This private method is used to record an error
>message for
>     * later display.
>     */
>    private synchronized void setError(String mess) {
>    queryResults = null;    
>    message = mess;    
>    worker = null;
>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>    repaint();
>    }
>    /**
>     * This private method is used to record the
>results of a query, for
>     * later display.
>     */
>    private synchronized void setResults(Vector
>results) {
>    queryResults = results;
>    worker = null;
>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>    repaint();
>    }
>Thank you & regard,
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: still confuse; no suitable driver

"Joe Shevland"
Involving a DataSource and the JDBC standard extension?

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Peter Mount
>Sent: Thursday, 29 June 2000 1:14 AM
>To: 'Joe Shevland';
>Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>There is an alternative fix for IE that bypasses DriverManager completely
>(for some installations  DriverManager doesn't work at all).
>Peter Mount
>Enterprise Support
>Maidstone Borough Council
>Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joe Shevland []
>Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 4:06 PM
>Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>A few things to be aware of:
>i) you're attempting to make the connection from the applet 
>(client browser)
>to your host database on '', which will throw a security
>exception unless you use signed applets because of the applet's security
>sandbox (appletviewer can be told to ignore these). Applets are generally
>only allowed to make socket connections back to the place they were served
>ii) IE has a buggy JVM which requires this workaround:
>    Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver").newInstance();
>to properly register the driver. I've never encountered this but I've heard
>it reported a bit, it may be a red herring.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of radifan karami
>>Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2000 11:08 PM
>>Subject: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>>I'm sory if may question is covered in mailing-list
>>I found many same questions ( and solutions ) in that
>>archive about driver problem when running jdbc-applet
>>from browser.
>>I use Linux, Postgresql 7 and Java 1.2.2.
>>I'm new commer in Java, and try to make the first
>>jdbc-applet code following the tutorial in
>>It's working perfectly by appletviewer.
>>I put my applet code ( .class ) and postgresql.jar
>>file in the web server ( in my home page ), separate
>>from my database in may host.
>>For example my homepage is
>>and my host name is
>>There is an error "Javalang.ClassNotFoudException: No
>>suitable driver ", when I run applet from browser.
>>I read many solutions in archive, but still not
>>understand. Please give a simple and clear solution.
>>** The html code is :
>><TITLE> Query Output </TITLE>
>>Output from query 
>>select NAME, PRICE from COFFEES 
>><APPLET CODE="myapplet" ARCHIVE="postgresql.jar"
>>width=600 height=300>
>>** The applet code is :
>>import java.applet.Applet;
>>import java.awt.Graphics;
>>import java.util.Vector;
>>import java.sql.*;
>>public class myapplet extends Applet implements
>>Runnable {
>>    private Thread worker;
>>    private Vector queryResults;
>>    private String message = "Initializing";
>>    public synchronized void start() {
>>    // Every time "start" is called we create a worker
>>thread to
>>    // re-evaluate the database query.
>>    if (worker == null) {    
>>        message = "Connecting to database";
>>            worker = new Thread(this);
>>        worker.start();
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * The "run" method is called from the worker
>>thread.  Notice that
>>     * because this method is doing potentially slow
>>databases accesses
>>     * we avoid making it a synchronized method.
>>     */
>>    public void run() {
>>    String url =
>>    String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";
>>    try {
>>        Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>>    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
>>        setError("Masalah pada driver: " + ex);
>>        return;
>>    }
>>    try {
>>        Vector results = new Vector();
>>        Connection con =
>>DriverManager.getConnection(url,"my", "");
>>        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
>>        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
>>        while ( {
>>        String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
>>        float f = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
>>        String text = s + "     " + f;
>>        results.addElement(text);
>>        }
>>        stmt.close();
>>        con.close();
>>        setResults(results);
>>    } catch(SQLException ex) {
>>        setError("SQLException: " + ex);
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it
>>wants us to
>>     * display our current state on the screen.
>>     */
>>    public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {
>>    // If there are no results available, display the
>>current message.
>>    if (queryResults == null) {
>>        g.drawString(message, 5, 50);
>>        return;
>>    }
>>    // Display the results.
>>    g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound:  ", 5, 10);
>>    int y = 30;
>>    java.util.Enumeration enum = queryResults.elements();
>>    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
>>        String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
>>        g.drawString(text, 5, y);
>>        y = y + 15;
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * This private method is used to record an error
>>message for
>>     * later display.
>>     */
>>    private synchronized void setError(String mess) {
>>    queryResults = null;    
>>    message = mess;    
>>    worker = null;
>>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>>    repaint();
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * This private method is used to record the
>>results of a query, for
>>     * later display.
>>     */
>>    private synchronized void setResults(Vector
>>results) {
>>    queryResults = results;
>>    worker = null;
>>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>>    repaint();
>>    }
>>Thank you & regard,
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: still confuse; no suitable driver

Peter Mount
No, although that is also an alternative.

Basically, the other method is to call org.postgresql.Driver directly in the
same way that java.sql.DriverManager should do, to obtain a Connection.


Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Shevland []
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 3:17 AM
To: Peter Mount;
Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver

Involving a DataSource and the JDBC standard extension?

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Peter Mount
>Sent: Thursday, 29 June 2000 1:14 AM
>To: 'Joe Shevland';
>Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>There is an alternative fix for IE that bypasses DriverManager completely
>(for some installations  DriverManager doesn't work at all).
>Peter Mount
>Enterprise Support
>Maidstone Borough Council
>Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joe Shevland []
>Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 4:06 PM
>Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>A few things to be aware of:
>i) you're attempting to make the connection from the applet 
>(client browser)
>to your host database on '', which will throw a security
>exception unless you use signed applets because of the applet's security
>sandbox (appletviewer can be told to ignore these). Applets are generally
>only allowed to make socket connections back to the place they were served
>ii) IE has a buggy JVM which requires this workaround:
>    Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver").newInstance();
>to properly register the driver. I've never encountered this but I've heard
>it reported a bit, it may be a red herring.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of radifan karami
>>Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2000 11:08 PM
>>Subject: [INTERFACES] still confuse; no suitable driver
>>I'm sory if may question is covered in mailing-list
>>I found many same questions ( and solutions ) in that
>>archive about driver problem when running jdbc-applet
>>from browser.
>>I use Linux, Postgresql 7 and Java 1.2.2.
>>I'm new commer in Java, and try to make the first
>>jdbc-applet code following the tutorial in
>>It's working perfectly by appletviewer.
>>I put my applet code ( .class ) and postgresql.jar
>>file in the web server ( in my home page ), separate
>>from my database in may host.
>>For example my homepage is
>>and my host name is
>>There is an error "Javalang.ClassNotFoudException: No
>>suitable driver ", when I run applet from browser.
>>I read many solutions in archive, but still not
>>understand. Please give a simple and clear solution.
>>** The html code is :
>><TITLE> Query Output </TITLE>
>>Output from query 
>>select NAME, PRICE from COFFEES 
>><APPLET CODE="myapplet" ARCHIVE="postgresql.jar"
>>width=600 height=300>
>>** The applet code is :
>>import java.applet.Applet;
>>import java.awt.Graphics;
>>import java.util.Vector;
>>import java.sql.*;
>>public class myapplet extends Applet implements
>>Runnable {
>>    private Thread worker;
>>    private Vector queryResults;
>>    private String message = "Initializing";
>>    public synchronized void start() {
>>    // Every time "start" is called we create a worker
>>thread to
>>    // re-evaluate the database query.
>>    if (worker == null) {    
>>        message = "Connecting to database";
>>            worker = new Thread(this);
>>        worker.start();
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * The "run" method is called from the worker
>>thread.  Notice that
>>     * because this method is doing potentially slow
>>databases accesses
>>     * we avoid making it a synchronized method.
>>     */
>>    public void run() {
>>    String url =
>>    String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";
>>    try {
>>        Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>>    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
>>        setError("Masalah pada driver: " + ex);
>>        return;
>>    }
>>    try {
>>        Vector results = new Vector();
>>        Connection con =
>>DriverManager.getConnection(url,"my", "");
>>        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
>>        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
>>        while ( {
>>        String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
>>        float f = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
>>        String text = s + "     " + f;
>>        results.addElement(text);
>>        }
>>        stmt.close();
>>        con.close();
>>        setResults(results);
>>    } catch(SQLException ex) {
>>        setError("SQLException: " + ex);
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it
>>wants us to
>>     * display our current state on the screen.
>>     */
>>    public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {
>>    // If there are no results available, display the
>>current message.
>>    if (queryResults == null) {
>>        g.drawString(message, 5, 50);
>>        return;
>>    }
>>    // Display the results.
>>    g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound:  ", 5, 10);
>>    int y = 30;
>>    java.util.Enumeration enum = queryResults.elements();
>>    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
>>        String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
>>        g.drawString(text, 5, y);
>>        y = y + 15;
>>    }
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * This private method is used to record an error
>>message for
>>     * later display.
>>     */
>>    private synchronized void setError(String mess) {
>>    queryResults = null;    
>>    message = mess;    
>>    worker = null;
>>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>>    repaint();
>>    }
>>    /**
>>     * This private method is used to record the
>>results of a query, for
>>     * later display.
>>     */
>>    private synchronized void setResults(Vector
>>results) {
>>    queryResults = results;
>>    worker = null;
>>    // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
>>    repaint();
>>    }
>>Thank you & regard,
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!