Thread: RE: [INTERFACES] Postgres (NT), ODBC and DBTools

RE: [INTERFACES] Postgres (NT), ODBC and DBTools

Dave Page
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Teulings, Tim []
> Sent: 03 November 1999 14:34
> To: ''
> Subject: AW: [INTERFACES] Postgres (NT), ODBC and DBTools

> After looking at it again, I'm not sure if it is a problem with the
> colon. The "?" in the statement looks supicious (itis near the
> 'where'
> stated in the error message). AFAIK ODBC does allow binding of
> variables
> (bind variable, bound expresion) and DBTools uses this. Is the "?"
> legal
> at this point (it references the value bound to a variable) or is it
> a
> error?
> Perhaps it is a problem with the ODBC driver settings?

I am sure that the ? is the problem. I've never heard of binding variables
with ODBC, but then I'm not an ODBC expert - I tend to let ADO/DAO deal with
that side of things!

Perhaps Byron or someone else can provide a definate answer?

Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association. (Work) (Home of pgAdmin)
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