Thread: pgbash-1.1.1 release

pgbash-1.1.1 release

 With many cooperators, I have made a *bash built-in command* for
PostgreSQL called "pgbash".
 The pgbash is the system which offers the 'direct SQL'/'embedded
SQL' interface for PostgreSQL by being included in the bash-2.x 

Features of pgbash

1.The pgbash has a function which is equivalent to psql except for the interactive input processing function. 

2.It is possible that pgbash carries out the interactive input processing  using the hysteresis editing function (
history,!,  fc command ) of bash.

3.An output of retrieval result and database information of pgbash  uses PSprint() which improved PQprint(). By
PSprint(),it is  possible to output by plain table type, plain table + outer frame  type and HTML table type. And, it
ispossible to display NULL  value string(like '-NULL-') and bit zero string(like '-0-').

4.It is possible that pgbash manipulates multiple databases using CONNECT, DISCONNECT and SET CONNECTION (or -d option

5.The pgbash has a function which substitutes the retrieval result  for the shell variable using FETCH INTO statement.

6.It is possible to set CGI mode. In CGI mode, the pgbash switches  the output to HTML, and read the datat by GET/POST
method,and  read the data of HTTP_COOKIE.

7.The pgbash sets "error code", "error message", "number of tuples", etc to the shell variable. Therefore, it is
possibleto know the condition after the SQL execution. 

 Details is as follows.

# I am very glad, if many people will use the pgbash.


SAKAIDA Masaaki  -- Osaka, Japan 
# Sorry, I am not good at English. 

Re: [HACKERS] pgbash-1.1.1 release

Oleg Bartunov
That's really cool !
I just install and played a little bit.
I found a minor problem :
I have to connect to any database to issue
exec_sql -l database
I have no my personal database
Here is a log:

bash-2.03$ exec_sql -l database
(-402)FATAL 1:  Database megera does not exist in pg_database
bash-2.03$ exec_sql "connect to discovery"
# PostgreSQL 6.5.2 on i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1, compiled by gcc 2.95.1
# CONNECT TO  discovery:5432  AS  discovery  USER  megera

bash-2.03$ exec_sql -l database
# Databases list

datname  |datdba|encoding|datpath  
template1|   505|      16|template1
apod     |    11|      16|apod     

I don't understand this requirements just to list all databases

On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, SAKAIDA wrote:

> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:24:57 +0900
> From: SAKAIDA <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [HACKERS] pgbash-1.1.1 release
> Hi,
>   With many cooperators, I have made a *bash built-in command* for
> PostgreSQL called "pgbash".
>   The pgbash is the system which offers the 'direct SQL'/'embedded
> SQL' interface for PostgreSQL by being included in the bash-2.x 
> shell. 
> Features of pgbash
> -------------------
> 1.The pgbash has a function which is equivalent to psql except for
>   the interactive input processing function. 
> 2.It is possible that pgbash carries out the interactive input
>   processing  using the hysteresis editing function ( history, !, 
>   fc command ) of bash.
> 3.An output of retrieval result and database information of pgbash 
>   uses PSprint() which improved PQprint(). By PSprint(), it is 
>   possible to output by plain table type, plain table + outer frame 
>   type and HTML table type. And, it is possible to display NULL 
>   value string(like '-NULL-') and bit zero string(like '-0-').
> 4.It is possible that pgbash manipulates multiple databases using
> 5.The pgbash has a function which substitutes the retrieval result 
>   for the shell variable using FETCH INTO statement. 
> 6.It is possible to set CGI mode. In CGI mode, the pgbash switches 
>   the output to HTML, and read the datat by GET/POST method, and 
>   read the data of HTTP_COOKIE.
> 7.The pgbash sets "error code", "error message", "number of tuples",
>   etc to the shell variable. Therefore, it is possible to know the
>   condition after the SQL execution. 
>   Details is as follows.  
> # I am very glad, if many people will use the pgbash.
> --
> Regards.
> SAKAIDA Masaaki  -- Osaka, Japan$B!!(B
> # Sorry, I am not good at English. 
> ************

Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

Re: [INTERFACES] Re: [HACKERS] pgbash-1.1.1 release

"Gene Selkov Jr."
> I have to connect to any database to issue
> exec_sql -l database

A database name is required to connect (by libpq? protocol?).  This
can be cured by using template1 as a default. However, the issue
naturally develops into a more serious concern: are we going to have
inter-database queries in any plausible future?



The idea of adding a database interface to sh, although I can
immediately see its usefulness, srikes me funny. We are apparently
looking to have an elisp interface soon (thanks to Eric Marsden);
sooner or later, one will be finding the SQL code stashed everywhere
throughout the system. Would it then be wrong to expect the whole
backend embedded into the unix kernel? That would definitely swallow a
share of IBM's server market ;-> Now think about this: after wrapping
it up into the kernel, what will prevent you from building a Prolog on
top of it? Next thing that comes to mind would be a neural network
interface to the postgres-enabled prolog-backtracking unix kernel. 

The chances of winnning a Rube Godberg contest are already high and
rising ...

Re: [INTERFACES] pgbash-1.1.1 release

"Clark C. Evans"
This works like a charm.  Thanks tons!

;) Clark

On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, SAKAIDA wrote:

> Hi,
>   With many cooperators, I have made a *bash built-in command* for
> PostgreSQL called "pgbash".
>   The pgbash is the system which offers the 'direct SQL'/'embedded
> SQL' interface for PostgreSQL by being included in the bash-2.x 
> shell. 
> Features of pgbash
> -------------------
> 1.The pgbash has a function which is equivalent to psql except for
>   the interactive input processing function. 
> 2.It is possible that pgbash carries out the interactive input
>   processing  using the hysteresis editing function ( history, !, 
>   fc command ) of bash.
> 3.An output of retrieval result and database information of pgbash 
>   uses PSprint() which improved PQprint(). By PSprint(), it is 
>   possible to output by plain table type, plain table + outer frame 
>   type and HTML table type. And, it is possible to display NULL 
>   value string(like '-NULL-') and bit zero string(like '-0-').
> 4.It is possible that pgbash manipulates multiple databases using
> 5.The pgbash has a function which substitutes the retrieval result 
>   for the shell variable using FETCH INTO statement. 
> 6.It is possible to set CGI mode. In CGI mode, the pgbash switches 
>   the output to HTML, and read the datat by GET/POST method, and 
>   read the data of HTTP_COOKIE.
> 7.The pgbash sets "error code", "error message", "number of tuples",
>   etc to the shell variable. Therefore, it is possible to know the
>   condition after the SQL execution. 
>   Details is as follows.  
> # I am very glad, if many people will use the pgbash.
> --
> Regards.
> SAKAIDA Masaaki  -- Osaka, Japan$B!!(B
> # Sorry, I am not good at English. 
> ************