Thread: Re: [INTERFACES] libpq problem (really libpq feature request)

Re: [INTERFACES] libpq problem (really libpq feature request)

"Jonathan davis"
>I think Jonathan is alluding (in a rather obtuse manner :-)) to an issue
>that is on my wishlist also, namely a more systematic way of identifying
>errors. Currently, libpq gives you an error state (no error, nonfatal
>error, or fatal error) and an error message. What would be nice is if
>there was also some sort of error code (eg an integer) that identified the
>exact nature of the problem. And, of course, a published spec of what the
>error codes mean. Then it would be much easier for one's program to know
>what the error was, and, if possible, do something about it. From my point
>of view, there are basically two classes of error - programmer error, and
>resource limitation error (eg network problems, disk space problems). The
>fundamental difference is that for the latter, the user might be able to
>do something about it, whereas for the former, you need to modify the
>code. It would be good if a program could deduce which it was without
>having to do anything silly and dangerous like trying to parse the error

the postgresql client is running under win98 and the server under FreeBSD3.1
when I'm trying to connect to the server and the server is not running, the
error message is:
connectDB() -- socket() failed:
No error

and when the password is incorrect, i have the same error

it is no way to difference the errors !!!

Re: [INTERFACES] libpq problem (really libpq feature request)

Tom Lane
"Jonathan davis" <> writes:
> the postgresql client is running under win98 and the server under FreeBSD3.1
> when I'm trying to connect to the server and the server is not running, the
> error message is:
> connectDB() -- socket() failed:
> errno=0
> No error
> and when the password is incorrect, i have the same error
> it is no way to difference the errors !!!

That's because they are the same error --- if the socket() call is
failing then the client is not getting as far as attempting to contact
the server, let alone checking the password.  I do not know why you
are not getting a useful errno value; probably another deficiency of
the Windoze socket code :-(.  But I'd suggest looking at whether
TCP support is turned on, whether there is a problem linking the socket
support library into the application, etc.  Any Win experts here with
an idea what could make socket() fail?
        regards, tom lane