Thread: ODBC + Symantec Cafe 2.5 problem

ODBC + Symantec Cafe 2.5 problem

Ivo Simicevic
When I try to select a table in Symantecs' Visual Cafe 2.5
Wizard I get this error message:

905438788 Error: SQL9999
    Message: [Symantec][dbANYWHERE Server][Version: 1.1 - Build:
215][SQL]Database engine or client library specific error encou
    DBMS error code: 1
    DBMS message: Null statement result in SQLFetch.
    Suggestion: Please see the specific database's vendor supplied
manual(s) for further information concerning this error.

Can anyone tell me what this is about, and what to do to
overcome this problem.


Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC + Symantec Cafe 2.5 problem

Byron Nikolaidis

Ivo Simicevic wrote:

> When I try to select a table in Symantecs' Visual Cafe 2.5
> Wizard I get this error message:
> 905438788 Error: SQL9999
>     Message: [Symantec][dbANYWHERE Server][Version: 1.1 - Build:
> 215][SQL]Database engine or client library specific error encou
> ntered.
>     DBMS error code: 1
>     DBMS message: Null statement result in SQLFetch.
>     Suggestion: Please see the specific database's vendor supplied
> manual(s) for further information concerning this error.
> Can anyone tell me what this is about, and what to do to
> overcome this problem.

I have seen a similar problem ("Null statement result in SQLFetch") when
trying to use the odbc driver with a postgres 6.4 backend.  It has to do
with the size change of the atttypmod field.  I have fixed it here for
the upcoming 250 release.

Are you indeed using postgres 6.4?


Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC + Symantec Cafe 2.5 problem

Ivo Simicevic
Byron Nikolaidis wrote:
> Are you indeed using postgres 6.4?
> Byron

I am using postgres 6.3.2 from Debian package.