Thread: bad plan with custom data types

bad plan with custom data types

Greg Mitchell
First guys, thanks for the help getting my mapped data types together.
They work great until I run a query on a table where one is an index
column. The planner produces really bad plans (uses nested loop where
merge join would work). I ran ANALYZE on each of the tables in the query
before the test.

First, the two tables are indexed by the same key (date, model, bucket).
The types of model, bucket, and symbol are my custom types (they store as
an integer and display as a string, mapped from a table).

When I created the operators, I created the operator= to support merge,
join is set to eqjoinsel.

When I first run explain I see:

explain select * from create_retail_bucket inner join execution using
(date_, model_, bucket, symbol) where create_retail_bucket.date_ =
'20061101';                                                         QUERY PLAN

Join (cost=1514021.91..1524365.32 rows=14 width=205)  Merge Cond: (("outer".bucket = "inner".bucket) AND
"inner".symbol) AND ("outer".model_ = "inner".model_))  ->  Sort  (cost=1297329.34..1299646.21 rows=926747 width=167)
    Sort Key: create_retail_bucket.bucket,
create_retail_bucket.symbol, create_retail_bucket.model_        ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on create_retail_bucket 
(cost=6810.61..1159975.47 rows=926747 width=167)              Recheck Cond: (date_ = '2006-11-01'::date)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on
(cost=0.00..6810.61 rows=926747 width=0)                    Index Cond: (date_ = '2006-11-01'::date)  ->  Sort
(cost=216692.56..217397.92rows=282143 width=54)        Sort Key: execution.bucket, execution.symbol, execution.model_
    ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on execution  (cost=2076.50..191150.06
rows=282143 width=54)              Recheck Cond: ('2006-11-01'::date = date_)              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
(cost=0.00..2076.50 rows=282143 width=0)                    Index Cond: ('2006-11-01'::date = date_)

Then I disable, bitmap, nested and seqscan and get:
Merge Join  (cost=3435041.20..3445384.61 rows=14 width=205)  Merge Cond: (("outer".bucket = "inner".bucket) AND
"inner".symbol) AND ("outer".model_ = "inner".model_))  ->  Sort  (cost=2861383.46..2863700.32 rows=926747 width=167)
    Sort Key: create_retail_bucket.bucket,
create_retail_bucket.symbol, create_retail_bucket.model_        ->  Index Scan using
on create_retail_bucket  (cost=0.00..2724029.58 rows=926747
width=167)              Index Cond: (date_ = '2006-11-01'::date)  ->  Sort  (cost=573657.75..574363.11 rows=282143
width=54)       Sort Key: execution.bucket, execution.symbol, execution.model_        ->  Index Scan using
execution_date_model_bucket_idxon execution(cost=0.00..548115.25 rows=282143 width=54)              Index Cond:
('2006-11-01'::date= date_)

I don't understand why it re-sorts the data even though the indexes are in
the same order?

Please help!! This is driving me up a wall....


Re: bad plan with custom data types

Tom Lane
Greg Mitchell <> writes:
> I don't understand why it re-sorts the data even though the indexes are in
> the same order?

I'm betting there's something wrong with your custom type definition,
such that the planner is failing to make any connection between the
index and the desired sort order.  But you've not shown us any details.
        regards, tom lane

Re: bad plan with custom data types

Greg Mitchell
Below are the operator definitions for one type. The other types are 
exactly the same, just different argument types and procedures. I 
noticed when I select the subset of each table (by date) out into a 
temporary table and add the indices, joining on those to tables yields 
the expected plan (merge join with 2 index scans). I think the planner 
believes that the bitmap heap scan, sorted and then merged is a better 
plan. What I don't understand is why? It seems to me that it could do a 
btree lookup for the given date (or beginning of date range as needed),
for each index, and walk the trees in-order merging.

Run-time-wise, it takes 42 seconds to run this as a single query, vs 18 
seconds to split the problem up with temp tables.

CREATE OPERATOR < (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = >,        NEGATOR = >=,
     RESTRICT = scalarltsel,        JOIN = scalarltjoinsel,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_lt

CREATE OPERATOR <= (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = >=,        NEGATOR = >,
      RESTRICT = scalarltsel,        JOIN = scalarltjoinsel,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_le

CREATE OPERATOR = (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = =,        NEGATOR = <>,
     RESTRICT = eqsel,        JOIN = eqjoinsel,        HASHES,        MERGES,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_eq

CREATE OPERATOR >= (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = <=,        NEGATOR = <,
      RESTRICT = scalargtsel,        JOIN = scalargtjoinsel,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_ge

CREATE OPERATOR > (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = <,        NEGATOR = <=,
     RESTRICT = scalargtsel,        JOIN = scalargtjoinsel,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_gt

CREATE OPERATOR <> (        LEFTARG = bucket_t,        RIGHTARG = bucket_t,        COMMUTATOR = <>,        NEGATOR = =,
      RESTRICT = neqsel,        JOIN = neqjoinsel,        PROCEDURE = bucket_t_ne

Tom Lane wrote:
> Greg Mitchell <> writes:
>> I don't understand why it re-sorts the data even though the indexes are in
>> the same order?
> I'm betting there's something wrong with your custom type definition,
> such that the planner is failing to make any connection between the
> index and the desired sort order.  But you've not shown us any details.
>             regards, tom lane

Re: bad plan with custom data types

Tom Lane
Greg Mitchell <> writes:
> I don't understand why it re-sorts the data even though the indexes are in
> the same order?

What are the available indexes exactly?  It looks to me from the names
that the indexes probably *don't* match the sort order the merge is
using.  What I'm wondering is whether the planner should be expected to
find a merge plan that adapts to the available indexes.  In the light
of morning I doubt this has anything to do with custom data types at
all, but with the fact that the planner doesn't exhaustively search
through every possible combination of mergejoin conditions.

If you turn off enable_sort as well, does it find a sort-free merge
        regards, tom lane

Re: bad plan with custom data types

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 08:20:40AM -0500, Greg Mitchell wrote:
> Below are the operator definitions for one type. The other types are
> exactly the same, just different argument types and procedures.

Looks good, what about the operator class definition?

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.

Re: bad plan with custom data types

Greg Mitchell
> What are the available indexes exactly?  It looks to me from the names
> that the indexes probably *don't* match the sort order the merge is
> using.  What I'm wondering is whether the planner should be expected to
> find a merge plan that adapts to the available indexes.  In the light
> of morning I doubt this has anything to do with custom data types at
> all, but with the fact that the planner doesn't exhaustively search
> through every possible combination of mergejoin conditions.

The indices are on (date, model, bucket) and I'm telling it to join on 
(date, model, bucket, symbol), where date is a constant. My expectation 
is that it would merge on (model, bucket, symbol) in-order, though the 
plan shows it having a merge condition (bucket, symbol, model).

> If you turn off enable_sort as well, does it find a sort-free merge
> plan?

Yes, but not a very good one....

TDB=> explain select * from create_retail_bucket inner join execution 
using (date_, model_, bucket, symbol) where create_retail_bucket.date_ = 
'20061101';           QUERY PLAN

NestedLoop  (cost=2427.93..2077606.20 rows=18 width=205)   Join Filter: ("inner".symbol = "outer".symbol)   ->  Bitmap
HeapScan on execution  (cost=2427.93..219154.20 
rows=323408 width=54)         Recheck Cond: ('2006-11-01'::date = date_)         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
(cost=0.00..2427.93 rows=323408 width=0)               Index Cond: ('2006-11-01'::date = date_)   ->  Index Scan using
create_retail_bucket  (cost=0.00..5.73 rows=1 width=167)         Index Cond: ((create_retail_bucket.date_ =
AND (create_retail_bucket.model_ = "outer".model_) AND 
(create_retail_bucket.bucket = "outer".bucket))
(8 rows)

Re: bad plan with custom data types

Tom Lane
Greg Mitchell <> writes:
>> What are the available indexes exactly?

> The indices are on (date, model, bucket) and I'm telling it to join on 
> (date, model, bucket, symbol), where date is a constant. My expectation 
> is that it would merge on (model, bucket, symbol) in-order, though the 
> plan shows it having a merge condition (bucket, symbol, model).

Well, that expectation is certainly a fantasy, since the indexscan
output wouldn't be sorted on symbol.  It would be possible to use
(date, model, bucket), or just (model, bucket), as the merge key
and then apply symbol equality as a post-merge "Filter" condition.
The problem here is that after constant propagation the date equality
condition has been dropped as redundant, leaving (model, bucket) or
(model) as the only merge keys that would work, and the planner is not
capable of recognizing that the indexscan outputs can be treated as
sorted that way rather than sorted with date as the major sort key.
Since 8.1 there is some code in there that can make that kind of
deduction with respect to simple indexscan plans, but I now realize
it's in the wrong place to help with mergejoins :-(.

We probably ought to rework things so that this consideration is
understood by the general "pathkey" code rather than being a special
hack in indxpath.c.  Maybe I'm missing something, but offhand it seems
like anytime we've included a constant in a pathkey equivalence set,
we could decide that that pathkey is a no-op and consider a pathkey
list including such a pathkey to be equal to an otherwise-identical
pathkey list omitting the no-op pathkey.

Too big a change to consider for 8.2 at this late date, unfortunately.
I'll try to take a look at it for 8.3.

For the archives: this can be reproduced in the regression database

set enable_hashjoin TO 0;
set enable_nestloop TO 0;
set enable_bitmapscan TO 0;
explain select * from tenk1 a join tenk1 b using(thousand, tenthous) where a.thousand = 555;

The sort steps in the resulting plan are redundant, but the planner
fails to see it.  8.1 and 8.2 do understand they don't need a sort for

explain select * from tenk1 where thousand = 555 order by tenthous;
        regards, tom lane