Thread: [WIN32] Quiet install and changing defaults

[WIN32] Quiet install and changing defaults

Chris Gow

I am attempting to override the default installation directory that the 
postgres MSI uses. I'm not familiar with MSI, but from what I've read I 
can specify properties on the command line to change properties in the 
installer? I've tried a variety of properties from looking at the 
installation log and by examining the properties using the ORCA tool 
from Microsoft. All to no avail:

msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi SOURCEDIR=[my directory]
msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi TARGETDIR=[my directory]
msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi DEVDIR=[my directory]

In all cases the installer still presents me with the default directory 
(c:\Program Files\Postgres8.1) and not the one I specify on the command 
line. Should some combination of the above work?

My final goal is to be able to spawn the pgsql installer from my 
installer and override defaults for the user and password and 
installation directory. Is this feasible?

Hopefully this is the right list, if not if someone could direct me to 
the correct one, I'd appreciate it.

Please CC me as I am not currently subscribed to this list.


-- chris

Re: [WIN32] Quiet install and changing defaults

"Magnus Hagander"
> I am attempting to override the default installation
> directory that the postgres MSI uses. I'm not familiar with
> MSI, but from what I've read I can specify properties on the
> command line to change properties in the installer? I've
> tried a variety of properties from looking at the
> installation log and by examining the properties using the
> ORCA tool from Microsoft. All to no avail:
> msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi SOURCEDIR=[my directory]
> msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi TARGETDIR=[my directory]
> msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi DEVDIR=[my directory]
> In all cases the installer still presents me with the default
> directory (c:\Program Files\Postgres8.1) and not the one I
> specify on the command line. Should some combination of the
> above work?
> My final goal is to be able to spawn the pgsql installer from
> my installer and override defaults for the user and password
> and installation directory. Is this feasible?
> Hopefully this is the right list, if not if someone could
> direct me to the correct one, I'd appreciate it.

This is documented on THe property
you're looking for is BASEDIR. You'll also need to send it to
postgresql-8.1-int.msi - this is also documented on the page above.


Re: [WIN32] Quiet install and changing defaults

Chris Gow
Magnus Hagander wrote: <blockquote cite=""
type="cite"><blockquotetype="cite"><pre wrap="">I am attempting to override the default installation 
directory that the postgres MSI uses. I'm not familiar with 
MSI, but from what I've read I can specify properties on the 
command line to change properties in the installer? I've 
tried a variety of properties from looking at the 
installation log and by examining the properties using the 
ORCA tool from Microsoft. All to no avail:

msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi SOURCEDIR=[my directory] 
msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi TARGETDIR=[my directory] 
msiexec /i postgresql-8.1.msi DEVDIR=[my directory]

In all cases the installer still presents me with the default 
directory (c:\Program Files\Postgres8.1) and not the one I 
specify on the command line. Should some combination of the 
above work?

My final goal is to be able to spawn the pgsql installer from 
my installer and override defaults for the user and password 
and installation directory. Is this feasible?

Hopefully this is the right list, if not if someone could 
direct me to the correct one, I'd appreciate it.   </pre></blockquote><pre wrap="">
This is documented on
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
you're looking for is BASEDIR. You'll also need to send it to
postgresql-8.1-int.msi - this is also documented on the page above.

 </pre></blockquote> Excellent!<br /><br /> Thanks for the info!<br /><br /> -- chris<br /><br />