Thread: Contract Programmer Advice.

Contract Programmer Advice.

Lamar Owen
Being that this group of hackers is one I trust, and that this is a pretty
common scenario for contract programming, I thought I'd ask this group a
question.  I hope you don't mind.

I did some contract programming work for a to-be-nameless company a while
back, and I'm having difficulty collecting.  The amount of the debt is around
$1,400 US, so it's not something I am willing to just let go.  However, I've
been patient for nearly two years: and, despite repeated promises to the
contrary, I have yet to see this money.  They did pay me for the first $1,000
or so, but have that $1,400 left to pay (I did a total of about $2,400 for
them).  It was a subcontracting arrangement; they were contracting out to a
client, and I was subcontracted.  According to the client, the bill was paid
in full.

This company doesn't dispute any of my invoices and says they are going to pay
me.  But they have not yet done so.  This company is still in business, and
seems to be doing quite well.  Don't even ask their name; I'm not out to
smear anyone.  Although I am tempted to publicly announce who they are, it is
against my nature.  But my patience is wearing thin; and I'm willing to try
just about anything.  Short of libel or slander, of course.  Whether they are
honest or not doesn't mean I have carte blanche to be dishonest.

I just want my money _soon_.  This company has had no complaints about my
performance or the quality of my work in this; in fact, in the communications
I've had with them, they were always pleased with my work (or at least that's
what they said).  And, of course, I kept copies of all correspondence.  In
fact, I would do work for them again if I could be more sure of collecting
the money.  Maybe I'm just too patient; I don't know.

Since I do trust this group, if any of you have had experience dealing with
credit collection bureaus and the like, can you please e-mail me privately
with your experience?
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: Contract Programmer Advice.

"Jeroen T. Vermeulen"
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:56:56PM -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
> This company doesn't dispute any of my invoices and says they are going to pay 
> me.  But they have not yet done so.  This company is still in business, and 

I wouldn't know about your country, whichever that may be, but in the
Netherlands it only takes two unpaid creditors to request bankruptcy
for a company with a judge.  Bankruptcy is declared when a company no
longer pays its dues (note that "ability" doesn't come into this), and 
two outstanding debts are the minimum required to establish that.

If all else fails, that kind of procedure gives a very strong incentive
to pay up.  Your country may have a similar arrangement.


Re: Contract Programmer Advice.

Dave Smith
In Canada we have small claims court. up to 10,1000$ and it only costs 
you 50$ to file a claim. They have to file a defense or settle within 30 
days. Usally if they owe you the money it forces them to do something, 
either settle or *really* drag it out, but it gets the process moving.

Jeroen T. Vermeulen wrote:

>On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:56:56PM -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
>>This company doesn't dispute any of my invoices and says they are going to pay 
>>me.  But they have not yet done so.  This company is still in business, and 
>I wouldn't know about your country, whichever that may be, but in the
>Netherlands it only takes two unpaid creditors to request bankruptcy
>for a company with a judge.  Bankruptcy is declared when a company no
>longer pays its dues (note that "ability" doesn't come into this), and 
>two outstanding debts are the minimum required to establish that.
>If all else fails, that kind of procedure gives a very strong incentive
>to pay up.  Your country may have a similar arrangement.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Contract Programmer Advice.

Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 20:56, Lamar Owen wrote:
> Being that this group of hackers is one I trust, and that this is a pretty
> common scenario for contract programming, I thought I'd ask this group a
> question.  I hope you don't mind.

I want to thank everyone for their responses.  We will see where things go
from here.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11