Thread: something smells bad

something smells bad

Martín Marqués
I'm haveing a very hard time with these views, rules, and I don't know if
it's a programing problem, or it's that I don't understand the docs. I have

webunl=> \d
                List of relations
            Name             |   Type   | Owner
 admin_view                  | view     | martin
 admin_view_categ            | view     | martin
 admin_view_docente          | view     | martin
 admin_view_facultades       | view     | martin
 admin_view_materias         | view     | martin
 admin_view_modal            | view     | martin
 area                        | table    | martin
 area_id_area_seq            | sequence | martin
 carrera                     | table    | martin
 carrera_id_curso_seq        | sequence | martin
 categ                       | table    | martin
 categ_id_categ_seq          | sequence | martin
 docentes                    | table    | martin
 docentes_id_docente_seq     | sequence | martin
 facultad                    | table    | martin
 facultad_id_fac_seq         | sequence | martin
 inscripcion                 | table    | martin
 log_carrera                 | table    | martin
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      | sequence | martin
 materias                    | table    | martin
 materias_id_mat_seq         | sequence | martin
 modalidad                   | table    | martin
 nexo_categ                  | table    | martin
 nexo_facultad               | table    | martin
 niveles                     | table    | martin
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        | sequence | martin
 resol                       | table    | martin
 sub_area                    | table    | martin
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     | sequence | martin
 tipo_cursado                | table    | martin
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq | sequence | martin
 tipo_modal                  | table    | martin
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       | sequence | martin
(33 rows)

webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
INSERT 240131 1
webunl=> \c webunl - mariana
You are now connected to database webunl.
\c: extra argument 'mariana' ignored
webunl=> \c webunl  mariana
You are now connected to database webunl as user mariana.
webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
webunl=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on sparc-sun-solaris2.8, compiled by GCC 2.95.2
(1 row)

The rules are OK as for what I see, but the other user insert even though the
user mariana has ALL permissions on the views (all the views) through her
group (webunl_admin)

webunl=> select * from pg_group;
   groname    | grosysid |     grolist
 webunl_admin |      500 | {1015,1005,1014}
(1 row)

webunl=> select * from pg_user;
 usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usetrace | usesuper | usecatupd |
passwd  | valuntil
 postgres |     1013 | t           | t        | t        | t         |
******** |
 webmail  |       33 | t           | f        | t        | t         |
******** |
 todo     |     1004 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 aroman   |     1014 | t           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 mariana  |     1015 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
 martin   |     1005 | f           | f        | f        | f         |
******** |
(6 rows)

What's wrong with this? As you can see, mariana belongs to the webunl_admin
group, and I (martin) have granted ALL permissions to that group.
Any ideas?

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: something smells bad

Alex Pilosov
1) Please don't crosspost to both hackers and general

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart�n Marqu�s wrote:

> ERROR:  carrera_id_curso_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set
> sequence carrera_id_curso_seq
Because of the way postgres works, you need to grant write permission on
the carrera_id_curso_seq for your inserts to succeed.

> The rules are OK as for what I see, but the other user insert even though the
> user mariana has ALL permissions on the views (all the views) through her
> group (webunl_admin)
> webunl=> select * from pg_group;
>    groname    | grosysid |     grolist
> --------------+----------+------------------
>  webunl_admin |      500 | {1015,1005,1014}
> (1 row)

Re: something smells bad

Martín Marqués
Sending this to the Hackers list because I think that there may be a bug.

On Jue 07 Jun 2001 02:27, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Martín Marqués wrote:
> > OK, now I'm more then astonished!
> > Why was I able to insert as martin then?
> > Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view
> > with rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with
> > permssions of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is
> > owner of both) and not of the user that executed the query?
> No. With both views and rules, the actions are executed as the user who
> executed the query. I don't know if there are plans to allow the 'execute
> as owner' for rules, right now this option only exists for the triggers.

Well, after todays tests, I have to say that rules are executed with owner
privileges, and not users.
This is the output:

webunl=> \dp

                   Access permissions for database "webunl"
          Relation           |               Access permissions
 admin_view                  | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_categ            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_docente          | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_facultades       | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_materias         | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 admin_view_modal            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
 area                        | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 area_id_area_seq            |
 carrera                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 carrera_id_curso_seq        | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 categ                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 categ_id_categ_seq          |
 docentes                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 docentes_id_docente_seq     | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 facultad                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 facultad_id_fac_seq         |
 inscripcion                 | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera                 | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 log_carrera_id_log_seq      | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 materias                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 materias_id_mat_seq         | {"=","martin=arwR"}
 modalidad                   | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_categ                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 nexo_facultad               | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
 resol                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 sub_area_id_subarea_seq     |
 tipo_cursado                | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq |
 tipo_modal                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
 tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       |
(33 rows)

webunl=> GRANT ALL ON
 TO GROUP webunl_admin;
webunl=> \c webunl mariana
You are now connected to database webunl as user mariana.
webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view


webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los
webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una
INSERT 240135 1

Now, mariana is a member of the webunl_admin group, and before the GRANT to
all those sequences, the query (INSERT) shes executing here gave an error
when trying to do a carrera_id_curso_seq:next (is this the right sintax?).

Saludos.... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: something smells bad

Bruce Momjian
> Sending this to the Hackers list because I think that there may be a bug.

Did you include the smell in the email message?  :-)

> On Jue 07 Jun 2001 02:27, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mart?n Marqu?s wrote:
> > > OK, now I'm more then astonished!
> > > Why was I able to insert as martin then?
> > > Isn't it true (as the docs say) that when I execute a query over a view
> > > with rules, the rules (querys in the DO of the RULE) are executed with
> > > permssions of the owner of the rule (or the view? Any way, martin is
> > > owner of both) and not of the user that executed the query?
> >
> > No. With both views and rules, the actions are executed as the user who
> > executed the query. I don't know if there are plans to allow the 'execute
> > as owner' for rules, right now this option only exists for the triggers.
> Well, after todays tests, I have to say that rules are executed with owner 
> privileges, and not users.
> This is the output:
> webunl=> \dp
>                    Access permissions for database "webunl"
>           Relation           |               Access permissions
> -----------------------------+------------------------------------------------
>  admin_view                  | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  admin_view_categ            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  admin_view_docente          | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  admin_view_facultades       | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  admin_view_materias         | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  admin_view_modal            | {"=r","martin=arwR","group webunl_admin=arwR"}
>  area                        | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  area_id_area_seq            |
>  carrera                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  carrera_id_curso_seq        | {"=","martin=arwR"}
>  categ                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  categ_id_categ_seq          |
>  docentes                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  docentes_id_docente_seq     | {"=","martin=arwR"}
>  facultad                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  facultad_id_fac_seq         |
>  inscripcion                 | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  log_carrera                 | {"=","martin=arwR"}
>  log_carrera_id_log_seq      | {"=","martin=arwR"}
>  materias                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  materias_id_mat_seq         | {"=","martin=arwR"}
>  modalidad                   | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  nexo_categ                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  nexo_facultad               | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  niveles                     | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  niveles_id_nivel_seq        |
>  resol                       | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  sub_area                    | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  sub_area_id_subarea_seq     |
>  tipo_cursado                | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  tipo_cursado_id_cursado_seq |
>  tipo_modal                  | {"=r","martin=arwR"}
>  tipo_modal_id_mod_seq       |
> (33 rows)
> webunl=> GRANT ALL ON 
> carrera_id_curso_seq,docentes_id_docente_seq,log_carrera_id_log_seq,materias_id_mat_seq 
>  TO GROUP webunl_admin;
> webunl=> \c webunl mariana
> You are now connected to database webunl as user mariana.
> webunl=> INSERT INTO admin_view
> webunl-> 

> ,director,carrera)
> webunl-> VALUES ('y este el tiutulo',14,'descripcion',0,1,'Y bueno, los 
> requisitos 
> son.....',12,0,34534,2000,'6/6/2000','10/10/2001','30/12/2001','Donde
> webunl'> mas.......','Para mas info, limpie','Quien, yo?','Esta es una 
> carrera');
> INSERT 240135 1
> webunl=>
> Now, mariana is a member of the webunl_admin group, and before the GRANT to 
> all those sequences, the query (INSERT) shes executing here gave an error 
> when trying to do a carrera_id_curso_seq:next (is this the right sintax?).
> Saludos.... :-)
> -- 
> Cualquiera administra un NT.
> Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Martin Marques                  |
> Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
>                        Universidad Nacional
>                             del Litoral
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

--  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610)
853-3000+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill,

Re: something smells bad

Martín Marqués
On Lun 11 Jun 2001 07:28, you wrote:
> > Sending this to the Hackers list because I think that there may be a bug.
> Did you include the smell in the email message?  :-)

Ohhh, I don't have already the device to send odors on the net. ;-P

Anyway, I would like to know if I'm wrong. I had to change privileges on the 
sequences to make this work. I'm not happy with the solution (mine) because I 
thought that using views and rules would be enough, which was almost. 
Sequences got out. :-)

Saludos... :-)

Cualquiera administra un NT.
Ese es el problema, que cualquiera administre.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica                      Universidad Nacional
        del Litoral

Re: something smells bad

"Keith G. Murphy"
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > Sending this to the Hackers list because I think that there may be a bug.
> Did you include the smell in the email message?  :-)
What sort of card do I need to read, I mean smell this?

Does it help that this machine runs Win95, thereby already stinking

I wish IBM would hurry and release the StinkPad.  :^)